Ethical and Regulatory Questions Facing AI

At work, as part of a reading group, I had the chance to spend some time reading about some challenges facing AI regarding ethics and regulation. Despite having worked with and thought about AI and Machine Learning before, I hadn’t spent much time thinking about the ethical and legal challenges facing the field, so it was a lot of fun to do some reading in the area. I was mostly interested in the more short-term challenges of the space in the coming years, so I didn’t get into the more long-term concerns about things like Artificial General (Super) Intelligence or weaponized AI.

Regardless of area of expertise, most of us are probably already aware of the momentum around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Between self-driving cars, home assistants (Alexa, Google Home, et al.), and the growing capabilities of our mobile devices, there is no escaping the ever looming presence of AI in our lives.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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