
Contrôle de Congestion dans les Systèmes Distribués à l'Échelle du Cloud

Le contrôle de congestion dans les systèmes distribués à l’échelle du cloud est un sujet important pour assurer des performances optimales. Nous allons examiner comment le contrôle de congestion peut être mis en œuvre dans ce type de système.

Systèmes distribués composés de plusieurs systèmes reliés pour fournir une fonctionnalité spécifique

Testing is a key part of distributed system development. It is used to measure the performance of the system under various conditions. The tests should be designed to simulate the expected traffic surges and should be run frequently to ensure that the system is performing as expected. The results of the tests should be analyzed to identify any potential issues and to ensure that the system is able to handle the expected traffic surges. 

Les systèmes distribués sont composés de plusieurs systèmes reliés entre eux pour fournir une fonctionnalité spécifique. Les systèmes qui fonctionnent à l’échelle du cloud peuvent recevoir des pics de trafic attendus ou inattendus d’un ou de plusieurs appelants et sont censés fonctionner de manière prévisible. 

Cet article analyse les effets des pics de trafic sur un système distribué. Il présente une analyse détaillée de la façon dont chaque couche est affectée et fournit des mécanismes pour obtenir une performance prévisible pendant les pics de trafic. 

Le test est une partie essentielle du développement des systèmes distribués. Il est utilisé pour mesurer les performances du système dans différentes conditions. Les tests doivent être conçus pour simuler les pics de trafic attendus et doivent être exécutés fréquemment pour s’assurer que le système fonctionne comme prévu. Les résultats des tests doivent être analysés pour identifier tout problème potentiel et pour s’assurer que le système est capable de gérer les pics de trafic attendus. 

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Cloud Computing et Objets Portables : Une Puissante Association

Les objets portables et le cloud computing sont une puissante association qui offre de nombreuses possibilités pour améliorer la productivité et la collaboration.

L’évolution des technologies portables

The Power of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a key factor in the development of wearable technology. By connecting wearable devices to the cloud, users can access a wide range of features and services. For example, cloud-connected wearables can access real-time data from the internet, such as weather forecasts or traffic updates. They can also store data in the cloud, allowing users to access it from any device. Additionally, cloud-connected wearables can be used to control other devices, such as lights or thermostats. This allows users to automate their homes and offices with minimal effort.

Le Révolution des Objets Connectés

Le marché des objets connectés a connu une croissance remarquable au cours de la dernière décennie. Les objets connectés ne sont plus limités à compter les pas ou à surveiller les fréquences cardiaques. Ils englobent maintenant une vaste gamme d’applications, allant de la santé et du fitness à la réalité augmentée et à la réalité virtuelle. Les montres intelligentes peuvent mesurer vos schémas de sommeil, les trackers de fitness peuvent surveiller votre santé cardiaque et les lunettes de réalité augmentée peuvent superposer des informations numériques sur le monde réel. Ces appareils ont évolué pour devenir des outils puissants, améliorant nos vies quotidiennes.

Le Pouvoir du Cloud Computing

Le cloud computing est un facteur clé dans le développement de la technologie portable. En connectant des appareils portables au cloud, les utilisateurs peuvent accéder à une large gamme de fonctionnalités et de services. Par exemple, les appareils portables connectés au cloud peuvent accéder à des données en temps réel sur Internet, telles que des prévisions météorologiques ou des mises à jour de trafic. Ils peuvent également stocker des données dans le cloud, permettant aux utilisateurs d’y accéder depuis n’importe quel appareil. De plus, les appareils portables connectés au cloud peuvent être utilisés pour contrôler d’autres appareils, tels que des lumières ou des thermostats. Cela permet aux utilisateurs d’automatiser leurs maisons et leurs bureaux avec un effort minimal.

L’Avenir du Codage

Le codage est un autre élément essentiel pour améliorer les capacités des objets connectés. Les développeurs peuvent utiliser le codage pour créer des applications personnalisées qui tirent parti des données recueillies par les appareils portables. Les applications peuvent être conçues pour fournir des informations personnalisées et pertinentes aux utilisateurs, telles que des conseils sur la santé et le fitness ou des mises à jour sur les conditions météorologiques locales. Le codage peut également être utilisé pour créer des applications qui intègrent les objets connectés à d’autres appareils, permettant aux utilisateurs de contrôler leurs appareils à distance.

Le codage est un outil puissant qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications qui tirent parti des données recueillies par les objets connectés. Les applications peuvent être conçues pour fournir des informations personnalisées et pertinentes aux utilisateurs, tout en leur permettant de contrôler leurs appareils à distance. En combinant le cloud computing et le codage, les développeurs peuvent créer des applications qui tirent parti des capacités des objets connectés et qui améliore
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Appliquer des méthodes d'apprentissage machine pour rechercher des défauts ferroviaires (2e partie)

Dans cette deuxième partie, nous allons explorer comment appliquer des méthodes d’apprentissage machine pour rechercher des défauts ferroviaires.

