
Découvrez les saisons précédentes de la série de podcasts SAP intitulée « Parlons des données » dans nos précédents blogs sur la saison 5 et la saison 4.

Il est essentiel de créer un robuste socle de données et d’atteindre l’excellence en matière d’informations pour obtenir l’agilité d’entreprise nécessaire pour faire face aux changements et prendre rapidement les bonnes décisions stratégiques. Aider les équipes métier à mettre à profit leurs ressources de données et une remarquable réactivité pour optimiser la collecte et la communication de ces précieuses ressources est extrêmement utile pour renforcer l’efficacité au sein de l’entreprise et gérer de façon optimale les périodes de changements.

Nous avons donc réuni des experts en gestion et stratégie des données pour évoquer les sujets et tendances clés qui transforment la façon dont les entreprises exploitent les données pour libérer tout le potentiel de ces précieuses ressources.

Écoutez cette série de podcasts en anglais pour tout savoir sur les données !

Surveillez les nouveaux podcasts et rattrapez votre éventuel retard en la matière.

Écoute possible sur Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, PlayerFM ou YouTube.

Aperçu de la saison 6 : podcasts sur la stratégie de données, cas d’utilisation et solutions SAP associées

Ep. 58 — Partie 2 : Intégration de SAP Signavio Process Intelligence à SAP Data Intelligence

Cet épisode dit tout sur SAP Signavio Process Intelligence : le pourquoi, le quoi et le comment. Il aborde également l’intégration entre SAP Signavio Process Intelligence et SAP Data Intelligence.  Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal SAP Signavio Process Intelligence, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 57 — Partie 1 : SAP et Signavio : le quoi et le comment

Cet épisode présente SAP Signavio. Il présente la solution ainsi que les éléments clés et la façon dont SAP et Signavio travaillent ensemble pour améliorer les processus.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal SAP Signavio Process Intelligence, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 56 — Ce que le conseil d’administration doit savoir sur les données

Ce podcast porte sur les fondements nécessaires aux membres de conseils d’administration, en particulier ceux d’entreprises non natives des données, pour gérer les opportunités et risques majeurs, mener des examens plus approfondis, et assumer leur responsabilité de supervision axée sur les données. Écoutez Dr Thomas C. Redman, « le docteur Données », président de Data Quality Solutions, et Maria Villar, en charge de l’innovation en matière de gestion et de stratégie des données d’entreprise chez SAP, partager leurs précieux insights.

Ep. 55 — Les femmes dans le domaine des données

Rejoignez cette discussion interactive avec des femmes ayant toute une carrière en lien avec les données, dont Kristin McMahon, vice-présidente mondiale Solutions et marketing chez SAP, Corrie Brague, directrice principale Gestion des données chez SAP, Ina Felsheim, directrice marketing produits chez AWS, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale Gestion des données chez SAP. Vous entendrez leur avis sur l’état actuel de la gestion des données, des conseils pour une carrière en lien avec les données et des insights sur l’importance de la promotion des données dans tous les secteurs.

Ep. 54 — SAP et OpenText : réduction des coûts, amélioration des performances et migration vers SAP S/4HANA avec solide retour sur investissement

Cet épisode concerne le traitement des documents, le partenariat avec OpenText et une récente étude axée sur le retour sur investissement évoquant la réduction des coûts, l’amélioration des performances et l’efficacité en matière de migration vers SAP S/4HANA.
Intervenantes : Sheila McCarthy, directrice mondiale du marketing et des solutions, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions SAP

Ep. 53 — Données et analytique SAP : cas d’utilisation client pour l’intégration des données

Ce podcast s’appuie sur l’épisode 51 évoquant les services de gestion des données disponibles dans SAP Business Technology Platform. Dans cet épisode, nous découvrons une entreprise disposant de données en silos, déconnectées et dépourvues de contexte commercial. Ce podcast explique comment SAP Business Technology Platform, et plus particulièrement les services de données et d’analytique, ont été utilisés pour ajouter un contexte commercial à la masse de données existantes afin de favoriser des décisions fiables.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal Stratégie produits technologiques et plateformes chez SAP, Axel Schuller, responsable Solutions de gestion des données SAP, Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 52 — Rapprochement des données financières

Savez-vous que le rapprochement des données financières est incontournable dans tout projet de mise en œuvre SAP ? En quoi cela consiste-t-il et pourquoi est-ce nécessaire pour toutes les entreprises d’y prêter attention ? Rejoignez Syin Tan, Kevin Zheng, Lucas Morris et Sam Bannigan, représentants Pratiques relatives aux données chez Deloitte, qui évoquent les coûts, risques et exigences de conformité liés au rapprochement financier, et la façon dont ils ont mis à profit SAP Data Intelligence pour maîtriser ce facteur de réussite essentiel.
Intervenants : Kevin Zheng, spécialiste des données chez Deloitte Consulting, Syin Tan, spécialiste finance et données chez Deloitte Consulting, et Lucas Morris, spécialiste finance chez Deloitte Consulting.

