
10 facteurs de qualité logiciel à toujours garder en mémoire

Les 10 facteurs de qualité logiciel sont essentiels pour garantir le bon fonctionnement et l’efficacité d’un logiciel. Apprenons à les garder en mémoire !

Flexibilité et extensibilité

Readability is the ability of software to be understood by humans. It can be supported by proper indentation, meaningful variable names, and comments. A good readability can help developers to understand the code and make modifications easily.

Flexibilité et extensibilité

La flexibilité est la capacité d’un logiciel à ajouter/modifier/supprimer des fonctionnalités sans endommager le système actuel. L’extensibilité est la capacité d’un logiciel à ajouter des fonctionnalités sans endommager le système, elle peut donc être considérée comme un sous-ensemble de la flexibilité. Ces changements de fonctionnalités peuvent survenir en fonction des exigences changeantes ou en cas d’obligation si le processus de développement est l’un des méthodes itératives. Le changement est inévitable dans le développement logiciel et c’est donc l’une des propriétés les plus importantes d’un logiciel de qualité.

Maintenabilité et lisibilité

La maintenabilité est un peu similaire à la flexibilité, mais elle se concentre sur les modifications concernant les corrections d’erreur et les modifications mineures des fonctions, pas les extensibilités fonctionnelles majeures. Elle peut être soutenue par des définitions d’interface utiles, une documentation et un code auto-documenté et/ou une documentation du code. Plus la documentation est correcte et utile, plus la maintenabilité peut être effectuée.

La lisibilité est la capacité d’un logiciel à être compris par les humains. Elle peut être soutenue par une indentation appropriée, des noms de variables significatifs et des commentaires. Une bonne lisibilité peut aider les développeurs à comprendre le code et à effectuer facilement des modifications.

Base de données

Les bases de données sont essentielles pour le stockage et l’accès aux informations. Elles sont utilisées pour stocker des informations structurées et fournir un moyen de rechercher, modifier et supprimer ces informations. Les bases de données sont également utilisées pour maintenir l’intégrité des données, ce qui signifie qu’elles sont conçues pour empêcher les erreurs et les incohérences dans les données. Les bases de données offrent également une flexibilité et une extensibilité qui permettent aux développeurs de créer des applications qui peuvent s’adapter aux changements de données.

Les bases de données offrent également une maintenabilité et une lisibilité qui permettent aux développeurs de comprendre facilement le code et de le modifier facilement. Les bases de données sont conçues pour être faciles à utiliser et à comprendre, ce qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications plus rapidement. Les bases de données sont également conçues pour être sûres et fiables, ce qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications robustes qui peuvent résister aux erreurs et aux attaques.

Les bases de données sont essentiell

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A few months ago, we wrote a blog post on finding and terminating long-running operations in MongoDB. To help make it even easier for MongoLab users* to quickly identify the cause behind database unresponsiveness, we’ve integrated the currentOp() and killOp() methods into our management portal.

* currentOp and killOp functionality is not available on our free Sandbox databases because they run on multi-tenanted mongod processes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

It’s hard to operate stateful distributed systems at scale and Redis is no exception. Managed databases make life easier by taking on much of the heavy lifting. But you still need a sound architecture and apply best practices both on the server (Redis) as well as the client (application).

This blog covers a range of Redis-related best practices, tips and tricks including cluster scalability, client-side configuration, integration, metrics etc. Although I will be citing Amazon MemoryDB and ElastiCache for Redis from time to time, most (if not all) will be applicable to Redis clusters in general.

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Whether you’re new to the job or are an experienced designer, the anxiety of a new project can sometimes – often unexpectedly – cause us to freeze in our tracks. This creative paralysis sees us staring at a blank page, unable to come up with ideas, and the knowledge that time is slowly ticking away.

We’ve all been there. So we thought it would be helpful to share our tips and tricks for overcoming the tyranny of the blank page and help you get back to doing great work.

The first thing to know is that you are not alone; blank page syndrome has a basis in science, with a clearly identifiable set of symptoms that consistently occur together. 

The first thing to know is that you are not alone; blank page syndrome has a basis in science

It starts when you become stressed. Stress causes your brain to produce hormones that slow down neural functions, which only serves to increase the feelings of inadequacy over a lack of creative spark – and fuel anxiety. Understandably, this causes a spiral as your mind seems to get emptier and the blank page more threatening.

But don’t fear! Because there are ways to move past blank page paralysis and get back to productivity. 