Assurer la sécurité du trafic ferroviaire par l’inspection non destructive des rails

L’inspection non destructive des rails afin de garantir la sécurité des transports ferroviaires est régulièrement effectuée à l’aide de différentes approches et méthodes. L’une des principales approches pour déterminer l’état opérationnel des rails ferroviaires est le test non destructif à ultrasons [1]. Actuellement, la recherche d’images de défauts de rail à l’aide des modèles de défauts reçus est effectuée par un être humain. La réussite du développement d’algorithmes de recherche et de classification des données permet de proposer l’utilisation de méthodes d’apprentissage automatique pour identifier les défauts des rails et réduire la charge de travail des humains en créant des systèmes experts.

La complexité de la création de tels systèmes est décrite dans [1, 3-6, 22] et est due, d’une part, à la variété des images graphiques obtenues lors de l’inspection ultrasonore multicanal des rails, et d’autre part, au petit nombre de copies de données avec des défauts (non équilibrés). Une des possibilités pour créer des systèmes experts dans ce domaine est une approche basée sur la décomposition de la tâche complexe d’analyse du défautogramme multicanal entier en canaux individuels ou en ensembles leur caractérisant les types individuels de défauts. 

L’utilisation d’un système expert pour la recherche et la classification des défauts des rails à l’aide d’un test non destructif à ultrasons peut être une solution efficace pour résoudre le problème. Les systèmes experts peuvent être utilisés pour analyser les données obtenues par ultrasons et fournir une estimation précise et fiable du niveau de sécurité des rails. Les systèmes experts peuvent également être utilisés pour prédire les défauts possibles et leur emplacement sur les rails, ce qui peut aider à améliorer la sécurité des transports ferroviaires.

Les systèmes experts peuvent également être utilisés pour analyser les données obtenues par ultrasons et fournir une estimation précise et fiable du niveau de sécurité des rails. Les systèmes experts peuvent également être utilisés pour prédire les défauts possibles et leur emplacement sur les rails, ce qui peut aider à améliorer la sécurité des transports ferroviaires. Les systèmes experts peuvent également être utilisés pour surveiller le niveau de sécurité des rails et prévenir les accidents ferroviaires. Les systèmes experts peuvent également être utilisés pour surveiller le niveau de sécurité des rails et prévenir les accidents ferroviaires. Les systèmes experts peuvent également être utilisés pour surveiller le niveau de sécurité des rails et prévenir les accidents ferroviaires.

Enfin, les systèmes experts peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer les processus d’inspection non destructive des rails. Les systèmes experts peuvent être utilisés pour automatiser le processus d’inspection non destructive des rails, ce qui permet d’accélérer le processus et d’améliorer la qualité des inspections. Les systèmes experts peuvent également être utilisés pour analyser les données obtenues par ultrasons et fournir une estimation précise et fiable

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Qu'est-ce que Envoy Gateway et pourquoi est-il nécessaire pour Kubernetes ?

Envoy Gateway est un service proxy open source qui fournit une connectivité sécurisée et un routage intelligent pour les applications Kubernetes. Il est nécessaire pour assurer la sécurité et la disponibilité des applications.

## Envoy Gateway : Faciliter la configuration d’Envoy proxy comme passerelle API et contrôleur d’entrée

Envoy Gateway est un projet qui a été créé pour faciliter le codage des applications multicloud. Il est basé sur le proxy Envoy, qui est le plan de données du service mesh Istio. Envoy est utilisé pour gérer le trafic est-ouest (communication de service à service à l’intérieur d’un centre de données). Cependant, pour que Istio gère un réseau d’applications multicloud, Envoy a été configuré comme un proxy côté pour gérer le trafic nord-sud (trafic entrant et sortant des centres de données).

Il a été constaté que les développeurs d’applications trouvaient difficile de configurer le proxy Envoy en tant que passerelle API et contrôleur d’entrée. Cela prenait beaucoup de temps, ce qui a conduit la communauté à utiliser l’API Gateway Kubernetes en tant que partie du projet Envoy et à finalement construire Envoy Gateway. Envoy Gateway est conçu pour être facilement configurable et peut être utilisé pour fournir des fonctionnalités telles que la sécurité, la mise en cache, la journalisation et la surveillance des API. Il peut également être utilisé pour fournir des fonctionnalités telles que la mise en œuvre de règles de routage, la gestion des certificats TLS et le contrôle d’accès.

Envoy Gateway est un outil très pratique pour les développeurs d’applications multicloud. Il permet aux développeurs de configurer et de gérer facilement leurs applications multicloud. Il permet également aux développeurs de mettre en œuvre des fonctionnalités avancées telles que la sécurité, la mise en cache, la journalisation et la surveillance des API. En outre, il permet aux développeurs de mettre en œuvre des règles de routage, de gérer les certificats TLS et de contrôler l’accès aux applications. Enfin, Envoy Gateway offre une grande flexibilité et une grande scalabilité pour les applications multicloud.

