
Comment se démarquer lors d'entretiens comportementaux en ingénierie

Pour se démarquer lors d’un entretien comportemental en ingénierie, il est important de se préparer et de montrer ses compétences. Faites une bonne impression et démontrez vos capacités !

## Comment utiliser le format STAR pour répondre aux questions comportementales

Après avoir mené des entretiens avec des centaines d’ingénieurs et de gestionnaires d’ingénierie chez Meta, Twitter et d’autres entreprises, j’ai remarqué des modèles communs dans la façon dont les candidats abordaient les questions d’entretien comportemental. Alors que de nombreux candidats se sont bien débrouillés sur le plan technique, ils ont souvent eu du mal à articuler leur travail, leurs réalisations et leurs défis lors d’un entretien, ce qui a entraîné des refus.

Cet article aborde les conseils pour utiliser efficacement le format STAR largement connu pour répondre aux questions comportementales. Il aborde les pièges courants et fournit des exemples illustratifs pour aider les candidats à comprendre comment utiliser le format STAR pour communiquer clairement et se démarquer. C’est le cadre qui m’a aidé à passer avec succès des entretiens de direction technique chez Databricks, Twitter, Airbnb, Plaid, Notion, Uber et d’autres entreprises.

Le format STAR est une méthode très utile pour répondre aux questions comportementales lors des entretiens. Il permet aux candidats de structurer leurs réponses et de fournir des informations complètes et précises. La méthode STAR est basée sur quatre étapes : Situation, Tâche, Action et Résultat. Chaque étape est essentielle pour répondre à une question comportementale et fournir une réponse complète.

Lorsque vous répondez à une question comportementale en utilisant la méthode STAR, vous devez commencer par décrire la situation ou le contexte dans lequel vous avez travaillé. Vous devez ensuite expliquer la tâche à laquelle vous avez été confronté et comment vous l’avez abordée. Ensuite, vous devez expliquer les actions que vous avez prises pour résoudre le problème. Enfin, vous devez expliquer les résultats obtenus grâce à votre travail. Il est important de se rappeler que les résultats doivent être quantifiables et mesurables.

Par exemple, si un recruteur vous demande comment vous avez contribué à améliorer la base de données d’une entreprise, vous pouvez utiliser la méthode STAR pour répondre à cette question. Vous pouvez commencer par expliquer la situation : «J’ai été embauché par une entreprise pour améliorer sa base de données.» Vous pouvez ensuite expliquer la tâche : «Ma tâche consistait à analyser la base de données existante et à identifier les lacunes.» Ensuite, vous pouvez expliquer les actions que vous avez prises : «J’ai analysé la base de données et j’ai identifié plusieurs lacunes. J’ai ensuite mis en œuvre des modifications pour améliorer la qualité et la performance de la base de données.» Enfin, vous pouvez expliquer les résultats obtenus : «Grâce à mes modifications, la base de données a été améliorée de 10 % en termes de qualité et de performance.»

En conclusion, l’utilisation du format STAR est un excellent moyen pour les candidats de structurer leurs réponses aux questions comportementales lors des entretiens. Il permet aux candidats de communiquer clairement leurs réalisations et leurs

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 La nouvelle offre réunira SAP avec la technologie de données et d’analyse de Google Cloud, rendant les données d’entreprise plus ouvertes et exploitables, et favorisant le développement de l’IA d’entreprise.

Walldorf (Allemagne) & Sunnyvale (Californie, USA), 11 mai 2023 – Aujourd’hui, SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) et Google Cloud ont annoncé une extension majeure de leur partenariat, introduisant une offre Open Data conçue pour simplifier la gestion des ensembles de données et libérer la puissance des données commerciales. Cette offre permet aux clients de construire un cloud de bout en bout qui rassemble les données de l’ensemble des services de l’entreprise à l’aide de la solution SAP® Datasphere associée au cloud de données de Google. Ainsi, les entreprises pourront visualiser l’ensemble de leurs actifs de données en temps réel et maximiser la valeur de leurs investissements dans Google Cloud et les logiciels SAP.