Ep. 51 — Les meilleures façons d’exploiter les services de gestion des données avec SAP Business Technology Platform

Ce podcast explore les plus importants services de gestion des données disponibles sur SAP Business Technology Platform. Ces services incluent le catalogage des données et la gestion des métadonnées, l’intégration des données et le traitement des données. La façon dont ces services sont utilisés dans l’ensemble du portefeuille données et analytique de SAP Business Technology Platform sera également abordée. Rejoignez ce podcast pour découvrir les dernières innovations concernant les services de gestion des données et comment les mettre à profit.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal Stratégie produits technologiques et plateformes chez SAP, Axel Schuller, responsable Solutions de gestion des données SAP, Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 50 — SAP et Sodales : comment innover, créer et monétiser vos solutions SAP BTP Sodales Solutions crée des solutions pour la gestion EHS (Environnement, Hygiène et Sécurité) des entreprises et elle s’appuie pour cela sur SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Grâce à son innovation continue et à sa mise à profit de SAP BTP, Sodales exploite chaque opportunité d’amélioration. Écoutez ce que ce « modèle en matière de SAP BTP » a à dire et découvrez son approche en matière d’innovation, mais aussi des réflexions concernant SAP Store, les critères d’embauche, etc.

Ep. 49 — Le problème oublié : comment gérer la croissance du volume de données tout en réduisant les coûts et les risques La croissance du volume des données s’accélère. Les coûts et les risques liés à la gestion de toutes ces données ne se limitent pas au stockage. Rejoignez Deepak Sood, PDG d’Auritas, et Robert Pickering, directeur principal Gestion des solutions Business Technology Platform chez SAP, qui expliquent comment et pourquoi gérer le cycle de vie des données tout en trouvant le juste équilibre en matière de coûts des ressources, propriété, risques et conformité légale.

Ep. 48 — Découverte de la valeur ajoutée de SAP BTP pour les partenaires, avec SAP, IDC et le partenaire SAP Rizing Dans cet épisode de podcast, vous entendrez des dirigeants de SAP, IDC et Rizing, partenaire SAP, évoquer la valeur ajoutée obtenue par les partenaires avec SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Paul Edwards (directeur, canaux logiciels et écosystèmes chez IDC) mène une discussion particulièrement instructive avec Martin Stenzig(directeur de la technologie chez Rizing) et Tom Le (vice-président mondial Conseil en solutions partenaires, SAP), en abordant les conclusions du guide de la réussite partenaires IDC qui explore les accélérateurs opérationnels et technologiques offerts aux partenaires via SAP BTP. Les dirigeants abordent des sujets tels que la façon dont Rizing innove avec SAP BTP, le périmètre et l’impact de la plateforme sur la valeur du cycle de vie client, ainsi que les programmes SAP proposés pour assurer la réussite des partenaires avec SAP BTP. Pour en savoir plus, accédez au podcast dès maintenant.

Ep. 47 — Prévision du prix des produits de base avec SAP Data Intelligence Ratan Yedla et Sumanth Krishnan de VASPP Technologies évoquent le fonctionnement de la prévision des prix des produits de base avec SAP Data Intelligence. Ils abordent le recours à des modèles d’IA (intelligence artificielle) et de ML (Machine Learning) pour prévoir les futurs prix en fonction de modèles passés, d’événements externes et de données IoT, et expliquent combien mieux prévoir les prix, avec moins d’erreurs, permet de meilleures décisions d’achat et des économies pour les entreprises. VASPP Technologies a réalisé ce travail lors du sprint de contenus SAP Data Intelligence.