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Concevoir et réaliser des tests numériques pour applications mobiles

Je suis passionné par la conception et la réalisation de tests numériques pour les applications mobiles. Je vais partager mes connaissances et mes techniques pour vous aider à améliorer vos tests.

H2: L’écosystème des expériences numériques à venir est propulsé par le mobile

Avec l’environnement numérique de plus en plus complexe, les marques doivent s’adapter aux besoins de leurs clients à travers divers appareils, plateformes et canaux. Cependant, avec des ressources limitées, les marques ont tendance à choisir des emplacements établis pour servir leurs clients. Selon une enquête de Forrester, les dirigeants développent des expériences personnalisées pour les appareils les plus populaires des consommateurs, donnant la priorité aux canaux plus établis tels que les sites Web et les applications mobiles. Les marques optimisent également leurs sites Web pour une utilisation mobile, tandis que les applications mobiles offrent une occasion d’engagement plus fréquente avec les clients. Malgré la disponibilité de nombreux produits numériques, les entreprises mettent toujours l’accent sur les expériences numériques Web et mobiles. Pour offrir une expérience mobile supérieure et bien servir vos clients mobiles, il est nécessaire de procéder à des tests numériques pour les applications mobiles. Dans ce blog, nous expliquerons pourquoi les tests numériques sont essentiels pour les applications mobiles, comment ils diffèrent des applications Web et comment concevoir et effectuer des tests numériques pour les applications mobiles.

Le mobile est le moteur de l’avenir des écosystèmes d’expérience numérique

Les appareils mobiles sont devenus un élément familier de la vie quotidienne pour des millions de personnes. Dans le monde entier, des appareils dotés d’une connexion Web tels que les smartphones et les tablettes sont devenus des outils essentiels pour la communication, l’information et le divertissement. Selon Statista, en 2022, le nombre d’utilisateurs uniques d’Internet mobile était de cinq milliards, ce qui indique que plus de 60 % de la population mondiale d’Internet utilise un appareil mobile pour se connecter en ligne. La possession et l’utilisation d’Internet mobile sont prévues pour continuer à croître dans le futur car les technologies mobiles deviennent plus abordables et accessibles que jamais. Cette tendance à la hausse de l’adoption d’Internet mobile est évidente dans les marchés numériques en développement où les réseaux mobiles sont le principal moyen d’accès à Internet. Le trafic Internet mobile représente environ 60 % du trafic Web. En revanche, dans les marchés axés sur le mobile comme l’Asie et l’Afrique, les connexions mobiles représentent une part encore plus importante des pages Web consultées.

L’architecture mobile est essentielle pour fournir une expérience numérique optimale

L’architecture mobile est essentielle pour fournir une expérience numérique optimale. Les entreprises doivent comprendre comment leurs clients interagissent avec leurs produits et services à travers leurs appareils mobiles et comment ces interactions peuvent être améliorées. Les marques doivent s’assurer que leurs applications mobiles sont conçues pour fonctionner correctement sur différents appareils et systèmes d’exploitation. Une architecture mobile réussie implique une stratégie de conception cohérente et cohérente qui tient compte des différents facteurs tels que la taille de l’appareil, la résolution, la connectivité et la plate-forme cible. Les entreprises doivent également prendre en compte la vitesse et la fiabilité du réseau lorsqu’elles développent des applications mobiles afin de garantir une

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PlatformCréer un client de secours avec Hazelcast Viridian Platform sans serveur

Vous pouvez facilement créer un client de secours avec Hazelcast Viridian Platform sans serveur, ce qui vous permet d’accéder à des données et services à tout moment.

Mise en place d’un client de basculement pour une stratégie de reprise après sinistre

En tant que scientifique informatique enthousiaste, je sais que le failover est une fonctionnalité importante des systèmes qui dépendent d’une disponibilité quasi constante. Dans Hazelcast, un client de failover redirige automatiquement son trafic vers un cluster secondaire lorsque le client ne peut pas se connecter au cluster primaire. Il est conseillé d’utiliser un client de failover avec la réplication WAN comme partie intégrante de votre stratégie de reprise après sinistre. Dans ce tutoriel, vous mettrez à jour le code d’un client Java pour qu’il se connecte automatiquement à un cluster secondaire de failover s’il ne peut pas se connecter à son cluster primaire d’origine. Vous effectuerez également un test simple pour vous assurer que votre configuration est correcte et l’ajusterez ensuite pour inclure la gestion des exceptions. Vous apprendrez comment recueillir toutes les ressources dont vous avez besoin pour créer un client de failover pour un cluster primaire et secondaire, créer un client de failover basé sur le client Java d’exemple, tester le failover et ajouter la gestion des exceptions pour les opérations.

Étape 1: Configurer les clusters et les clients

Créez deux clusters Viridian Serverless que vous utiliserez comme clusters primaires et secondaires, puis téléchargez et connectez des clients Java d’exemple à ceux-ci.