Les données sont la pierre angulaire de la transformation numérique et du développement de l’IA. Les organisations consacrent d’importantes ressources à la mise en place d’intégrations de données complexes, de moteurs d’analyses personnalisées, de modèles d’IA génératifs et de traitement du langage naturel (NLP) avant de commencer à tirer parti de leurs investissements dans les données. Les données provenant des systèmes SAP, en particulier, font partie des actifs les plus précieux des organisations et peuvent contenir des informations indispensables sur les chaînes d’approvisionnement, les prévisions financières, les dossiers des ressources humaines, la vente au détail omnicanal, et bien plus encore. SAP Datasphere combine ces données vitales avec des données provenant de l’ensemble des services de l’entreprise, quelle que soit leur origine. Le fait de pouvoir combiner facilement les données des logiciels SAP et celles des autres logiciels de l’entreprise sur Google Cloud, à partir de n’importe quelle source, permet aux organisations d’accélérer considérablement leur transformation numérique.

« La combinaison des systèmes SAP avec le cloud de Google ouvre de toutes nouvelles perspectives pour les entreprises, leur permettant de tirer un maximum de valeur de l’ensemble de leurs données », déclare Christian Klein, PDG et membre du conseil d’administration de SAP SE. « SAP et Google Cloud partagent un engagement commun en faveur de l’Open Data, et ce partenariat contribuera à éliminer les obstacles entre les données stockées dans les systèmes, les bases de données et les environnements disparates. Nos clients bénéficieront non seulement de l’IA commerciale déjà intégrée à nos systèmes, mais également d’une base de données unifiée. »

« SAP et Google Cloud proposent désormais un cloud de données extrêmement complet et ouvert, offrant ainsi les bases de l’avenir de l’IA d’entreprise », a déclaré Thomas Kurian, PDG de Google Cloud. « Peu de ressources sont aussi importantes pour la transformation numérique que les données. En intégrant en profondeur les données et les systèmes SAP à notre cloud, les clients pourront exploiter nos capacités d’analyse, les outils d’IA avancés et ainsi que des modèles de langage pour trouver de nouvelles perspectives à partir de leurs données. »


La nouvelle offre de données ouvertes de SAP et Google Cloud complète la solution RISE with SAP et permettra aux clients de :

  • Accéder aux données stratégiques de l’entreprise en temps réel : L’intégration entre SAP Datasphere et Google Cloud BigQuery permet aux clients d’accéder facilement à leurs données les plus stratégiques en temps réel et sans doublon. Cette offre conjointe unifie les données des systèmes logiciels SAP, tels que SAP S/4HANA® et SAP HANA® Cloud, offrant ainsi aux entreprises un aperçu complet des données les plus essentielles sur Google data cloud.
  • Simplifier la structure des données : SAP et Google Cloud ont co-conçu de puissantes technologies de réplication et de fédération des données, qui permettent aux entreprises d’intégrer facilement les données des logiciels SAP aux environnements BigQuery et de tirer profit des capacités d’analyse de données de pointe de SAP et de Google Cloud. Désormais, les clients peuvent fédérer des requêtes entre SAP Datasphere et BigQuery pour mélanger des données provenant de logiciels SAP et non-SAP. Cela permet d’éliminer les cloisonnements de données en provenance de diverses sources comme le marketing, les ventes, la finance, la chaîne d’approvisionnement et bien plus encore. Par exemple, les clients ayant des modèles de distribution basés sur le commerce de gros peuvent désormais avoir une visibilité complète sur leurs produits tout au long du processus de vente et jusqu’à leur livraison aux clients.
  • Créer des informations fiables grâce aux modèles avancés d’intelligence artificielle (IA) et de machine learning (ML) de Google Cloud : Les entreprises pourront utiliser les services d’IA et de ML de Google pour former des modèles sur des données provenant de systèmes SAP et non SAP.
  • Effectuer des analyses avancées : Les entreprises peuvent utiliser les capacités analytiques de la solution SAP Analytics Cloud dans Google Cloud pour analyser les résultats financiers et commerciaux tout en optimisant la fiabilité des modélisations. Grâce à une simple intégration aux données de BigQuery avec SAP Datasphere, les clients peuvent planifier avec une vue unique et complète leurs activités.
  • Utiliser des solutions conjointes pour le développement durable : SAP et Google Cloud explorent les moyens de combiner SAP Datasphere avec des ensembles de données ESG plus larges et des informations fournies par Google Cloud afin d’accélérer les parcours de développement durable grâce à des informations exploitables.
  • Utiliser la plateforme technologique d’entreprise SAP (SAP BTP) sur Google Cloud à l’échelle mondiale : SAP fera évoluer ses offres multi-cloud en élargissant la prise en charge régionale de SAP BTP et de SAP HANA Cloud sur Google Cloud, ce qui inclut la gestion de SAP Analytics Cloud et de SAP Datasphere. SAP et Google Cloud ont l’intention de lancer SAP BTP dans cinq nouvelles régions cette année, pour atteindre un total de huit régions prises en charge d’ici 2025.

