
Diriger le logiciel dans une ère dynamique.

Diriger le logiciel dans une ère dynamique nécessite une compréhension approfondie des technologies actuelles et des tendances à venir. Nous devons nous adapter et trouver des solutions innovantes pour réussir.

Dans le domaine des poursuites professionnelles, il existe une idée fausse commune selon laquelle gérer le développement logiciel est similaire à faire du vélo – une compétence statique qui, une fois acquise, peut être pédalée en avant avec des ajustements minimes. Cependant, dans le paysage en constante évolution de la technologie, une telle comparaison n’est pas seulement trop simpliste, mais peut entraîner de profondes erreurs de jugement en matière de leadership. Contrairement à la prévisibilité inébranlable d’une balade à vélo, le développement logiciel est un processus dynamique et en constante évolution qui défie la nature statique des analogies traditionnelles.

Le développement logiciel est un domaine qui évolue rapidement et qui ne peut pas être comparé à la conduite d’un vélo. Alors que nous célébrons le premier anniversaire de nos projets logiciels, il est important de comprendre que la gestion des projets logiciels est beaucoup plus complexe que de simplement conduire un vélo sur une route familière. Cette méconnaissance provient souvent de dirigeants qui, une fois maîtrisés le codage ou la gestion de projet, se retrouvent piégés dans un état d’esprit qui sous-estime la fluidité du processus de développement logiciel.

Pour comprendre pourquoi le développement logiciel est fondamentalement différent de la conduite d’un vélo, nous devons examiner les différents aspects du processus. Tout d’abord, le développement logiciel est un processus itératif qui nécessite une planification et une exécution minutieuses. Chaque étape du processus doit être testée et validée avant que le projet ne puisse passer à l’étape suivante. En outre, le développement logiciel implique souvent des changements et des ajustements en cours de route, ce qui nécessite une flexibilité et une réactivité constantes de la part des gestionnaires. Enfin, le développement logiciel peut être influencé par des facteurs externes tels que les tendances technologiques et les pratiques commerciales, ce qui signifie que les gestionnaires doivent être conscients des changements et s’adapter rapidement.

En conclusion, le développement logiciel est un processus dynamique qui nécessite une planification et une exécution minutieuses. Il est essentiel que les gestionnaires comprennent que le développement logiciel est très différent de la conduite d’un vélo et qu’il nécessite une flexibilité et une réactivité constantes pour s’adapter aux changements en cours de route. Les tests sont essentiels pour s’assurer que chaque étape du processus est validée avant de passer à l’étape suivante et pour s’adapter aux tendances technologiques et aux pratiques commerciales.

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Vulnérabilités de sécurité dans CasaOS

Les vulnérabilités de sécurité sont un problème majeur dans CasaOS. Nous allons examiner les différentes façons dont ces problèmes peuvent être résolus.

## Dans le cadre de notre effort continu pour améliorer notre technologie Clean Code et la sécurité de l’écosystème open-source, notre équipe R&D est toujours à l’affût de nouvelles vulnérabilités de sécurité 0-day dans des logiciels populaires.

To ensure the security of our users, we conducted a thorough testing process to identify and fix the vulnerabilities. We followed the industry standard for testing and security protocols, including static and dynamic analysis, fuzzing, and penetration testing. We also collaborated with the CasaOS team to ensure the security of their product.

Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus visant à améliorer notre technologie Clean Code et la sécurité de l’écosystème open-source, notre équipe R&D est toujours à la recherche de nouvelles vulnérabilités de sécurité 0-day dans les logiciels les plus répandus.

Récemment, nous avons découvert deux vulnérabilités critiques dans une solution de cloud personnelle nommée CasaOS. CasaOS peut être installé sur n’importe quelle machine grâce à Docker et est livré avec des périphériques NAS pour les utilisateurs finaux tels que le ZimaBoard ou le X86Pi. Les utilisateurs déploient CasaOS pour stocker leurs données personnelles sur des appareils qu’ils peuvent faire confiance et y accéder depuis n’importe où.