Une fois que vous avez créé les clusters et les clients, vous devez créer une base de données qui contient les informations sur les clusters primaires et secondaires. Cette base de données doit être accessible à partir du client Java afin qu’il puisse accéder aux informations relatives aux clusters primaires et secondaires. Vous pouvez créer cette base de données en utilisant n’importe quel type de base de données relationnelle ou non relationnelle. Une fois que vous avez créé la base de données, vous devez y ajouter les informations sur les clusters primaires et secondaires. Vous pouvez également ajouter des informations supplémentaires telles que l’adresse IP du cluster primaire et secondaire, le port utilisé par le cluster, le nom du cluster, etc.

Une fois que vous avez créé la base de données et ajouté les informations sur les clusters primaires et secondaires, vous pouvez maintenant configurer le client Java pour qu’il puisse accéder à cette base de données et récupérer les informations nécessaires. Pour ce faire, vous devez ajouter le code nécessaire à votre client Java pour qu’il puisse se connecter à la base de données et récupérer les informations nécessaires. Une fois que vous avez terminé cette étape, votre client Java est prêt à être utilisé pour se connecter aux clusters primaires et secondaires.

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WordPress is a highly flexible content management system for website creation. A key reason for this flexibility is the wide variety of plugins available. You can add features and other improvements to your site.

The thousands of available useful WordPress plugins cover almost every feature for any type of website. Your website’s niche determines the kind of plugins you should have. There are some great WordPress plugins that every blog site needs; security, speed, SEO, and contact form, to name several.

The most effective WordPress websites create an enjoyable visitor experience. Whether you’re blogging about the latest fashion trends or selling products for your brand, you can enhance your website. Do it with one or more of these ten great WordPress plugins.

1. Brizy: The Best Website Builder for Non-techies

You might want to approach Brizy with caution because once you start using it, no other website theme builder you might try will ever seem as easy to use. Even better, you can download this WordPress website builder for non-techies (and for techies as well) for Free.

With the Brizy WordPress theme builder at your fingertips, you can –

  • build a brand new website or upgrade an existing one;
  • create dynamic templates for your blog and archive pages, headers, footers, custom pages, and more;
  • enjoy instant access to 150+ customer-friendly pre-made templates;
  • build your blog exactly as you envisioned it;
  • easily customize your WooCommerce shop site.

Brizy’s Theme Builder, Global Blocks, and Global Styling features are right at your fingertips, and WooCommerce integration is also included.

You can also choose the 100% White Label option if you wish to brand the Brizy Builder as your own. A Pro option is available.

Click on the banner to learn more about Brizy and download it free.

2. WpDataTables – WordPress tables plugin

While there are a host of good reasons for using wpDataTables, the main benefit is that it works with any WordPress theme, it can create a responsive table in minutes, and it requires no coding to use.

With this WordPress tables plugin, you can take advantage of a host of useful features that include –

  • four chart-building engines: Google Charts, Highcharts, Chart.js, and the new Apex Charts;
  • connecting to multiple database sources, e.g., MYSQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL;
  • fine-tuning a table or chart to make it responsive or editable and using conditional formatting to highlight critical data;
  • the ability to create tables from a nested JSON file;
  • and use dynamic single-cell shortcodes in many different options;
  • integration with Elementor, Divi, WPBakery, and Avada.

wpDataTables is a robust table and chart-building plugin that’s remarkably straightforward. Just click on the banner to learn more.

3. Amelia – WordPress booking plugin

Amelia is a WordPress booking plugin that can fully automate and streamline its appointment booking operations when added to a business’s WordPress site. This makes Amelia an excellent choice for beauty, healthcare, fitness, consulting, educational, and similar client-dependent businesses.

The Amelia plugin can –

  • manage an unlimited number of appointment bookings at multiple locations, and do so from a single platform and dashboard;
  • enable clients to book appointments online 24/7;
  • easily manage group appointments, package bookings, and events;
  • send notifications and reminders to clients via Email or SMS, and make payments online with PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, or Razor;
  • customize booking forms to match its host’s brand.

Click on the banner to find out more about how the Amelia WordPress plugin could be used to upgrade your business’s booking operations.

4. Slider Revolution – more than a WordPress slider plugin

Slider Revolution is a WordPress plugin that is more than just a slider plugin. It’s a highly popular plugin that designers rely on to create visuals they know their clients and customers will love.

Slider Revolution features –

  • 250+ website and slider templates designed to impress;
  • innovative website animation effects and other features that push the boundaries of what is possible in web design.

Slider Revolution is trusted by over 9 million users around the world.

5. WordLift – AI-powered SEO

Structured data helps your website speak the language of Google, and WordLift is the most innovative way to create one.

It is an AI-powered SEO tool that: 

  • adds structured data to your content;
  • creates a Knowledge Graph that makes it easier for Google to understand the relevance of pages, their relationship, and their value;
  • build up the expertise, authority, and trustworthiness of your website.