Les deux entreprises prévoient également de s’associer dans le cadre d’initiatives conjointes de mise sur le marché pour les plus grands projets de données des entreprises, permettant aux clients d’adopter des produits de données à la fois de SAP et de Google Cloud. Les participants à la conférence SAP SAPPHIRE® pourront assister à des démonstrations de solutions conjointes d’IA et de données sur le stand de Google Cloud. Elles montrent notamment comment les entreprises peuvent appliquer l’IA générative à des processus et applications courantes, comme l’utilisation d’un chatbot pour rechercher, créer et modifier des demandes d’achat. La conférence SAPPHIRE se tiendra les 16 et 17 mai à Orlando, en Floride.


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The post SAP et Google Cloud étendent leur partenariat pour construire l’avenir de l’Open Data et de l’IA pour les entreprises appeared first on SAP France News.

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SAP en France s’engage aux côtés des femmes de la Tech le 12 mai prochain en participant au Forum SISTEMIC au Palais de Tokyo, lancé par Aude de Thuin et sous le Haut Patronage du Président de la République.

Tout au long de cette journée, des keynotes, des témoignages, des masterclass, des projections et des rencontres avec des experts seront organisés pour changer le rapport des femmes aux métiers des STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Les équipes de SAP en France auront l’occasion de rencontrer des étudiants, lycéens, collégiens, enseignants et l’ensemble des réseaux de femmes pour démontrer l’engagement de SAP pour une tech plus inclusive et paritaire. Les collaboratrices de SAP auront le plaisir de partager leur expérience à toutes celles qui veulent développer leur carrière dans les métiers des STEM.

Pour Caroline Garnier, DRH de SAP France : « Toute entreprise de la tech a le devoir d’améliorer l’inclusivité dans son secteur. Chez SAP, nous sommes conscients que nous pouvons faire mieux, avec seulement 24% d’ingénieures. Cette première édition du forum SISTEMIC est une nouvelle occasion pour SAP de renforcer son engagement pour que les femmes puissent plus facilement accéder à des postes dans les STEM. »

Alors que la diversité est une force pour l’innovation et la réussite, SAP en France s’engage à soutenir toutes les initiatives qui visent à briser les plafonds de verre pour les femmes dans le secteur.

Vous pourrez retrouver les équipes SAP au stand We Need You !


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Sylvie Léchevin, Directrice Communication France & Belux –

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We’ve seen some incredible websites in 2022. There have been more than the usual number of sites with a political mission, and plenty that made us want to travel. The big design trends were brutalism, huge typography, and bold positive color. We’re looking forward to what the web will bring in 2023, but in the meantime, take a look back at the best 50 websites of 2022. Enjoy!

Justice Reskill

Justice Reskill used bright colors and positive, uplifting artwork to create a supportive platform for people who’ve been through the justice system.


Bold type and plenty of on-scroll animation made this site for Pienso stand out back in January.

Gazelle No.1

The promotional site for Gazelle No.1 used innovative scroll-activated video to sell the electric bike.


Mekanism’s site was the first agency redesign to impress us in 2022. Super-polished then, super-polished now.


Redbrick was well ahead of the trend for brutalism with a twist when it released this site promoting its coffee.