Ep. 46 — Création de l’automatisation intelligente de DataXstream avec SAP Data Intelligence Xilin Cheng et Kathleen Taggart de DataXstream évoquent la création de l’automatisation intelligente et les avantages du recours à SAP Data Intelligence pour les opérations de Machine Learning (MLOps). L’équipe aborde les difficultés rencontrées par le grossiste pour traiter un gros volume de devis et de commandes avec précision et efficacité. Traditionnellement, il fallait que des représentants du service client, comprenant SAP GUI et ayant des années d’expérience dans le secteur, passent des heures à saisir des données. Avec l’automatisation intelligente, la reconnaissance optique de caractères permet de lire du texte dans les modèles de Machine Learning créés par Xilin. Il évoque les techniques de traitement du langage naturel (TLN) utilisées, mais aussi les avantages du développement de pipelines de Machine Learning dans SAP Data Intelligence. Kathleen et Xilin évoquent pour finir l’avenir de l’automatisation intelligente et le potentiel qu’offre le Machine Learning pour remporter plus de contrats et améliorer l’expérience d’achat des clients.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez les ressources et informations supplémentaires disponibles ici :

The post Let’s Talk Data Podcast Series – Nouvelle saison disponible maintenant ! appeared first on SAP France News.

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Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook — virtually every major brand nowadays uses live streaming to connect and engage their audience. For enterprises and developers building cloud-native applications, this growing trend creates a need for streaming technologies that can reliably handle the rush of massive amounts of data, while also being flexible and easy to manage for developers.

One such technology is Apache Pulsar® — an open-source, distributed messaging and streaming platform that’s easy to deploy, simple to scale, and packed with developer-friendly APIs. So the next question is: how can you stream from Pulsar to Apache Cassandra®, the powerful NoSQL database designed to support data-heavy applications in the cloud?

Join our beginner-friendly Pulsar workshop on YouTube and learn how to connect Pulsar with Cassandra for streaming! In this post, we’ll set the scene with an introduction to Pulsar and guide you through four hands-on exercises where you’ll use these free, cloud-native technologies: Katacoda, Kesque, GitPod, and DataStax Astra DB. Each exercise will also be linked to the step-by-step instructions on the DataStax Developers GitHub wiki.

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Creating videos for social media or to embed on your site can be a fun and creative way to promote your brand or business. More importantly, time spent on a page is a significant SEO ranking factor, so providing a video to watch is of enormous benefit.

However, coming up with the music for your videos can be challenging. You want something catchy that fits your video’s tone but don’t want to violate copyright laws.

Music licensing can be tricky, but if you’re smart about it and know what license your needs fall into, things will go swimmingly. Many different types of licenses cover differing budgets or use cases.

Public Domain: Public domain music is music that is not protected by copyright and can be used by anyone for any purpose. This includes traditional folk songs, classical music, and works released explicitly into the public domain.

Creative Commons: Creative Commons is a license that allows you to use someone else’s work for free, as long as you give credit to the creator. There are several Creative Commons licenses, so read the terms before using any music in your videos.

Royalty-Free: Royalty-free music is music you can use without paying royalties. This means you can use the music in your videos without getting permission from the artist or paying for a license. You can usually find royalty-free music on stock audio websites.

10 Places to Find Music for Videos

Below you’ll find the ten most common places to find music for your videos, including Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok videos.

1. YouTube Audio Library

The first place to look for music is YouTube’s Audio Library. This is an excellent resource for finding free, high-quality music for your videos. You can search by genre, instrument, mood, or duration and preview the tracks before downloading them.

You can use music from the YouTube Audio Library in your Instagram and Youtube videos. Just make sure you follow the copyright guidelines specified on the YouTube website.

2. AudioJungle

AudioJungle from EnvatoMarket is an excellent resource for finding high-quality music for your videos. You can search by genre or mood and listen to previews of the songs before you download them.

AudioJungle offers a variety of paid plans that give you access to more features and higher-quality audio files. Prices start at $12 per month for the basic plan and go up to $48 per month for the premium plan.

3. Free Music Archive

The Free Music Archive is another resource to search for free music. It’s a little more eclectic than the YouTube Audio Library, so you’ll find a broader range of genres and styles here. 

However, all of the music on the site is licensed under Creative Commons, so you’re free to use it in your videos. In addition, you can search by genre or artist and even listen to previews of the songs before you download them.

4. Incompetech

The next website to find royalty-free music for videos is Incompetech. You can search by genre, mood, or instrument, but also read about music licenses. Besides, the site has a handy “music for video” section that features tracks that are specifically designed for use in videos.