As a result, you get more organic traffic and audience engagement.

6. TheDock – Ship Solid Websites

TheDock is a design team-oriented WordPress theme builder that supports collaboration, speeds up website design, and helps to create sites that look sharp, perform great, and are easily maintained because of its –

  • custom Post Types and Custom Fields;
  • speedy page load;
  • flexible auto-adjusting layout system with UI components;
  • white-label builder for sharing access to TheDock if you want to;
  • built-in features that assure excellent security and easy maintenance.

7. Download Monitor – Best WordPress Download Manager

Download Monitor is a WordPress downloads manager that can help you streamline your business operations without having to go through the process of setting up a complicated or costly tracking solution.

With the Download Monitor plugin, you can –

  • track any type of file download (ZIP, PPT, XSLX, PDF, etc.);
  • assemble aggregated file download statistics about different file download types;
  • establish access rules based on user roles and download quotas.

8. Essential Grid – best WordPress grid plugin

Essential Grid is, by all accounts, the best WordPress grid plugin on the market. Essential Grid makes it ever so easy to spice up your websites by using it to create superbly engaging and professional-looking galleries.

This WordPress plugin can give you –

  • stunning, fully customizable boxed and full-width to full-screen grid layout options and various grid designs;
  • responsive designs that enable you to control grid appearance on various devices;
  • access to social media content. 

9. LayerSlider – Best WordPress Slider Builder Plugin

LayerSlider is the best WordPress slider plugin, but it is not just for sliders. Create image galleries, popups, landing pages, animated page blocks, parallax and scroll scenes, and even full websites.

LayerSlider –

  • will fit your needs and is easy to use;
  • can spice up and add flair and style to an otherwise run-of-the-mill website;
  • supports any WordPress theme and page builder;
  • features 210+ highly customizable websites, slider, and popup templates.

10. YellowPencil – Visual CSS Editor

YellowPencil is a visual CSS editor you can use to customize any WordPress site in minutes.

Key features include –

  • a complete visual editing interface that allows you to redesign a page with a few clicks;
  • a simple interface that does not require coding;
  • the capability to edit any font and any color;
  • the capability to visually edit a design element’s size, margin, and padding properties;
  • the ability to undo/redo mistakes.


It is almost needless to tell any WordPress user how important plugins are for a website. A good WordPress plugin has the power to boost the success of your business online by adding a range of helpful features and functionality to your website.

In this article, we have shared our expert pick of 10 great WordPress plugins for your websites in 2023.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of BAW media –]


The post 10 Great WordPress Plugins in 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

As we move into 2023, there are an increasing number of ways companies can engage with their customers. And as the number of apps, browser extensions, social media feeds, newsletters, vlogs, and podcasts grows, you can be forgiven for thinking that websites are a little less essential than they were in say, 2021.

However, the truth is that websites remain an irreplaceable part of the digital landscape and they will continue to be into 2023 and beyond.

Websites, as the keystone of a centralized, privately run digital experience couldn’t be more relevant. Unlike competing technologies, websites allow almost total control of their source code, and that provides an opportunity for skilled designers and developers to compete against the biggest names in their clients’ industries in a way that simply isn’t possible in tightly governed systems like social media.

Not only does quality web design help businesses increase their traffic, but it can increase the quality of that traffic; an attractive and user-friendly web page will encourage web users to stay on the page longer, and explore more of the content it links to.

Websites vs. Social Media

For many brands, the option they turn to for connecting with customers is social media. Particularly platforms like Facebook and Instagram. While billions of us are happy to while away our free time on social media, it’s not a great platform for informed decision-making or task fulfillment. For any form of productivity, websites are superior:

  • Flexibility: Websites can be customized to suit a company’s vision and values, whereas social media tends to magnify accounts that reflect its own values.
  • Ownership: When you publish on your website you own your content, when you post to social media the platform tends to own your content.
  • Investment: As we’ve seen recently with a certain bird-themed social network, you can spend years investing time in your social media channel only to have it canceled by an individual with his own agenda.
  • Findability: Websites are discoverable on search engines, and although algorithms govern these search engines, competition across different search engines keeps search algorithms honest. Social media networks each use a single algorithm making them free to skew browsing any way they choose.
  • Scaleability: Websites can take advantage of the latest technologies to improve user experience, on social media user experience is governed by the network’s decisions.

Websites vs. Apps

When it comes to owning a piece of the internet, a connected app feels like ownership. However, websites have a number of benefits over an app, from a superior user experience to lower development costs. And ultimately, apps are also controlled by 3rd parties.