Just Relax

Once you’re in a negative spiral, it’s notoriously difficult to get out of. The best solution is to avoid the spiral entirely – by starting in the right frame of mind. This means setting up a calm work environment before you even sit down. 

Do your best to avoid major distractions – such as young children who need your attention or colleagues who like to play music that vexes your soul. We’re not saying that you need a sound-proofed home office – the kitchen table might be fine – but schedule your work time for when the kids are at school or with a minder, or work from home if the office is likely to be noisy. A pair of noise-canceling headphones can be handy, too.

Avoid Distractions

Seemingly small things can also get in the way of your work. Chat and email notifications are the digital equivalents of a person calling your name from across a room. Try to avoid or silence anything that stops you getting into the creative mindset, even if you just mute things for a few hours. It’ll help you mentally separate your creative workspace from everything else.

all of those notifications will still be there when you resurface

Ultimately, you need to create a mood that you subconsciously associate with being productive. But even when the space around you is perfect, it can still take a while to get into the zone. Brains don’t just flip into creativity at the flick of a switch, so be kind to yourself. And remember – all of those notifications will still be there when you resurface later in the day. 

Do a Warm-Up

Studies have shown that a blank page is particularly stressful because it makes the task in front of you feel bigger than it really is. Gazing at an empty page is like seeing the whole project stretching out before you. The stress comes from the feeling of having to fill the whole journey, all the way from A to Z.

So don’t start with A! Instead, begin with a warm-up. Just as dancers always start with a series of exercises to warm up their muscles, creative designers can benefit from something similar. You could start by talking things through with colleagues or sketch some ideas using pen and paper, before opening your design app. 

Alternatively, you could start by planning your content hierarchy. You don’t need all the final words – but it can be helpful to work out how many headings you’re going to have, where images will sit, and whether your copy will be in paragraphs or lists. 

By doing this, you’ll have elements to place and a rough idea of their relative importance. It’s easy to get overawed by the importance of actual content – so start by getting a grip on the type, density, and length of content. 

Take Inspiration

The world around us is filled with inspiration and according to an icon designer Yannick Lung:

It helps to observe things in the real world and play around with them.

It can also help to borrow an idea. Obviously, we never condone copying someone’s work, but using existing work as a reference or jumping-off-point can help. Think of it as putting your own twist on an existing idea.

“I sometimes find it useful to reverse engineer a good example of the sort of thing I’m trying to write (and this works for design too). I usually break down a successful example into its constituent parts and swap them out for things more relevant to the project at hand, then refine from there,” says Harvey, one of Sketch’s brand storytellers.

Let Templates Take the Strain

Instead of putting pressure on yourself to instantly start designing, begin by creating templates or wireframes. This isn’t an avoidance tactic. Spending time creating an outline template saves time in the long run – plus, doing practical work that doesn’t need lots of detail will act as a warm-up. It might even help you catch potential issues in your designs earlier. 

Be Collaborative and Welcome Early Feedback

In general, people don’t work well in isolation – so collaborating with colleagues is a great way to get design ideas flowing. At the start of a project, reach out to your colleagues to let them know what you’re going to be working on and set up a session to collaborate on ideas and ask for direct input.

Never wait until the end of a project to ask for feedback. Involving your colleagues in the process early helps counter blank page paralysis and involving stakeholders can help you manage expectations. Aim to get regular and consistent feedback rather than waiting for it – which could cause a delay in your project. 

And of course, you should always choose a design software that enables real-time collaboration so that everyone working on a project can avoid version conflicts.

Avoid Burnout

When work isn’t physical, it can be hard to judge how much it takes out of us

When work isn’t physical, it can be hard to judge how much it takes out of us. If you’re suffering from blank page paralysis, it’s probably a sign that you’re starting to get burnt out. Try setting an alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get up to turn it off regularly – or just scheduling some time into your day to take a break, stretch, or even take a walk. Stepping away from your screen is good for your brain and your body.

In the end, the most important thing to remember when it comes to blank page syndrome is that you have to be kind to yourself. Nobody can be productive 100% of the time – we’re only human, after all. What matters is that you do whatever you need to get your creativity flowing.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post Overcoming Blank Page Paralysis first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Chaos Engineering might sound like a buzzword – but take it from someone who used to joke his job title was Chief Chaos Engineer (more on that later) it is much more than buzz or a passing fad – it’s a practice. 