Incompetech is free for users, but the company still earns money on display ads and Patreon donations.

5. Bensound

Bensound is a website where you can find high-quality music for your social media videos. It has a library of music that you can choose from, and you can also create custom playlists. The site is easy to use, and you can search for music by genre, mood, or artist. 

All of the music on the site is licensed under Creative Commons, so you’re free to use it in your videos. Prices start from approximately $12/mo subscription, or you can pay $34 per track.

6. ccMixter

ccMixter was created as a Creative Commons Project. It is a collaboration platform for musicians who want to promote their work. The site also has a handy “music for video” section that features tracks that are specifically designed for use in videos.

ccMixter offers a variety of paid plans that give you access to more features and higher-quality audio files. Prices start at $12 per month for the basic plan and go up to $48 per month for the premium plan.

7. Epidemic Sound

Epidemic Sound is a music company with a rich history dating back to 2009. They provide high-quality music for social media videos, and their library is constantly expanding. Epidemic Sound was founded by three friends working in the music industry. They were frustrated with the quality of stock music available, so they decided to create their own. 

Epidemic Sound has since become a go-to source for high-quality music. In recent years, the company has been working hard to expand its library and make it easier for people to find the perfect song for their videos. As a result, they now have over 30,000 tracks available.

Epidemic Sound’s monthly subscription service starts at $15/month. This gives you access to all of the site’s music, and you can download as many tracks as you want.

8. Musopen

Musopen is a perfect website for finding classical music for your videos. The site has various tracks to choose from; you can filter them by composer, orchestra, period, mood, length, and more. In addition, all of the music on the site is licensed under Creative Commons, so you’re free to use it in your videos.

Musopen offers a subscription plan that gives you access to high-quality music for your social media videos. You can choose from three different pricing plans, and each plan comes with a different number of downloads per month.

9. Jamendo Music

Jamendo is a website where you can find royalty-free music for your social media videos. The music on the website ranges from rock to electronica, and there is something for everyone. 

You can either browse the music by genre or use the search function to find the perfect song for your video.

10. StoryBlocks

StoryBlocks is a website created by two brothers, Aaron and Evan Sharp. It has a royalty-free music library with various music genres to choose from. You can find everything from pop to classical on this website. 

There is also a section of the website devoted to social media-friendly tracks. This means you can find music perfect for your videos without worrying about copyright issues.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 10 Great Places to Find Music for Videos first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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WordPress 6.0 has been released, and another niche jazz musician will be enjoying extra Spotify royalties next month.

WordPress 6, named for latin-jazz musician Arturo O’Farrill, is the realization of a change of direction the WordPress Foundation adopted several years ago.

All versions of WordPress now power around 42% of the web. That’s approximately 810,000,000 sites. If you looked at each site for a single second, without pausing to blink, it would take you over 25 years to see the home page of each one — of course, if you factor in how long a typical WordPress site takes to load it would take well over a century.

Some people (i.e., me) have been predicting the decline of WordPress for so long that sooner or later, we were bound to be correct. And, despite its astonishing reach, there are some signs that its market share may now be in decline. Even the W3C abandoned it in favor of Craft.

Of the 1,930,000,000 sites that currently make up the web, only around 400,000,000 are active. WordPress’s long-term dominance, coupled with a stalling market share, means that a disproportionate number of abandoned sites are WordPress. With site builders like Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify taking huge chunks of WordPress’ share of new sites, WordPress is facing something of a cliff edge.

What the ill-informed naysayers (i.e., me) hadn’t counted on was that WordPress had already seen the writing on the wall and formulated a plan…

WordPress’s problem has always been its legacy code; supporting out-of-date ideas and a spaghetti-like codebase has meant a great deal of work to do anything new. As a result, the last few releases have seen great ideas stifled by labored implementation. Even the most loyal WordPress user has to admit that Gutenberg, while filled with potential, doesn’t work the way it should. However, with WordPress 6, all the work may be starting to pay off.

With version 6, the block editor in WordPress is starting to feel like a design tool that, if not perfect, is at least usable. Editing content no longer feels like you’re fighting against the UI. Most importantly, the bar for creating a site is much, much lower. WordPress 6 also offers improved performance and accessibility, both areas that have traditionally been lacking. Security is still something of an issue, but that is mainly due to the ROI for hackers that massive market shares generate.