  • Accessibility: Websites are universally accessible, while apps are usually limited to certain operating systems or platforms. If you want to distribute to devices, you’ll need to be approved by the store owner who can (and will) change the terms and conditions of store distribution without consulting you.
  • Flexibility: Websites provide a greater level of flexibility and scalability than apps.
  • Cost-effective: A simple website can be created and launched in a weekend, they are considerably more cost-effective to develop and maintain than apps.
  • Findability: Search engines have evolved around website technologies, and it is far easier to create a discoverable website than an app that ranks high in an app store.
  • Universality: Websites have lower entry costs for users, and there aren’t any downloads or purchases required.
  • 3rd-party features: Websites can integrate 3rd-party content like chatbots, payment gateways, and forms, that generally require licensing to include in an app.

Websites vs. Podcasts and Vlogs

There’s no question that podcasts and vlogs are engaging types of content. However, they are very limited when it comes to different kinds of experience. These tend to be passive, linear experiences. Even if your podcast opens itself up to listener interaction, your customers are still passive consumers.

  • Cost-effective: Websites can be set up very cheaply, podcasts and vlogs on the other hand require high-production values to compete.
  • Longevity: Well-written website content can remain relevant for years, the lifespan of a vlog or podcast is often just a few months.
  • Flexibility: Websites can embed podcasts and vlogs, as well as virtually any other content; podcasts and vlogs can only ever be podcasts and vlogs. Websites will continue to evolve long after podcasts are obsolete.
  • Simple: There is now a range of no-code options for creating a reliable website, meaning it can be done with little to no skills or experience. Podcasts and vlogs require a great deal of technical knowledge to produce.
  • Findability: As with other technologies, podcasts and vlogs can’t compete with websites when it comes to search engine optimization.
  • Faster: A well-designed website is much smaller than a podcast or vlog, making it cheaper and easier to access, especially on a cellular network.

Websites in 2023 and Beyond

In 2023 websites will still be a critical part of a successful business strategy and web designers will continue to be essential members of any team.

Websites continue to offer numerous benefits over other technologies including increased flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and superior search engine opportunities.

Unlike social media platforms that allow you to customize a few assets like avatars and colors, websites can be completely customized to fit the tone and style of a brand. Additionally, websites have a far lower barrier to entry than podcasts, vlogs, or apps. While apps may offer a richer set of features than a website, that is offset by the restrictions on platform and device capabilities that apps impose.

Websites will continue to evolve as the tech landscape changes. New ideas for consuming digital media will appear over time, offering unique new experiences — for example, mass adoption of AR (Augmented Reality) is just around the corner. However, the website is perfectly evolved for the types of simple customer interaction that businesses rely on, and will continue to matter in 2023 and beyond.


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The post Why Web Design Still Matters in 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Finding a good web design agency is challenging, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. With so many options, it’s challenging to determine which best meets your needs.

The obvious place to start looking for a web design agency is by asking friends, family, and colleagues for personal recommendations, but bear in mind that they may not be qualified to judge your options objectively, and you’ll need to carry out due diligence on any web design agency recommended to you.

The process of researching and evaluating different design agencies can be time-consuming and complex. To make it easier, you must start with a clear understanding of your goals and expectations.

Begin by making a long list of web design agencies and freelance designers that might fit the bill. Then whittle it down to a shortlist by discounting anyone whose portfolio you don’t like — while design is about more than just subjective opinions, it’s also vital that you end up with a website you like and are proud to show off as part of your brand identity.

Now you have your shortlist, there are several key questions to pose to each potential candidate to ensure that they are the right fit for you. Here are the ten questions you should be asking to put you on track to finding your perfect website design partnership.

1. What types of website design services do you offer?

The first thing to realize is that there are many different kinds of websites, and as such, there are also many different kinds of website design services.

The types of website design services offered by web design agencies range from basic site creation to complex ecommerce solutions.

Basic web design services usually include developing and implementing a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Craft. Agencies may also provide more advanced services such as custom website design, SEO optimization, and web hosting.

Different agencies and freelancers specialize in various types of sites, so you must compare their solutions with your requirements.

2. Do you have any case studies of past projects I can review?

Experience matters when choosing a web design agency. Ask potential candidates about the years they have been in business and the types of projects they’ve worked on. New doesn’t necessarily mean low quality — plenty of great agencies are founded by experienced designers whose portfolios are owned by their previous employers.

However, it is easier to ensure a web design agency is a good fit for your project if you can review case studies of previous jobs. Case studies will provide valuable insights into their approach and techniques and how successful their clients have been.

3. Where are you based?

When it comes to web design agencies, there are pros and cons to hiring a local or remote team. On the one hand, working with a local agency can provide many advantages, such as in-person interaction and access to their resources. On the other hand, working with a remote team may offer greater flexibility, cost savings, and access to a global talent pool.

It’s essential to ask about an agency’s location to understand their services’ advantages and disadvantages.

Effective team communication is essential for any project, so you should check the working hours of any agency you select — you don’t want to wait overnight for answers to urgent queries.

4. Do you specialize in any particular industries or platforms?

Web design agencies may specialize in various industries and platforms, depending on the specific needs of their clients. For example, some might specialize in ecommerce solutions such as Shopify or WooCommerce, while others might focus on frameworks such as Vue or React.