SOS Foods

Ethical and sustainable goods were top of the sales charts in 2022, and SOS Foods did a great job capitalizing on the style.

Hartzler Dairy

Hartzler Dairy embraced its mid-20th-century branding with a nostalgia-infused site.

Engineered Floors

Even in 2022, designers are still paying mobile short shrift, but this site for Engineered Floors is excellent on mobile.

Emi Ozaki

We loved the quirkiness of Emi Ozaki’s phone-style interface for her portfolio back in February.

I Killed A Cactus

I Killed A Cactus is a beautiful 3D site designed to help people care for houseplants.

Aris Hotel

We were tempted in the direction of Crete by this stunning luxury site for Aris Hotel on the island.

Milton Textiles

Milton Textiles is a big, bold site for a product that is usually an afterthought in the interior design world.


The site for MAAP is predictably excellent, modern, and efficient. It encapsulated the apparel brand’s values perfectly.

Garden Eight

The promotional site for Garden Eight, a digital design studio in Tokyo and Copenhagen, was suitably standout eccentric.

Circus Shanghai

Circus Shanghai used a mid-century illustration style to reference the solar system and the Chinese flag.


Normand took the bold decision to step away from the typical law firm design strategy.


Designing a site for UI sound kits is challenging, but SND pulled it off perfectly with this minimal site.


We saw lots of brutalism in 2022, and Polybion’s site was a standout example of how to make the trend work.


Bold block coloring added depth and interest to this portfolio site for design studio neueMeta.

Dumpling Delivery

OK, we confess we spent waaay too much time playing this dumpling delivery game from Mailchimp back in May.

Nowhere Bakery

Nowhere Bakery succeeded in making vegan, paleo, gluten-free cookies seem appealing.


We were mesmerized by the perpetual motion video for the pan-Baltic law firm Triniti.

Kim Kniepp

Kim Kniepp’s site impressed us with interconnected navigation and a superbly coded masonry grid.

Feed The 300

Feed The 300 is one of dozens of great sites to combat Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In this case, it was aimed at feeding zoo animals.

Icons By Menu

Icons By Menu is a stunning minimalist site that is a pleasure to browse.

Museum Of Pink Art

The Museum of Pink Art is an immersive experience celebrating the color pink. It was easy to lose hours wandering around.

BelArosa Chalet

2022 was the year of illustrations, and BelArosa Chalet’s site used them to significant effect to sell a venue still under construction.


Online sexual abuse and harassment are particularly appalling when directed at young people. WTFFF tackled the issue sensitively.

Pretty Damn Quick

Logistics aren’t the most engaging topic, but this friendly, illustrated site for Pretty Damn Quick grabbed us immediately.

Norwegian Soda Co.

This site for the Norwegian Soda Co. uses beautiful photography to create an engaging one-page site.

Fornasetti Profumi

Fornasetti Profumi wowed us with its long-form videos used to emphasize stillness and calm.

Laesk Kombucha

We were convinced this site for Laesk Kombucha had been produced by Wes Anderson.

Cased In Time

Single-product sites are often underwhelming, but this excellent ecommerce site bucks that trend.

DS & Durga

Eschewing the well-trod approach of flowers and pretty models, this perfume site for DS & Durga fully embraces the brutalist trend.

Daniel Spatzek

We loved the way Daniel Spatzek’s portfolio site broke all the rules and still managed to be informative and engaging.


Aro kept minimalism alive with a simple site that exudes luxury while selling a simple concept.

Think Packaging

Think Packaging took a case study approach to present its products, and it worked really well.

Steffie de Leeuw

Giant typography intertwined with botanical illustrations created a memorable site for Steffie de Leeuw.

Anna Jóna

The prelaunch teaser site for the Ana Jóna café and cinema was elegant and modern and had us eyeing a long weekend in Reykjavik.

Das Salz

More wanderlust courtesy of the fresh, enticing site for the Das Salz hotel and café.

Jono Pandolfi

This simple-to-use site for US tableware and cookware brand Jono Pandolfi sold us on hand-made ceramics.