WordPress, it seems, has arrived at two conclusions: its main competition isn’t other CMS but other site builders. To maintain its market dominance, it needs to cater not to professionals but to amateurs.

Don’t get me wrong; the WordPress ecosystem will benefit from WordPress 6, at least reputationally. New sites run by amateurs eventually become established sites run by, if not professionals, then at least knowledgeable amateurs.

OK, so WordPress probably isn’t a good choice for enterprise sites. And there are certainly better options for ecommerce. And as for SEO, well, probably best not mentioned.

But in WordPress 6, we have a free, open-source site builder that lowers the bar for making a new site. It’s a credit to the community that has persevered to produce it.


The post WordPress 6.0 Lives Up To The Hype first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Ever looked for a comprehensive intro to Maven that is fun and entertaining at the same time? Then have a look at this brand-new episode of the « Marco Codes » YouTube channel: Maven Tutorial – Nice & Easy.

In this video, you’ll learn how to use Maven like a professional: installations, using the mvn wrapper, using Maven together with IDEs, and of course the Maven basics. From pom.xml concepts to running commands (clean install) to understanding Maven repositories and multi-module projects, by the end of it, there won’t be many questions left when it comes to Maven.

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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.
The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!”

The 3 Best Project Management Tools for Freelancers in 2022

14 Best YouTube Channels for Designers in 2022

MassCode 2.0 – Free and Open Source Code Snippet Manager

The Principles and Laws of UX Design

CSS Parent Selector

The Front-End Developer’s Guide to the Terminal

Svelte Vs React: Which Javascript Framework Wins in 2022

5 Github Repositories You Should Know as a Developer

Horizon UI – Trendiest Open-source React Admin Template

5 Things I Hate About Being a Developer


The post Popular Design News of the Week: April 18, 2022 – April 24, 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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It’s something every design team dreams about – a better design process and handoff procedure. Your design team is not alone if you are looking for a better solution.

Imagine what your workflow would look like if you could forgo the struggles of image-based technology, design and handoff with accurate components that have interactive features. Projects in the design phase will look more like final products and, most importantly, interact like final products. 

Let’s imagine a new design process together.

Challenges of an Image-Based Design Process

Here’s what we all know – image-based design tools provide pictures of components in the visual form but lack the interactivity and conditions that exist in the end-product. There’s not a high level of functional fidelity there, and it can cause confusion among design teams and rework.

These tools require you to redraw the fundamental components and design with boxes and rectangles, which takes too much time and can create a disconnect between the design and development teams. 

Further, you don’t fully maximize the potential of a design system because of inconsistencies between code-powered systems that developers use and these image-based systems for designers. There’s an innate gap between maintaining the environments and creating consistency in components. 

The final and maybe most difficult challenge with an image-based design process is in usability testing. You just can’t test an image the way you can working components. If the prototype is not interactive enough, you lose valuable feedback in the testing process. Functional fidelity is a must-have design and development tool in 2022. 

Iress, market-leading financial software, had many of these same problems in its design system process. You can probably relate to its story, which includes a designer and engineer who aren’t entirely on the same page, hit the deadline and have to deliver, and then get customer feedback. The result was a lot of extra headaches and work. 

But there is a better way: Import all user interface components into a code-powered design system in sync with a design tool so that your team can work in harmony to build, scale, and handoff projects with ease. 

Scale Design With Accurate Components

Here’s what most design and development teams want en route to building products: Accurate components with built-in interactivity, states, and conditions. No redrawing boxes and rectangles; no trying to figure out what states and interaction should be.

And if you can do it with ten times the speed and agility? Now you’re really in business. 

“It used to take us two to three months just to do the design. Now, with UXPin Merge, teams can design, test, and deliver products in the same timeframe,” said Erica Rider, Senior Manager for UX at PayPal. “Faster time to market is one of the most significant changes we’ve experienced using Merge.”

The time and workflow savings come from the ability to maintain only one environment as a product team. Rather than image-based tools, a code-powered design system that will push updates to components as the design evolves is the modern way to work. This workflow can also eliminate duplicate documentation so that your team has a single source of truth for whole product teams. 

Now you can be more agile in the design process and scale. And as Rider hinted at, there is a solution already available in UXPin Merge. 

Scalability with accurate design components has other benefits as well. 

Teams can onboard people faster because the design system is in the design tool. There’s less searching for answers with drag and drop-ready building blocks. New team members will find more success and be more valuable to the team quicker due to fewer inconsistencies and errors. 