Additionally, web design agencies may specialize in creating custom websites for specific industries, such as healthcare or finance.

Suppose you can locate a web design agency with previous experience developing websites for clients similar to you. In that case, they will be better placed to anticipate challenges specific to your project.

5. What is your process for designing websites?

Before hiring a web design agency, it’s essential to understand their approach to website design. For example, some agencies may take a more traditional “design and build” approach where they create the entire site from start to finish, while others may prefer to work with an existing template and make customizations.

Some design agencies use a traditional waterfall approach, while others adopt an agile methodology. Waterfall is a sequential process in which each step happens in isolation, whereas agile is an interactive approach with frequent testing and feedback.

Knowing how an agency prefers to work will help you establish realistic expectations about how they will integrate into your company culture.

5. Do you offer any additional services, such as SEO or hosting?

Website design agencies may offer a range of additional services, depending on the needs of their clients. Beyond website design and development, many agencies also provide SEO (search engine optimization) and web hosting services.

All reputable web design agencies will ensure that your website meets the minimum standard for technical SEO. But some agencies will also adapt your content to incorporate keywords and phrases related to your industry to help you increase website traffic once the site is launched.

When it comes to web hosting, your web design agency will help you choose the best type of hosting for your needs, but some agencies also provide hosting and will set up and manage a server for you.

6. How will the project be managed, and what is your timeline for completion?

When it comes to website design projects, timeline management is critical to ensure that your new website is delivered on time and within budget. Managing a website project requires careful planning and execution to keep everything on track.

You should also ask how the project will be managed throughout its lifecycle so that you can schedule your in-house timetables.

7. What type of maintenance can I expect after launching the website?

Launching your new website begins a long-term relationship with your web design agency. It’s essential to ask about their post-launch support process to ensure you have all the help and guidance you need. The agency should be able to provide comprehensive maintenance services such as bug fixing, content updates, and security checks.

Additionally, you should understand the process for making changes and requests after the website launch. Find out how quickly they can respond to your inquiries and the cost of any needed updates. This will help you plan your budget accordingly and avoid any unexpected fees.

9. How much will the project cost?

Speaking of costs, it’s vitally important to establish ballpark figures before you shortlist an agency. Like any industry, there is a wide range of different price points, dependent not just on the project but the marketability of the web design agency.

Make sure you ask for a comprehensive quote that outlines all the costs involved. Ask for a payment schedule so you know how much you’re expected to pay upfront. Check on any additional fees, such as maintenance or hosting.

Never adjust your project to secure a web design agency outside your budget. If you can’t afford a particular provider, strike them off your shortlist and move on to the next candidate.

10. What do you need from me?

As a client, there are several steps you need to take to ensure that your website design project runs smoothly. You will need to supply a detailed brief if nothing else.

You should be prepared to schedule regular feedback sessions so your agency can stay on track. You’ll probably need to supply brand materials such as logos, style guides, and any text, images, and videos you want to be included. The agency may want you to sign a contract, agree on a payment schedule, and pay an initial deposit.


Hiring a web design agency is challenging, especially if you don’t have the technical knowledge to assess an agency’s past work objectively.

By asking the questions above, you’ll get a solid sense of what the company is like to work for, how well they fit your corporate culture, and whether their proposed solution is within your budget.

The more questions you ask, the better informed you’ll be, and the more likely your website design project will succeed. Good luck!


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 10 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring a Web Design Agency first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Looking to save big and make your web design job easier at the same?

This carefully picked list includes top-tier quality items that have already been used by hundreds of thousands of people like you.

From WordPress themes, plugins, web apps, website builders, and illustrations, this list has everything for everyone.

Check all these 10 excellent deals for designers below:

1. Amelia

Amelia is a WordPress booking plugin that saves businesses time and money from the beginning by replacing their manual or semi-automated appointment and event booking operations with a fully automated one.

Amelia is easy to set up and use. Fitness centers, consulting organizations, training institutions, beauty salons and spas, photographers, medical centers, and other businesses that rely heavily on client and customer appointment or event bookings will profit from using it.

  • Clients can go online to make appointments 24/7, change or cancel appointments, and make payments. They can also purchase tickets for events and add special requirements.
  • Amelia automatically sends notifications, reminders, and follow-ups by SMS, WhatsApp, and email (reducing no-shows while keeping clients aware of upcoming special sessions or events).
  • Amelia also manages group appointments, packages of appointments, employees’ schedules, special days, and days offs.
  • All the above can be managed at one or multiple locations from a single dashboard.

Amelia integrates with Google Calendar, Google Meet, Zoom, and Outlook Calendar. Click on the banner to learn more about what this amazing application could do for your business.

2. wpDataTables

Creating an informative table or chart for your website can be pretty labor-intensive.