We still can’t get over the fact that it took until 2022 for Jennifer Aniston to produce a haircare range.

Nathan Riley

Another big trend in 2022 was masonry-style sites, and this portfolio for Nathan Riley was one of our favorites.

Capsul’in Pro

With the excellent application of animation and careful use of color, this site for Capsul’in Pro transformed coffee pods into luxury items.


Seen is an essential site that explores themes of prejudice and racism in creative fields. It’s a strong approach to a difficult subject.

Glasfurd & Walker

Glasfurd and Walker’s superb portfolio site sets itself apart by over-extending the viewport. It’s a highly original idea.

The Other Side Of Truth

The Other Side of Truth is the standout site of 2022. It used the web expertly to present two interpretations of the facts surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Back in October, we fell in love with the pixel-block animation loading for the Bannach furniture brand.

Karina Sirqueira

Karina Sirqueira’s portfolio was a joy to browse through. The morphing shapes imposed simplicity on a series of beautifully presented case studies.

Joshua’s World

We were amazed by Joshua’s World, a little island that can be titled and rotated to power the little cyclist along his career.


The post 50 Best Websites of 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Every month we put together this collection of the best new websites we’ve seen appear on the web in the previous four weeks.

In this month’s collection, you’ll find lots of daring interactions, some inventive portfolio sites, florescent yellow colors, and even some old-school mouse trails. Enjoy!

Joshua’s World

Joshua’s World is a fantastic animated site. Grab and drag to tilt and rotate the island and watch the little cyclist power past important links to milestones in his creative career.


Vana is a new service aiming to help you take control of your data. Its site is modern and lively and uses some great retro-illustrations to bring its features to life.

Velocity Nitro 2

This slick site has some incredible 3D renders for the Puma Velocity Nitro 2 running shoe. The scrollable animation guides you through each feature in a thrillingly engaging fashion.

Norwegian Soda Co.

The Norwegian Soda Co. uses beautifully shot photographs to capture the zest of its products. It’s an excellent example of how a one-page site can be rich and engaging.


Anytype is a collaborative platform pitching itself to creative thinkers. It uses a lovely gradient animation to create a sense of power and technological evolution.


Dash claims to be almost the best tech company, and its modest site does a great job of expelling the tedium from HR. Plus, it has an old-school mouse trail!


Sileon is a site packed with clever details. For example, the hover effect on text links is pleasingly minimal, and the photography shot through distortion is a simple but effective technique.

Karina Sirqueira

Karina Sirqueira’s portfolio is a joy to browse through. The morphing shapes add interest to a collection of case studies that are engaging and beautifully presented.

Hotel Santa Caterina

This beautiful website for the Hotel Santa Caterina on the Amalfi Coast captures the light and wonder of the region with a muted color palette and stunning photography.

La Lulu

La Lulu is a Columbian-American singer, dancer, and musician. Her site uses color to disrupt a fairly standard layout and infuse it with amazonian, psychotropic, South American vibes.

International Magic

International Magic is a design agency that boasts some impressive clients, from Maison Margiela to Nike. Its scroll-to-browse portfolio is a masterful example of selling design.


OAD uses color expertly to convey contrasting temperatures. At this time of year, who doesn’t want a pullover crafted to withstand the Norwegian weather?


También is a creative agency specializing in organizations that positively impact the world. Its scrolling collage of client projects is one of the best examples of this type of portfolio.


If you were designing a website to be used in a 90s film about the internet, you’d create Dragonfly’s site. It’s packed with glitches, code references, and awesome pixelated imagery.


There’s a lot of distortion entering the design lexicon at the moment, and one of the best examples is Elva’s portfolio site, which uses it to enliven its black-and-white site.

Sussex Taps

Sussex Taps uses multiple full-screen video clips to sell its carbon-neutral tapware range, but it’s the horizontal scrolling product videos that really make this site stand out.

Angello Torres

Angello Torres’ portfolio is packed with daring typography that breaks pretty much all the rules and yet still manages to work somehow to convey energy and creativity.


Repeat is an excellent service for upselling customers with repeat orders. It uses simple illustrations to represent generic products with an attention-grabbing yellow for interactions.

