
We love Microsoft Azure. It is by far the most developed cloud providers in IaaS, PaaS, and even SaaS (Office 365) that you can get. It is well thought out from an administration point of view, a strong API to control most aspects of it, and offers as many developer-oriented services as you can imagine. Much like Amazon, it also offers its variety of databases as a service.

Database as a Service (DBaaS)

Buying a license for database software and installing it on a server is only a small portion of the cost and effort. Since most database licenses are not cheap to begin with, you can imagine the total bill, which includes items such as:

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So, preparing for an interview? Want to revisit some Java SE 5 features? Trying to recall or revise a Java SE programming construct? Let me take you back in time to what was introduced first in Java SE 5! This progression and tutorial series on Java, as we all eagerly await the official release of Java SE 9!

Java SE 5 Release Date: 04-10-2004

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Cube.js is an open-source framework for building analytical web applications. It is primarily used to build internal business intelligence tools or to add customer-facing analytics to an existing application. In a majority of cases, the first step of building such an application is an analytics dashboard. It usually starts with — “let’s add an analytics dashboard to our admin panel.” Then, as it always happens in software development, things get more complicated — much more complicated.

When we started working on Cube.js, we wanted to build a tool, which is simple at first but scales easily in features, complexity, and data volume. Cube.js puts down a solid foundation for your future analytical system, whether it is a standalone application or embedded into the existing one.

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Developers commonly integrate with cloud storage services such as Google Drive to sync files that change between their app and users’ cloud storage. At Kloudless, we’ve seen activity monitoring used for everything from workflow automation to data loss protection.

The Kloudless unified Events API enables developers to track changes regardless of which cloud storage account a user connects. Google Drive remains one of the most popular services users connect accounts for. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the various ways to track changes in Google Drive and when to use each.

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