Testing also gets a boost as you scale with a single source of truth. You can actually create better usability tests with a high-fidelity, functional version of the prototype, allowing users to leave more valuable and detailed feedback that can improve your product in the early stages. 

Better Handoffs Start Here

As you imagine a better design process, take it one step further. Better handoffs are a goal for most teams. 

An interactive component-based design tool can eliminate the need for multiple iterations of the same meeting to explain how a prototype works. Everyone can see and interact with it for themselves with accurate, true components that ensure the prototype works the same as the product. 

Designers will feel more like their vision is making it into the final product, and developers have a better idea of how to work. Everyone has the exact same components written in code. Thanks to the single source of truth, devs can speed up as they build the product because they start with components that include production-ready code.

A typical design to developer handoff might have multiple steps: Create vector design elements, create a model for interactions, and then send the prototype with documentation. Not to mention the meetings that are required to make sure everyone is on the same page.

In a model with interactive component elements, the developer handoff is fast and easy; they create a prototype with true components and all the built-in properties. The developer copies the JSX code and pastes it into his tool to build the final product. All the component properties and their coded interactions already exist in the source code. This is possible because the source of truth is the code itself, the source code.

Quick Tool Solution and Technical Use

This solution to this common challenge is not somewhere in the future; it’s already here.

UXPin, a code-based design tool, has Merge technology, which allows you to bring all interactive components into UXPin. Then you can use your own, or the open-source library with the ready-made building blocks to get products ready faster.

Here are just a few of the things you can do with Merge by UXPin:

  • Integrate your developer’s storybook to use it as a single source of truth (works for all frameworks)
  • Import design system components from a dev’s Git repository, such as GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or others (works with React)
  • Work with the built-in MUI library
  • Add the npm component package to UXPin on your own (no developer required)
  • Design with the confidence that your work can be ideally reflected by developers
  • Create and share a library of interactive components


Say bye-bye to redrawing rectangles – build more accurate prototypes easier and end-products faster with Merge by UXPin.

Now is the time to solve one of your biggest design challenges while upgrading and scaling the design process and improving handoffs. 

Merge by UXPin is user-friendly and made for scalable projects of almost any size. The line between design and development blurs with quicker product release and a fully-interactive solution. Request access today.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of UXPin –]


The post How to Scale Your Design Process and Improve Handoff first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Paris, le 7 mars 2022 – Afin de répondre aux préoccupations des dirigeants et collaborateurs face à l’augmentation de cyberattaques protéiformes et de plus en plus sophistiquées, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP), Trustpair et Accenture ont mené une étude portant sur la lutte contre les risques de fraude au virement. Cette enquête souligne une importante prise de maturité des entreprises face à la fraude, ainsi qu’une évolution positive de la perception des dispositifs visant lutter contre celle-ci.

Tandis que 95% des entreprises ont fait l’objet d’une tentative de fraude en 2021, dont les trois quarts de ces tentatives ont entraîné une perte financière, 2022 se place sous le signe d’une mise en marche des entreprises, avec une volonté forte de se professionnaliser dans la gestion de la lutte contre la fraude au virement. Les entreprises multiplient ainsi les projets d’envergure et mieux intégrés à leurs systèmes d’information.

Quelques chiffres clés permettent de dresser un diagnostic des risques de fraude auxquels font face les entreprises, mais également les enjeux de sécurisation inhérents :

  • Pour 85% des répondants, la vulnérabilité des entreprises face à la fraude s’explique par la forte augmentation des cyberattaques.
  • Parmi les entreprises victimes de fraude, la fraude au RIB arrive largement en tête (64%), suivie par la fraude au faux fournisseur (43%) et le phishing (40%).
  • Alors que 87% des répondants savent qu’il existe des solutions anti-fraude, 58% des entreprises n’auraient aucune solution technologique dédiée à la fraude au virement. Toutefois, il s’agit d’un enjeu prioritaire, car 67% d’entre elles ont entrepris un projet de lutte contre la fraude au virement en 2021.
  • On apprend également que près d’un quart des répondants souhaitent que les ERP occupent un rôle de conseiller sur la sécurisation de leurs virements. En effet, le rôle d’un ERP est fondamental, car des modules spécifiques dédiés à la lutte contre la fraude sont de plus en plus présents, ainsi que des solutions spécialisées directement intégrées dans l’environnement technique des entreprises.