High Five Strategies

High Five Strategies eschew the formality of most business pitches to deliver a positive message with bold colors and typography that makes you feel ready to move forward.


Delight Snowparks employs a questionable lilac color, but its fantastic imagery and video framing more than makes up for that. Plus, there’s another super-old-school mouse trail!


The post 20 Best New Websites, November 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

User Experience is a crucial consideration for any web developer or designer; the only way to ensure that you’re delivering a successful website is to ensure that the end-user or customer will feel comfortable using it. 

A strong user experience increases your client’s chances of successful audience engagement and conversions.

What you might not realize, however, is that the strategies you use to enhance UX as a web developer or designer can also influence how the search engines respond to a website. 

Though many designers assume that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the work of a copywriter or content producer, there are design elements to consider too. 

After all, the definition of optimization is “the action of making the best version of a resource.”

So, how are UX and SEO connected?

Adding UX to a Successful SEO Strategy

SEO used to be easy. To stand out on the search results, you just needed to stuff a page full of as many keywords and phrases as possible. Now, it’s a little more complicated. 

Leaders in search engine development, like Google and Bing, know that they need to offer their customers excellent experiences to keep them. In this new experience-focused landscape, SEO and UX share common goals. 

Search engines don’t just want to provide customers with any answers to their questions. Instead, Google and its competitors are using everything from artificial intelligence to machine learning algorithms to ensure that search results are accurate, relevant, and engaging. 

In the same way, user experience is about providing users with easy access to the information and resources they want. 

Now that SEO is a multi-disciplined approach, UX is just one of the essential tools that makes it possible for developers to optimize their websites properly. 

Where UX Developers Influence SEO 

There are plenty of connections between UX and site indexability

We all know that since 2018, site speed has become a crucial ranking factor for companies in search of better search results. As a developer, it’s up to you to ensure that there aren’t too many elements weighing a website down that would prevent it from delivering fast results. 

Bounce rate is another critical factor in search engine ranking algorithms. When customers click on a website, Google wants to see that they get the answers they want. If your navigation is difficult to understand, or the correct information isn’t easy to see on a page, end-users will just hit the back button. 

Let’s take a closer look at how developers can influence SEO with their UX strategies. 

1. Site Navigation and Ease of Use

It’s no secret that today’s digital consumers crave easy-to-use sites.

A complex website with pages ranking for different terms might seem like an excellent idea for SEO. However, from a UX perspective, the easier it is to navigate your website, the more your end-users will benefit. 

According to a study from Ahrefs, well-optimized pages that rank for several keywords can be more beneficial than dozens of pages ranking for similar terms. At the same time, if the search engines have difficulty crawling all your pages due to a poor site navigation strategy, then some pages won’t get indexed. 

So, how do you improve navigation and SEO at once? Follow the proper structure for your site first, categories and subcategories on the retail page help customers find exactly what they need. A solid internal linking structure allows the crawlers to examine your website and index each essential page individually.

Keep navigation simple when designing a website for both UX and SEO potential. 

2. User-Friendly Page Layouts

There are countless cases where poor layout design and formatting disrupts SEO potential. For example, cluttering a page with too much information makes it tougher to read and index. At the same time, if your pages aren’t attractive and easy to navigate, customers are more likely to hit the back button. 

If customers come to a website and immediately leave it again, this tells the search engines that they’re not finding what they need on those pages. That means Google will bump you to a lower position on the SERPs. 

So, how do you make your layouts more UX and SEO-friendly?

  • Get your category pages right: Say you’re creating a blog page for your client. They want to list all of their blogs on one main page while linking to separate locations for each article. A design that puts a large chunk of content from each blog on the main page can be problematic for UX and SEO. It means your customers have to scroll further to find what they need. At the same time, the search engines never know which words to rank that main page for. On the other hand, listing blogs on smaller cards, as Fabrik does in this example, makes sorting through content easier. 
  • Leverage headers and tags: Your customers and the search engines habitually “scan” your pages. When trying to improve UX and SEO simultaneously, you must ensure that it’s easy to find crucial information quickly. Header 1 or H1 tags can help by showing your audience your website’s critical sections. Title tags also give search engines more information on the term you want to rank for. Organizing your content into a structure that draws the eye down the page also means your customers are more likely to stay on your website for longer. That shows the search engines that you have quality, relevant content. 
  • Make the most of images and videos: Visual media isn’t just an excellent way to engage your audience. With videos and pictures, you can convey more vital information in a quick and convenient format. This leads to greater satisfaction from your audience from a UX perspective. However, visual content is also great for SEO. You can optimize every image with alt text and meta descriptions. That means you have a higher chance of ranking both in the main search results and the image searches on Google. 

3. Using Search Data to Inform Site Architecture

Today, SEO is less about building hundreds of landing pages for individual queries. Now, it’s more important to take a simple, de-cluttered approach with your website. SEO can determine what kind of architecture you need to create for a successful website. 

For instance, say you wanted to rank for eCommerce SEO. There are tons of related words that connect to that primary search term. Rather than making dozens of different pages that try to rank for distinct phrases, you can cover a lot of other ideas at once with a larger, more detailed piece of content. 

If a topic is too big to cover everything on a single page, then you might decide to create something called “pillar” content out of your main terms. This involves using one main page where you discuss all of the topics you will cover. Then, you design several smaller sub-pages that link back to that central pillar. 

Once again, this helps the search engines to navigate your website and index your pages while assisting the customers in finding the correct information. At the same time, you combine more pages on a website and remove anything that might be detracting from your site’s authority or not offering enough value. 

4. Improving Website SERP Listings

It’s easy to forget as a developer that a customer’s first experience with a website won’t always happen on that site’s homepage. Usually, when your customers are looking for solutions to a problem, they’ll find your website on the search engine results instead. 

This means that you need to ensure that you make the right impression here:

There are a few ways that developers can ensure the search engine listings they create for their clients are up to scratch. For instance, a reasonable title tag for each page that includes appropriate keywords is excellent for SEO and UX. A title tag lets your customers know they’re in the right place and helps them find the information they need. 

Remember, around eight out of ten users on search engines say that they’ll click a title if it’s compelling. 

Another component you have control over as a developer or designer is the “rich snippet.” Rich snippets are the informative chunks of content that Google adds to a search listing to help it stand out. You can use rich snippet plugins on a website to tell Google what kind of extra information you want to include on a page. 

For instance, you might want a company’s ratings to show up on your search results, so customers can see how trustworthy they are:

5. Local Business Rankings

When you’re creating a website for a company, it’s easy to forget about local rankings. We see the digital world as a way of reaching countless people worldwide. Local orders are easier to overlook when you have a global scope to work with. 

However, as a developer, you can boost a company’s chances of attracting the right local audience and boosting its credibility. For instance, you can start by ensuring that the correct directory information appears on your client’s website and social media profiles.

Another option is to create dedicated location pages for each area the company serves. This will make it easier for clients to find the contact details they need for their specific location. 

At the same time, pages that have been carefully optimized to rank for specific locations will earn more attention, specifically from search engines. The more of the search engine landscape your client can cover, the more chances they have to attract new customers and leads. 

Combing SEO and UX

In a world where experience is crucial for every business, it’s no wonder that UX and SEO are blending more closely together. There are a lot of areas where SEO and UX work in harmony together if you know where to find them. Improving your client’s SEO ranking with UX doesn’t just mean ensuring that their pages load quickly anymore. 

Simple strategies, like making sure a call-to-action button is clickable on a mobile page, can simultaneously boost a website’s UX potential and SEO performance. At the same time, adding images and alt text to a website provides search engines with more information while adding context to your content. 

The key to success is understanding how SEO and UX work together. If you look at SEO and UX as part of the same comprehensive strategy to give end-users a better online experience, achieving the right design goals is much easier. 

Of course, just like any strategy, it’s also worth making sure that you take the time to track the results of your UX and SEO campaigns. Examine which systems help you, and examine customers from an SEO perspective with design and development strategies.


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The post 5 Ways That UX Developers Influence SEO  first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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