  • You may have to work with and organize copious amounts of data.
  • You need to avoid compromising your website’s design at the expense of getting the tables or charts you want.
  • Your tables and charts may need to be responsive, editable, informative, and readable.

wpDataTables plugin does all the above for you and more. It is packed with powerful table and chart-building features that include –

  • 4 chart-building engines: Google Charts, Chart.js, Apex Charts, and Highcharts
  • The ability to accept data from multiple database sources and in numerous standard formats
  • The ability to highlight critical data, or color code data using Conditional Formatting
  • A wealth of powerful data filtering and sorting features
  • Live data from Google spreadsheets or JSON API

wpDataTables integrates seamlessly with Avada, Divi, Elementor, Gutenberg, and WPBakery. Click on the banner to learn even more about this popular WordPress plugin.

3. Trafft

To automate a booking operation, you might need one tool to book appointments, one to accept payments, another to manage employee schedules, and so on. Of course, if your business provides services at multiple locations, then you would multiply the number of tools times the number of locations, and you’ll be good to go.

Or, you could go with Trafft, a single tool with which you can manage all of the above, at multiple locations, all from a single platform.

  • Clients can book appointments online 24/7.
  • They can make payments online using PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, or Authorize .net.
  • Trafft sends reminders and notifications automatically via email or SMS.
  • Trafft integrates smoothly with Google Calendar, Google Meet, Outlook, and Zoom.

Click on the banner to learn about all of Trafft’s booking capabilities. You’ll be impressed.

4. WordLift

WordLift helps your website speak the language of Google. This way, your content will be discovered by users, giving you more organic traffic and helping your business website achieve excellent rankings.

  • WordLift uses AI to transform unstructured content into structured data that search engines can understand.
  • WordLift creates a knowledge graph, automates SEO tasks, and analyzes search intent.

Other features include automatic schema markup, content recommendation widgets, WooCommerce, and Image SEO, all designed to improve user engagement.

5. Total WordPress Theme

Three words summarize Total: flexible, easy, and complete. This aptly named WordPress theme is WooCommerce compatible and has everything you need to create one-of-a-kind sites.

  • Total puts excellent selections of demos, templates, and postcards at your fingertips.
  • The popular Slider Revolution plugin is included, as is Total’s flexible drag-and-drop page builder.

The 50% Black Friday discount is automatically applied when you order.

6. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce Theme

TheGem – the versatile WordPress website builder – offers unlimited customizations, plenty of design & marketing focused features, an extended library of pre-built designs, and the fastest loading times: 

  • You have ready access to a rich selection of 400+ pre-built websites in outstanding design quality 
  • It enables you to build every part of your website right away in Elementor or WPBakery: headers & footers, WooCommerce pages, blogs, mega menus, popups, and much more.
  • You’ll love the 5-star user support, just as have 60,000 others.

TheGem can be yours at a 40% Black Friday discount.

7. Mobirise Website Builder Software

The best offline website builder for 2022 is free to use. That is in itself a great bargain. Mobirise’s team has sweetened the pot by offering a 33% Black Friday discount for their All-in-One Kit with its 175 premium themes and extensions.

  • Mobirise is strictly drag-and-drop and features huge selections of blocks, templates, icons, and images.
  • Your site is yours to host anywhere you want

More than 2 million sites have already been created using Mobirise.

8. Embed Instagram Feed

Instagram offers a terrific way to promote your business’s products or services. Its focus on visual communication makes it an extremely effective marketing tool.

  • It takes but three simple steps to embed Instagram into your website.
  • A variety of display options are available.
  • Your feed will be fully responsive and compatible with mobile devices.

An Instagram feed is yours at a 33% Black Friday discount.

9. Getillustrations Web and App Illustrations Bundle


Getillustrations is loaded with trendy illustrations you can pick and choose from, download once, and use forever.

  • Selecting one or more of the 13,000 different illustrations in over 100 categories can definitely add spice to your web designs.
  • Illustrations come in PNG, SVG, Ai, Figma, and Sketch formats and Getillustrations adds new ones every week.

Use the EliteDesigners25 code to get your 25% Black Friday discount.

10. Rey Theme

Rey is an innovative WooCommerce theme that is loaded with WooCommerce-friendly features and is easy to set up and use.

  • Key WooCommerce features include filtering, search, templating, and navigation.
  • Rey’s smart search helps site visitors find exactly what they want
  • Quickview and Ajax search is also available

Headers are customized for eCommerce, and visitors will appreciate Rey’s helpful cart, wish list, and checkout features.

Black Friday is not far off. Before you know it, many producers of WordPress themes, tools, and services will be offering tempting discounts.

Even if you come across a deal that appeals to you, it doesn’t hurt to look around to see if you can find a better one.

Keep in mind that the quality of a product or service is more important than its reduced price. It’s always best to pick and choose carefully. So, we’ve put together this list of the best Black Friday deals for 2022 to help you do just that.


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The post They’Re Live! 10 Great Black Friday 2022 Deals for Designers and Agencies first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot