
Visual Studio Code is a great code editor that comes with JavaScript and TypeScript features like basic refactoring out of the box. However, its true strength is an outstanding extension marketplace. There are extensions for almost anything you might want to do in an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and they can make VS Code many times better.

Unfortunately, it can be time-consuming to find the right extensions and configure VS Code. Many developers prefer the out-of-the-box experience that IDEs such as Webstorm provide. This blog post shows how Visual Studio Code extensions can help you enhance the IDE experience for JavaScript. It covers:

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As a developer, you’re always looking for cutting-edge tools, tricks, and extensions to improve your productivity and efficiency.

Being able to manage your time better is a valuable skill for software engineers. Therefore, here’s a list of Visual Studio Code extensions that help frontend developers (and more!) to increase their productivity by at least 10 to 20%.

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Our team at DigiMantra Labs consists of many developers, but it has been dominated by frontend developers after the rising popularity of various JavaScript libraries like AngularJS, React.js, and others. We have moved to Microsoft Visual Studio Code and have long forgotten Sublime Text, but it’s a little secret that we still have developers that like "Dreamweaver." Yes, they do exist!

During one of our workshops, “Learn & Rise,” we discusses the various extensions that we use every day to make our lives easier. I collated them all and I’m going to share the top five VSC extensions that our developers use.

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