Pour assurer la sécurité de nos utilisateurs, nous avons mené un processus de test approfondi pour identifier et corriger les vulnérabilités. Nous avons suivi les normes de l’industrie pour les tests et les protocoles de sécurité, y compris l’analyse statique et dynamique, le fuzzing et les tests d’intrusion. Nous avons également collaboré avec l’équipe CasaOS pour assurer la sécurité de leur produit.

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Évaluer automatiquement la migration avec XML Linter

XML Linter est un outil puissant qui permet d’évaluer automatiquement la migration des données XML. Il offre une solution simple et efficace pour vérifier la qualité et la cohérence des données.

Lorsque les gens pensent à la linting, la première chose qui leur vient à l’esprit est généralement l’analyse statique du code pour les langages de programmation, mais rarement pour les langages de balisage.

The architecture of the linter is based on a set of rules written in XML. Each rule is composed of a set of conditions and a set of actions. The conditions are evaluated against the source code and if they are met, the actions are triggered. The actions can be anything from warning messages to code refactoring. The rules are then compiled into an executable that can be used to analyze the source code.

Lorsque les gens pensent au linting, la première chose qui leur vient à l’esprit est généralement l’analyse statique du code pour les langages de programmation, mais rarement pour les langages de balisage.

Dans cet article, je souhaite partager comment notre équipe a développé ZK Client MVVM Linter, un linter XML qui automatise l’évaluation de la migration pour notre nouvelle fonctionnalité Client MVVM dans la prochaine version ZK 10. L’idée de base est de compiler un catalogue de problèmes de compatibilité connus sous forme de règles lint pour permettre aux utilisateurs d’évaluer les problèmes potentiels signalés par le linter avant de s’engager dans la migration.

L’architecture du linter est basée sur un ensemble de règles écrites en XML. Chaque règle est composée d’un ensemble de conditions et d’un ensemble d’actions. Les conditions sont évaluées par rapport au code source et si elles sont remplies, les actions sont déclenchées. Les actions peuvent être n’importe quoi, des messages d’avertissement à la refactorisation du code. Les règles sont ensuite compilées en un exécutable qui peut être utilisé pour analyser le code source.

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We write this guide to the best new tools for designers and developers each month. For October, we’ve sought out tools to make you a better website builder, some handy utilities to make you more productive, and a spooky font for the end of the month. Enjoy!

Microsoft Designer

Microsoft Designer is a brand-new app for creating images from text prompts. You can create social media posts, blog images, and any other assets you need with its step-by-step guided process.


Remix is a full-stack web framework for React that lets you focus on designing your UI. Remix is geared towards web standards and delivers a resilient user experience so you can build better sites.


Ultra is a super-fast package manager that uses hardlinks to install packages. It’s up to ten times faster than NPM and Yarn, and the project is open-source.


AskEdith is an AI-powered app that translates English into SQL so you can query your database without writing custom SQL. Just type a description of what you want to know, and the app creates the query for you.

Wide Angle Analytics

Wide Angle Analytics is a GDPR-compliant Google Analytics alternative that puts privacy first. Track actions across multiple sites and discover insights about your site without exposing yourself to privacy violations.

Imagine being able to import a whole webpage straight into Figma. You can, with, a fantastic app that imports code into Figma for updating UI elements or speeding up redesigns.


Metlo is a testing platform for securing APIs. By running comprehensive tests against your API, you can uncover issues like unidentified endpoints, before they become a security threat.


Nothing is more frustrating than searching for the right stock image when one doesn’t exist. StockAI is a day-saver that searches for stock images, and if the sought-after image doesn’t exist, it will generate one for you.


If ad-blockers are playing havoc with your Google Analytics, check out this script from Growthfyi. It’s an invaluable service that doubles the speed of GA while ensuring ad-blockers don’t catch it.


Sourcery is an excellent tool for developers that continually reviews your code and suggests improvements automatically. Write better code, and catch errors before it goes to review.

Cyber Security Icons

This set of Cyber Security Icons contains 20 illustration-style icons. In addition, there are some great interpretations of complex ideas like retina scans, crypto vaults, and end-to-end encryption.