The world can be a scary place and more and more companies are beginning to turn to Chaos Engineering to proactively poke and prod their systems and in doing so are improving their reliability and guarding against unexpected failures in production and unplanned downtime. 

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Many people believe that UX design is all about creating slick, engaging images and top-notch user flows. While those things have their merits, UX designers do much more than that.

UX writing is an essential skill in developing an app or solving a UX problem for a client. UX writing is when we craft UI text to communicate with a product/service user. UX writing includes valuable text like instructions, buttons, menus, just-in-time warnings, etc.

This article will analyze what you need to look out for even before you start writing. After that, we will explore ten crucial tips for UX writing that every UX designer should know.

Practical Tips and Tricks to Improve Your UX Writing

As with UX design in general, UX writing is about achieving a goal. Think of a wireframe you have created: The first thing you do when designing is to identify the real problem and set out to find the right solution. The same goes for UX writing.

Accordingly, before you start writing, make sure that you:

  • Have identified the UX problem;
  • Understand the goals of the client’s digital product;
  • Are familiar with the target audience;
  • Know the style and tone of voice you should use.

Once you are familiar with all of the above, you are ready to start writing. Let us explore all the tips and tricks you can follow to improve your UX writing.

1. Be Concise

This is one of the most important tips concerning UX writing. UX designers should always seek the shortest path from point A to point B. This is not only true for UX writing.

So conciseness is all about shortening your sentences and writing only what is necessary. This way, you’ll achieve a better user experience. Remember that most people tend to quickly scan instead of actually reading.

2. Be Clear and Helpful

If you are concise, the text you write will be clear and valuable. Since our goal is a compelling user experience, you should avoid being wordy. Our text needs to be helpful to the reader. What does a user need to know about the product or service?

All you need to do is anticipate what users need and what they are concerned about. Then, by analyzing your target audience, you can easily remove unnecessary text and make your UX text clear and useful.

3. Be Positive

You want the user to have a positive feeling when they first engage with your digital product. Well, for the target audience to be positive, your writing needs to be positive as well. To achieve that, you should avoid negative statements.

Of course, this is not a rule that you must always follow. For example, using “don’t” is not always bad because you can use it for emphasis. Nevertheless, try to avoid such words when describing your product or service.

4. Be Consistent 

Consistency has everything to do with sticking to the guidelines you (or a client) set at the beginning of the UX project. Your UX text must always match the style and tone you have chosen.

Try to pay attention to details. For example, when it comes to numbers, you can write 2,000 follows, 2.000 follows, and 2000 follows. It does not matter which you choose, as long as you remain consistent throughout the project.

5. Use Active Voice

Although it is not always wrong to write in the passive voice, the active voice is generally more helpful for UX writing. Your text will be more precise, tailored to your audience, and more potent with the active voice. And when your written text is clear and powerful, it is also more engaging.

6. Don’t Get Wordy

In most cases, when you are done writing, you believe that your text is clear and valuable. And that’s reasonable. However, it is wise to reread your text and delete all the filler words.

Adjectives and adverbs are usually unnecessary, and you can remove them from your UX text.

7. Choose Strong Verbs

But if you have no adjectives and adverbs, how can you emphasize and strengthen your text? All you need to do is use the correct persuasive verb. Strong verbs help you formulate compelling CTAs without being wordy.

8. Use “You” Words

Now that we have mentioned CTAs, there is nothing more convincing than the word “you.” Words and phrases like “you,” “you will,” “you are,” “you have,” “your,” “yours,” etc., are the best way to connect with your target audience and let them be the leading character on your UX Journey Map.

9. Avoid Articles and Exclamation Points

Although it may sound bizarre, the use of articles is not necessary for people to understand what you are saying. The same goes for exclamation points. Of course, you can use exclamation points for emphasis, but not always. Save them for the most exciting aspects of your project.

10. Don’t Use UX Writing to Point Out UI

This is a widespread mistake made by us UX designers. If you have to point out an interface element of your design with text, there is probably something wrong with the design.

Remember, UX text is not about explaining your user interface; it’s about providing valuable and transparent information about your digital product.

Wrap Up

You should keep in mind that the above tips are only guidelines and not strict rules. For example, there are occasions when the passive voice or an exclamation point should be used in UX writing. In any case, you will be one step closer to your goal if you make sure that your UX text is concise, clear, valuable, and consistent.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 10 Tips for Effective UX Writing first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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