

Local storage volumes remain the preferred choice when it comes to the control of managing cluster services and achieving higher performance.

In this article, we highlight how Vadim Tkachenko, CTO, Percona, deployed a Percona Kubernetes Operator using OpenEBS Local Persistent Volumes for enhanced database efficiency. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

CockroachDB is a cloud-native SQL database that features both scalability and consistency. The database is designed to withstand data center failures by deploying multiple instances of symmetric nodes in a cluster consisting of several machines, disks, and data centers. Kubernetes’ built-in capabilities to scale and survive node failures make it well suited to orchestrate CockroachDB’s databases. This is particularly for the reason that Kubernetes simplifies cluster management and helps maintain high-availability by replicating data across independent nodes. 

This guide focuses on how OpenEBS LocalPV devices can be used to persist storage for Kubernetes-Hosted CockroachDB clusters. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE