

While developing applications using Spring batch, especially in a micro-service project, we sometimes face one or most of the following cases:

  • The necessity of getting the security context inside the batch items to call methods that require authorizations inside the same micro-service or perform remote processing by calling other micro-services using Feign Client (HTTP) or  Spring Cloud Stream (broker like Kafka, RabbitMq …)
  • Propagating Sleuth trace Id and span Id in order to enhance logs traceability inside all the application components including other micro-services so the trace will not be lost if we use Job.
  • Getting the connected user Locale (i18n) in order to generate internationalized output otherwise, all the Job outputs will be generated in the default server language.
  • Retrieving objects stored inside Mapped Diagnostic Context  (MDC) for tracing purposes.

The following schema illustrates remote calls that can be performed in a micro-service-based application and the context information that String Batch items can propagate.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Learn how to develop a custom Spring Cloud Stream binder from scratch.

Spring Cloud Stream is a framework built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Integration that is designed to build event-driven microservices communicating via one or more shared messaging systems.

The core Spring Cloud Stream component is called Binder,” a crucial abstraction that’s already been implemented for the most common messaging systems (e.g. Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, Google PubSub, RabbitMQ, Azure EventHub, and Azure ServiceBus).

Source de l’article sur DZONE