« L’étude montre une chose : une sensibilité toujours plus grande au besoin de s’équiper d’une solution digitale contre la fraude au virement », déclare Baptiste Collot, Président et co-fondateur de Trustpair. « Ce constat va de pair avec l’évolution des tentatives de fraude, puisqu’il y a quelques années, les corporates avaient essentiellement pour réponses de continuer à mettre en place des processus manuels pour se protéger de ces risques-là. »

« Cette étude met en lumière l’enjeu croissant autour des ERP et de l’automatisation des processus dans la lutte contre les tentatives de fraude. Notre expertise combinée à celle de notre partenaire Trustpair dans la sécurisation des coordonnées bancaires est reconnue (avec une note de confiance à 8,6/10), et il semble, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, indispensable de répondre à la demande d’accompagnement de nos clients, en leur fournissant tous les conseils et ressources nécessaires pour mieux se défendre contre ce type de cyberattaques », selon François Bourgeois, Sales Director Finance & Risk – SAP France.

L’étude a été menée du 1er décembre 2021 au 25 janvier 2022 auprès de 134 Directeurs Financiers et Directeurs Trésorerie d’ETI et de grands groupes français, via un questionnaire par internet et par téléphone.

Pour télécharger l’étude dans son intégralité : lien.


À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.

À propos de Trustpair

Trustpair est la plateforme de gestion de risque de tiers spécialisée dans la lutte contre la fraude au virement.

Créé en 2017, Trustpair accompagne les Directions financières des grandes entreprises et ETI dans la sécurisation de leurs paiements en vérifiant automatiquement les coordonnées bancaires de leurs tiers. Avec Trustpair, plus de de 150 Directions financières sont déjà dotées d’une solution digitale pour déjouer les fraudes via :

  • Le contrôle automatique des RIB fournisseurs
  • L’audit continu et en temps réel du référentiel tiers
  • La sécurisation de l’ensemble de leurs campagnes de paiements


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With all the marketing aplomb of basement-coders worldwide, NFTs were named with an acronym that does little to clarify their utility.

You probably know by now that NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token; what is perhaps less clear is what “Fungible” actually means; in this context, it means interchangeable.

Consider an ounce of platinum. That platinum is fungible, meaning it can be exchanged for any other ounce of platinum. Now consider a piece of jewelry made from one ounce of platinum. That jewelry is not interchangeable with any other ounce of platinum; it has the same core materials, but it has unique characteristics that may be artistically valuable, such as shape, or craft. The jewelry is non-fungible.

The letter that actually matters in NFT is T for Token. Tokens are little chunks of a blockchain that is a universally agreed dataset. You don’t need to know how it works any more than you need to understand how a computer processor works; you just need to know it’s in there.

Like any new technology, NFTs are surrounded by propaganda, counter-propaganda, skepticism, evangelism, and Facebook-confusion. In this post, we’ll look at some of the common misconceptions so you can develop an informed opinion.

1. NFTs Are Bad For The Environment

We’ll tackle this one first because it’s the classic argument leveled against anything in the crypto-space, whether Bitcoin or NFTs, and it’s nonsensical.

The root of this myth is that cryptocurrency transactions use vast amounts of electricity, the generation of which is terrible for the environment. The answer is threefold:

Firstly, electricity is used to run computers that maintain a blockchain, such as Ethereum. The blockchain is maintained whether NFTs are minted (registered) or not.

Secondly, NFTs tend to be minted on blockchains like Ethereum that are moving to less resource-intensive models, blockchains like Solana that already have less resource-intensive models, or blockchains like Algorand that are already carbon-neutral.

Lastly, the fact is that electricity is not inherently planet-killing. Renewables like solar and wind are perfectly capable of powering the grid; it’s just that power companies make higher profits by burning fossil fuels. That swanky new electric car you’ve bought so you can drive guilt-free is fuelled with fossil fuels on the power company’s end (and that’s before you consider the damage done getting those minerals out of the ground).

Until the computer you’re using is solar-powered, repairable, and upgradable, anything digital is terrible for the environment; NFTs are as bad, but no more so, than anything digital.

2. NFTs Are Just [Insert Patronizing Economic Metaphor Here]

NFTs, and crypto in general, are frequently referred to as a Ponzi Scheme. In the 1920s, Charles Ponzi duped investors into handing over cash. Returns were paid to early investors with the income from new investors. Early investors made a lot of money, and later investors lost everything.

