
SuperTokens is an open-source project which enables you to add auth to your app quickly. It gives you a pre-built auth UI and backend APIs for an end-to-end integration experience.

Before we dive into the code, let’s discuss the overall architecture.

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Hello folks! It’s tough competition these days, and we need to get the right kind of skills from the best resources possible. When it comes to front-end development, ReactJS and Angular are still king and queen, but Vue.js is quickly making its way up to fill the gap.

Vue.js, as you may know, is an open-source view model of the JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. You can also use Vue.js to develop single-page applications. If you are self-teaching Vue.js yourself or want to become a VueJS developer and looking for the best Vue.js resources like free online courses, books, and tutorials then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share Vue.js online courses and tutorials you can join for FREE, but before that, let’s learn a bit more about what Vue.js is and what benefits it offers.

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Often times when we are creating an application, the data we use determines what we show to the user. For example, in a to-do application, we may have multiple to-do list items. In Vue, it is easy to display multiple data points through the v-for attribute in our Vue templates.

How To Use V-for in Vue

Let’s suppose we have some data we are storing on a single page component. Our .vue document looks a bit like this:

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If you’ve done any work with Vue.js and SASS (or SCSS from here on), you may have run into this very common issue: you have SCSS variables in one file that you want to make available to your Vue components.

The good news is that the Vue CLI makes it incredibly easy to support writing SCSS, and with Vue’s single-file components, you can simply add lang="scss" to the <style> block (docs).

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The incredible amount of data available publicly on the internet for any industry can be useful for market research. You can use this data in machine learning/big data to train your model with tens of thousands of entries.

Here, in this article, I’m going to discuss the development of a web scraper with Node.js, Cheerio.js, and send back-end data to Vue.js in the front-end. Along with that, I’m going to use a simple crawler Node.js package.

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To test a component in isolation you can replace it’s children components by stubbing them. Vue Test Utils can automatically do this for you with a feature called shallowMount.

But what happens if a component is tightly coupled to one of its children? You can still use shallowMount, but you’ll then have to selectively "unstub" the tightly coupled child.

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Si votre Vue.js a des dépendances, vous aurez besoin pour gérer les dépendances d’une certaine manière lorsque vous test unitaire du composant.

Une approche consiste à installer les dépendances dans l’environnement de test, mais cela peut compliquer vos tests.

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