Blinqo is a handy little Chrome extension for anyone that needs to share their screen. It allows you to blur parts of your screen when sharing or recording, so your private details remain private.


Instaprice is a helpful new service that shows you what other freelancers charge for the job you’re quoting on. Earn the actual market rates and never get caught out undercharging again!


Leta is a great app that allows you to design your own keyboard layout. You can redesign the key positions for macOS, Linux, or Windows and download them for free.


Build blogs powered by the Notion API with Blogic, a no-code blog builder that can create fast, SEO-friendly blogs in under a minute. Custom domains and third-party scripts are supported.

Digital Maker Toolkit

The Digital Maker Toolkit is a collection of resources for anyone releasing digital products. It includes guides on process, a handy step-by-step checklist, a list of further resources, and a guide to the available tools.


Slides is a static website generator you can use to create beautiful, animated websites in minutes. Select layouts from a collection of templates and publish with clean code that downloads fast.


AXplorer is a privacy-focused browser with a built-in VPN. Created by the Axia blockchain network, it generates free crypto in the form of AXIA coins when using it to browse the web.

Font Engine

Can’t decide on a font for your latest side project? Font Engine is a handy little app that will suggest fonts for you. Just tell it your brand values and hit the ‘Suggest’ button.


Deliciozo is an excellent display font with irregular strokes and styling, making it feel like a paper cut-out. It’s perfect for magazines, cookbooks, and even logos.


If you’re looking for a font to convey the hippy era, look no further than the psychedelic stylings of Kayino, a groovy display font with crazy details.


Noganas is a spooktacular font for the upcoming Halloween festivities. Use it to add some gruesome frivolity to your seasonal designs.


The post Exciting New Tools for Designers, October 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Over the years, I’ve been in various discussions regarding the benefits of clean architecture, best practices, techniques such as code reviews, unit tests, etc., and I think to some degree, most of us are aligned on the reasons behind it. Having a clean architecture or code-base not only makes your development team happier, but it has a far-reaching impact on the business itself.

In this post, we will learn about NDepend, which is described on their website as the following:

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The underlying theme of this month’s collection of new tools and resources is development. Almost every tool here makes dev a little easier, quicker, or plain fun. There are a few great tutorials in the mix to help you get into the spirit of trying new things and techniques.

Here’s what is new for designers this month…


Cryptofonts is a huge open-source library of icons that represent cryptocurrencies. There are more than 1,500 CSS and SVG elements in the collection. Cryptofonts includes all scalable vector icons that you can customize by size, color, shadow, or practically anything else. They work with Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe XD, Figma, and Invision Studio, and there’s no JavaScript.


Reasonable Colors

Reasonable Colors is an open-source color system for building accessible and beautiful color palettes. Colors are built using a coded chart. Each color comes in six numbered shades. The difference between their shade numbers can infer the contrast between any two shades. The differences correspond to WCAG contrast ratios to help you create an accessible palette. This is a smart project and a valuable tool if you work on projects where color contrast and accessibility are essential (which is all of them). is a fun tool to make your code snippets look amazing. Add your code (there’s a vast language selector), pick some colors and backgrounds, and then download it as a shareable image. Your code has never looked so beautiful!



WeekToDo is a free minimalist weekly planner. Improve productivity by defining and managing your week and life easily and intuitively. Plus, this tool is focused on privacy with data that is stored on your computer (in your web browser or the application). The only person who has access to it is you.



Bio.Link is a tool that collects all your links – from social media to blog posts to any other kind of link you want to share. It’s free to use, includes 15 design themes, visitor stats, and is super fast.



Spacers are a set of three-dimensional space characters that you can use in projects. Characters are in multiple poses and ultra high-def formats to play with.


11ty is a super simple, static website generator. Try it for small projects and read the documentation to see everything you can do with this tool.


Scrollex is a react library that lets you build beautiful scroll experiences using minimal code. You can create scroll animations in all kinds of combinations – vertical, horizontal, almost anything you want to try. The documentation is fun and easy to understand if you’re going to see how it works.


GetCam is an app that lets you turn your smartphone into a webcam for your computer. It works with any iPhone and a Mac or Windows computer. It works with most video conference and streaming tools as well as browser-based apps.


Flatfile is a data onboarding platform that intuitively makes sense of the jumbled data customers import and transforms it into the format you rely on. You won’t have any more messy spreadsheets or have to build a custom tool.


Loaders is a collection of free loaders and spinners for web projects. They are built with HTML, CSS, and SVG and are available for React and copypasta.


Lexical is an extensible JavaScript web text-editor framework emphasizing reliability, accessibility, and performance. It’s made for developers, so you can easily prototype and build features with confidence. Combined with a highly extensible architecture, Lexical allows developers to create unique text editing experiences that scale in size and functionality.

Picture Perfect Images with the Modern img Element

This tutorial is a primer on why the img element is such a powerful tool in your development box. Images are so prominent that they are part of the most important content in over 70% of pages on both mobile and desktop, according to the largest contentful paint metric. This post takes you through how to better optimize and improve core web vitals simultaneously.

Building a Combined CSS-Aspect-Ratio-Grid

Building a Combined CSS-Aspect-Ratio-Grid provides two solutions for creating the title effect. You can define an aspect ratio for the row or use Flexbox with a little flex grow magic. Learn how to try it both ways.


QIndR is a QR code generator made for events and appointments. The form is designed to capture your event information so you can quickly build and use a QR code for listings and even allow users to add it to their calendars! It’s super quick and easy to use.

On-Scroll Text Repetition Animation

On-Scroll Text Repetition Animation shows you how to create an on-scroll animation that shows repeated fragments of a big text element. This is a fun and easy lesson that you can use right away.

Eight Colors

Eight Colors won’t do anything for your productivity, but it is a fun game that you may not be able to stop playing. It is a block-shifting game with the goal to shift circular blocks to reach the target given.

Creative Vintage

Creative Vintage is a pair of typefaces including a thin script and vintage slab serif (with rough and smooth styles). The pair is designed to work together for various uses or can be used independently.


Hardbop is a vintage-style typeface with a lot of personality. It would work great for display, and the family includes seven full-style character sets.


Kocha is a funky ligature-style typeface perfect for lighter design elements, including logos or packaging. It includes clean and rough versions.


Magnify is a large font family with 16 styles and plenty of fun alternates. You can use it straight or with the more funky styles that create less traditional character forms.


Stacker is a fun and futuristic style font with a triple outline style. Use it for display when you really want to make an impression.


The post Exciting New Tools for Designers, May 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.
The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!”

Google Updates its Classic Roboto Font

The Worst Design Fails of 2022 to Date

Learn CSS Subgrid

15 Modal / Popup Windows Created with Only CSS

Roboto Flex Now on Google Fonts

Veryfront – Code Faster, Deploy Instantly

This Mammoth Paper Bag Collection is a Graphic Design Dream

Smartcat for Figma

15 Best New Fonts, May 2022

Magical SVG Techniques

Web Development for Beginners – A Curriculum

Eleventy – A Simpler Static Site Generator

The Complete Modern React Developer 2022


The post Popular Design News of the Week: May 9, 2022 – May 15, 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Vulnerabilities produce enormous reputational and financial risks. As a result, many companies are fascinated by security and desire to build a secure development life cycle (SSDLC). So, today we’re going to discuss SAST — one of the SSDLC components.

SAST (static application security testing) searches for security defects in application source code. SAST examines the code for potential vulnerabilities — possible SQL injections, XSS, SSRF, data encryption issues, etc. These vulnerabilities are included in OWASP Top 10, CWE Top 25, and other lists.

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One of the fascinating aspects of Adobe Document Generation is how incredibly flexible it is. One aspect of the API that can enhance the final result is the ability to include images in your template. In a typical use case, you would provide a static image defined in your data used with the API. In this blog post, I will demonstrate a more advanced example — dynamically generating images, in our case, charts, on the fly.

The Basics

Before we get into a more advanced demo, let’s quickly cover the basics. (My coworker has an intense look into Document Generation and images you should check out.) As our docs describe, using a dynamic image in your Word template requires a few steps.

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