One of the key characteristics of a Ponzi Scheme is that it’s a confidence trick that presents itself as low-risk. NFTs as an investment are widely understood to be high-risk. Calling NFTs a Ponzi Scheme is an excellent way of letting people know you don’t know what a Ponzi Scheme is.

In the 17th century, the price of tulip bulbs reached astronomical proportions. The Dutch tulip trade was a complex economic investment system that eventually collapsed, thanks in part to a global pandemic. Ever since, Tulpenmanie (Tulip Mania, in English) has been a byword for an economic bubble.

NFTs are frequently linked to Tulip Mania, thanks partly to the prices and the expectation (or hope) that the market will collapse. However, if you drive through the Netherlands today, you’ll see vast fields of tulips. They’re not being grown because they’re worthless.

While demand may fluctuate, it doesn’t fluctuate as much as media hysteria implies. And ultimately, tulips are nice.

3. You Can Buy And Sell NFTs

This is where pedantry plays a role. You cannot buy and sell NFTs; NFTs are the vehicle by which you conduct transactions for digital (or, in some cases, physical) goods and services.

If you have software installed on your computer, you probably have a license key. The license key identifies you as holding certain rights over that software, such as being allowed to use it to produce digital goods of your own. The license key is how the company identifies you as the individual to whom it has sold those rights.

NFTs are license keys for digital goods that are recorded on a blockchain instead of being held in a single database.

4. NFTs Can Be Easily Copied

When I was a kid in the 90s, I would record music off the radio with a tape player. I’d make mix-tapes and give them away. I was, in every literal sense, pirating music. And it wasn’t just me; home-taping kept the cassette industry going for decades past its use-by date. Despite this, the music industry did not collapse.

Art is even easier to copy than music because there’s no risk of a vapid DJ wittering over the intro to I Wanna Be Adored.

On my morning commute, I pass a shop that sells art prints. Around 80% are screen prints of Marilyn Monroe. They are original prints made by an artist and sold for not inconsiderable amounts. Not one of those pieces diminishes the quality, importance, or financial value of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe prints in New York’s MoMA.

The difference is that MoMA’s Warhols have provenance — they can be tracked to a time and place and authenticated as by Warhol. Precisely the same provenance that NFTs provide digital artists.

5. You Can Get Rich From NFTs

Earning money, potentially a vast amount of money, is one of the main driving factors behind the boom in NFTs.

But the truth is that while it is possible to make a lot of money — some NFTs sell for millions of dollars — most NFTs sell for a modest amount.

If you are an accomplished artist with original ideas, you may make money from selling your art as NFTs. If you are an accomplished trader capable of recognizing quality, you may make money from buying and selling NFTs. However, very few people get rich.

6. NFT Resale Rights Undermine Value

NFTs have many potential uses, but the earliest adoption has been in digital art. The main economic benefit to artists is not just an easy way to sell their art but a widely accepted royalty system in which the original artist receives a commission every time the artwork is resold. It represents the ongoing investment the artist is making by continuing to produce and promote their work.

It might seem a strange way to approach ownership, but resale rights are not new in the art world. In the EU and the UK, the resale rights of artists are legally recognized. In France, the legal rights of the artist or the artist’s descendants to be compensated from the sale of artwork have been established in law for over a century.

Despite high-profile artists like Robert Rauschenberg fighting for resale rights, and legislation in New York and California supporting the concept, resale rights are still not recognized in the US.

NFTs introduce a fairer system that grants the same rights to all artists, that Europeans already enjoy.

7. NFTs Are Worthless

Anything with value, whether physical currency, NFTs, or a block of wood, only has value because two or more people agree it has value.

The most expensive baseball card in the world is reportedly a mint-condition Honus Wagner, priced at $3m. It might be hard to understand why anyone would pay $3m for a piece of cardboard with an image of a 1950s sportsman on it, but apparently, someone would.

All goods, all the things we spend money on, are worth what we agree they are worth. To me, a tulip bulb is worth more than a baseball card, but who knows, perhaps you don’t like tulips.

There are plenty of flaws in the systems that use NFTs, and there are plenty of detractors, but if you want to create and sell artwork and someone wants to buy it from you, NFTs are an excellent way of facilitating that transaction.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post Myth-Busting NFTs: 7 Claims Fact-Checked first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot