
Paris, le 3 octobre 2023 – Tout au long du mois d’octobre, SAP, leader mondial des logiciels d’entreprises, innove pour capitaliser sur l’engagement de ses collaborateurs aux enjeux de la RSE et lance en France le « Mois de l’Engagement ». Pendant quatre semaines, plusieurs actions seront menées pour soutenir les employées qui s’investissent dans des causes qui leurs sont chères.


Lancé le 3 octobre 2023, « Le Mois de l’Engagement » de SAP en France a été pensé avec les équipes de la Fondation SAP France et les Ambassadeurs SAP4Good. L’objectif ? Proposer une série d’actions sur l’ensemble du mois d’octobre et soutenir l’engagement des collaborateurs dans des missions à caractère social et environnemental.

« Le Village de l’Engagement », un espace dédié à l’Engagement et créé pour les collaborateurs.

Un village dédié aux actions sociales et environnementales ouvrira ses portes aux collaborateurs de SAP en France. Quatre quartiers thématiques seront proposés pour les employés qui souhaitent s’investir dans une cause : participer à l’essor de Entrepreneuriat Social, accompagner l’inclusion professionnelle via le numérique, s’engager pour Zéro inégalité (Pride@SAP, la Course du Cœur) et Agir pour l’Environnement

Le film documentaire Ose Toujours d’Enactus, réalisé par Jérôme Priolet, sera diffusé à l’occasion du lancement du Mois de l’Engagement, suivi d’une table ronde avec ENACTUS et SAP France. L’Association ENACTUS France a été créée en 2003 pour promouvoir le progrès social par l’action entrepreneuriale en France.

A travers plusieurs ateliers thématiques, cette journée sera également pour les bénévoles SAP l’occasion d’enrichir leurs compétences de mentoring d’entrepreneurs sociaux avec le coaching de Makesense et/ou d’acteurs de la transition énergétique, grâce à des animateurs dédiés.

SAP en France renforce ses actions en faveur de la RSE et amplifie celles de ses collaborateurs

Durant quatre semaines, au profit de son écosystème associatif, les employés de SAP en France s’impliqueront pour répondre au plus grand nombre d’objectifs du Développement Durable dont l’éducation, l’économie sociale et solidaire, une chance pour tous, l’égalité entre les sexes, le travail décent, etc.

La responsabilité environnementale de SAP sera également au programme avec l’adoption par le plus grand nombre de collègues d’une mobilité durable et le passage individuel à l’action pour la réduction de son empreinte carbone avec un atelier dédié : l’atelier 2tonnes qui a déjà convaincu 100% de ceux qui l’ont suivi !

Les enjeux de l’alimentation durable seront également présentés : le groupe SODEXO, leader mondial de la restauration collective, proposera à cette occasion davantage de menus végétariens au sein des locaux de SAP France.

Ce mois de l’Engagement renforce la politique globale de SAP en faveur des actions de RSE et encourage les collaborateurs à avoir un impact positif tant dans leur vie personnelle que professionnelle.

Au quotidien, l’entreprise continue de soutenir les initiatives des collaborateurs en faveur du bien commun.


« Chez ENACTUS, nous croyons que chaque individu porte en lui le désir d’un monde plus juste, plus inclusif et plus durable et que c’est en révélant ces rêves et en donnant confiance en chacun en sa capacité à agir, que nous ferons émerger une société souhaitable pour tous ! Nous accompagnons des étudiants, des enseignants et des professionnels à développer leurs compétences pour innover et agir au service de la société. » déclare Céline Sannié, Directrice Générale Adjointe ENACTUS


« Nous sommes très fiers de nous associer à cette initiative pour faire découvrir aux salariés de SAP une alimentation responsable, locale et gourmande faisant la part belle au frais et au végétal. Des approvisionnements au zéro plastique, en passant par la mise en place de paniers anti-gaspi, c’est un écosystème vertueux qui illustre notre engagement pour une restauration durable alliant plaisir, santé et éco-responsabilité. » explique Sabine Sakthikumar, Directrice Générale IDF et Nouveaux modèles de restauration chez SODEXO


Pour Emmanuelle Brun Neckebrock, CFO et Directrice Générale Déléguée SAP France : « Ce mois est une formidable opportunité pour tous nos collaborateurs et pour l’équipe de direction de continuer à nous engager. Aujourd’hui, notre entreprise a à cœur de contribuer au développement de toutes les initiatives, et c’est ce que nous faisons avec le Mois de l’Engagement, avec nos partenaires ENACTUS et SODEXO. Il est important pour SAP d’offrir à ses collaborateurs une plateforme d’engagements qui leur permettra de continuer à servir les causes qui leurs sont chères et d’en découvrir de nouvelles. »


A propos de SAP :

La stratégie de SAP est d’aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en « entreprise intelligente » et durable. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 87 % du commerce mondial total est généré par nos clients. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analyse avancée aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en « entreprises intelligentes ». SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration pour qu’ils puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent, sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services end-to-end permet aux clients privés et publics de 26 secteurs d’activité dans le monde entier, de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Grâce à un réseau mondial de clients, de partenaires, d’employés et de leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.


Contact presse :

Sylvie Lechevin : /


The post En octobre, SAP en France célèbre le mois de l’Engagement et capitalise sur l’implication de ses collaborateurs aux enjeux de Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale. appeared first on SAP France News.

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WALLDORF — SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.

SAP Announces Q4 and FY 2022 Results

  • All financial outlook metrics met in FY 2022
  • Cloud revenue up 33% and up 24% at constant currencies in FY 2022. Q4 S/4HANA cloud revenue further accelerates, up 101% and up 90% at constant currencies
  • Current cloud backlog exceeds €12 billion, up 27% and up 24% at constant currencies
  • IFRS cloud gross profit up 38%, non-IFRS cloud gross profit up 37% and up 28% at constant currencies in FY 2022
  • IFRS operating profit flat, non-IFRS operating profit down 2% and down 7% at constant currencies in FY 2022. Q4 IFRS operating profit up 17%, non-IFRS operating profit up 5% and up 2% at constant currencies
  • 2023 outlook anticipates accelerating topline and double-digit non-IFRS operating profit growth
  • Targeted restructuring in 2023 reflects focus on strategic growth areas and accelerated cloud transformation
  • SAP has decided to explore a sale of its stake in Qualtrics

“SAP is more resilient than ever. We end 2022 with continued strong cloud momentum and a return to operating profit growth in the fourth quarter, marking an important inflection point. Heading into 2023, this gives us great confidence in delivering on our promise of accelerating topline and double-digit non-IFRS operating profit growth. As we enter the next chapter of SAP, I want to thank Luka for his great partnership on this journey.”

Christian Klein, CEO

“In my 37th and final earnings for SAP, I am proud that the SAP team is announcing excellent results and continued cloud momentum. We are on track to deliver our growth and profitability commitments for 2023. I am extremely confident in the continued success of SAP’s most exciting transformation in its history. Thank you to the wonderful SAP family that I have been part of for 27 years.”

Luka Mucic, CFO


Read the Quarterly Statement

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When you hear the word “leadership,” do you think of a particular person?

If you’d been asked that question anytime before the 1900s, chances are you’d think of an accomplished politician or a battle-tested general. These were the people leading society for most of recorded history. Today, you might have someone else in mind.

Since the industrial era, the US has birthed a pantheon of founders who’ve arguably led our society as much as any statesman or president. We put Rockefeller and Ford right next to Lincoln and Jefferson. Think about it; these guys haven’t just changed the US; they’ve changed how the entire world lives and does business.

Founders of successful companies today command even larger amounts of capital and power than JD and Henry. With the rise of social media, they are often thrust to the forefront of their brands and the public, whether they like it or not. Some manage the responsibility better than others.

In my opinion, the best businesses use all that capital, manpower, and name recognition to do more than simply make a profit. By leading with authenticity, inspiring positive action, and influencing their brand’s vision for innovation – they try to make a change.

I wanted to take a minute to reflect on some modern founder-led brands I think are doing a killer job of creating unique, world-changing businesses and company cultures. I also want to discuss the lessons I have learned from them.

Elon Musk – Tesla

When talking about founder-led brands of the 21st century, it’s hard to pass over electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla and its outspoken CEO, Elon Musk. Love him or loathe him, he belongs in any conversation on influential founders.

While Musk isn’t technically the founder of Tesla, he is one hundred percent responsible for the company’s direction over the past decade. I think two of the strongest leadership points for Musk are his focus on branding and innovation.

Tesla created showrooms and charging stations long before his business had the sales to justify the expense. People saw the name Tesla everywhere, got curious about it, and now that’s paying off big time. Tesla today is at the forefront of the EV industry while all the other car companies play catch-up.

Behind the scenes, Tesla was also early to create a vertically-integrated supply chain – giving it almost complete control over its product and logistics. That’s another feature with a hefty upfront price tag but paid off when the pandemic hit. Now the biggest automakers in the world are rushing to copy that model.

Musk arguably even convinced China to deregulate foreign ownership of automotive companies. That’s hard to prove. However, China changed its rules around foreign ownership of EV companies shortly after he refused to enter the country.

Arguably, Tesla today is one of the frontrunners in redefining how traditional companies run. Musk is known to hate bureaucracy and traditional hierarchies. He hires other people to take care of bureaucratic processes for him.

Musk is also known for hiring relatively young, hard-working employees into high-power management positions in the company and letting them prove themselves. That inspires extreme loyalty from his employees from an early age. Musk’s focus on efficiency and rejection of traditional hierarchies has sparked a small revolution in tech companies.

Finally, I respect Musk because he has goals beyond showing year-over-year growth to shareholders. That’s hard to do day in and day out.

Sara Blakely – Spanx

Sara Blakely is an example of a founder with her hands in every part of her business, from product creation to sales. Most importantly, she created an authentic company culture with values she felt the business world lacked.

For those who know her story, Spanx very nearly didn’t happen. Blakely pitched her slimming undergarment to multiple women’s brands run by men. Most told her it would never work.

It might seem silly now, but men used to think they knew women’s fashion better than women. It wasn’t until one executive gave Blakely’s product to his daughters to try out that he agreed to start stocking Spanx. It’s a great example of how businesses can make a lot of money by listening to their customers.

Besides founding a women’s clothing company that sells products women want, Blakely strived to bring “feminine energy” into the workplace. I saw this poignant quote from her in an article:

“Twenty-one years ago when I started Spanx, I ended up in the paper in Atlanta, and I was at a cocktail party and a couple of guys came up to me and they said, ‘Sara, we read about you. Congratulations! We heard you invented something.’ And I said, ‘Yes I did, I’m so excited.’ They said, ‘Business is war,’ and then they pat me on the shoulder and they kind of laughed at each other. I went back home to my apartment that night. I was 29 and I just thought, I’m not going to war. I’m going to do this very differently. I’m going to honor a lot of feminine principles — intuition, empathy, kindness. Just allowing myself to be vulnerable through this process. And of course, a lot of the masculine energy has helped me also — it was a balance. But I wasn’t going to do it by squashing the feminine.”

Blakely worked hard to create a sales-oriented company culture that was purposely welcoming from that point forward. She regularly scheduled “oops meetings” where employees could stand up and say how they messed up and turn it into a funny story. At Spanx, it was okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

Blakely wanted everything about her product to be fun, including the way it was sold. She created a mandatory boot camp for salespeople, which, among other things, requires employees to perform standup comedy. Little things like that resonated with people and made Spanx synonymous with “fun.” Even famous actresses were flashing their Spanx on the red carpet.

The lesson we can all learn from Spanx and Blakely is that fun and positive energy are great marketing tools for any business. Many companies try to push a fun culture publicly without any authentic leadership that genuinely exemplifies that narrative, they won’t have the same effect. Blakely’s story of Spanx is not just a story of the brand but a story of her life and the experiences that shaped her vision and goals.

Jack Dorsey – Block (FKA Square)

While better known for founding Twitter, Jack Dorsey has recently been in the news for his move to solely running payment processing business Block. I admire Dorsey because he radically encourages his teams to think differently about how they work.

Dorsey is known for optimizing ways to stay productive and focused throughout the day. He manages through unconventional tactics like communicating only through voice memos on his phone that he runs through transcription apps. He says this prevents him from being sidetracked by distractions on his computer. I think that kind of mindfulness is necessary now more than ever.

Dorsey tries to bring this level of focus to his interactions with his employees too. I saw a great quote from him in this article discussing computer-less meetings at Block.

“When phones are down and laptops are closed, the team can discuss any issue at hand without distraction. We can actually focus and not just spend an hour together but make that time meaningful — and if that time is 15 minutes, then it’s 15 minutes and then we move on with our lives.”

Besides limiting distractions, Dorsey is known to walk five miles to work daily, theme each day, and create detailed agendas and goals for each team meeting. In his former company, Twitter, the culture was frequently described as a space where employees could speak freely to management about things they wanted to change.

On that subject, Dorsey has been known to push hard for employee control in his companies. Perhaps ironically, he was also quoted saying he wants Twitter to break away from its co-founders’- vision and control, calling founder-led companies “severely limiting.” However, it still seems he has some sort of vision for the world that he wants to bring around via Block.

His business goals are visionary, pushing the boundaries of innovation in the financial world.

Dorsey is a known cryptocurrency enthusiast but had pushback from the Twitter team, including his CFO, about making a crypto-centric product. His move to payments processor, Block, seems to be a bid to follow his passion and exert his vision on the world.

Block has since made headlines for being extremely bullish on cryptocurrencies, while many have expressed doubts. Dorsey even changed the business’s name to Block to better reflect its focus on blockchain and famously purchased $50 million worth of Bitcoin in 2020. All the while, Dorsey has been quietly creating arms of his business in the hopes of improving BTC’s usefulness. That may pay off down the line.

Melanie Perkins – Canva

I identify strongly with Melanie Perkins, co-founder of graphic design SaaS, Canva. Besides being roughly the same age, we both came from nondescript beginnings with no background in entrepreneurship or tech.

Canva is an excellent example of a business created by becoming intimately familiar with a customer problem and executing. Perkins spent years teaching people how to use design platforms like Adobe Creative Suite because they were so complicated. Taking that knowledge, she started a simple product to help customers create high school yearbooks. That expanded into a super app covering every aspect of design.

This super-app has unlocked a way for millions to learn design and produce high-quality content at any skill level. The cost to use Canva is many times lower than anything else on the market.

While Canva is an amazing product, what I like most about Perkins is that she believes business serves a higher purpose than maximizing profits.

When she was suddenly thrust into the limelight with a $40 billion valuation, people were even more impressed by Perkins’ philanthropic goals. She vowed to donate a 30 percent stake in Canva to a charity dedicated to eliminating poverty (about $12 billion). She is also known to regularly fundraise for 25,000 different nonprofits through her app. She doesn’t just inspire people with words, but by actions, she’s actually taking.

Canva is very public about its ethos. I like their values because they are general yet avoid the jargon many companies fall into. They are:

  • To be a force for good and empower others;
  • Pursue excellence;
  • Be a good human;
  • Make complex things simple;
  • Set crazy big goals and make them happen.

Besides revolutionizing how modern businesses design and harness goodwill marketing, Canva was also one of the forerunners of the remote work trend.

Most of Canva’s “Canvanauts” worked from homes worldwide even before the pandemic. Canva showed a lot of tired old businesses that you could still run a successful company without having employees in the office 24/7.

How I Try to Learn From the Best

Finally, I want to talk about what I am trying to contribute to my team and society with my current business, startup acquisition marketplace, MicroAcquire.

As I’ve mentioned, I think it is very much on myself as a founder to set the tone of my business – and that starts with who I hire. When I’m searching for new employees to join the “#Micromafia” I not only look for productive workers, I look for people I genuinely enjoy spending time with. It’s the best feeling in the world to go to meetings where you leave thinking, “That was really fun.”

Besides creating a great team, I’ve tried to address another problem I see again and again at major tech companies: employee burnout. There’s a reason the average tenure of a tech employee is three years.

I love working on startups. It’s like playing a video game for me, and it’s probably why I’m a founder. That said, I know my employees don’t always feel the same way. As CEO, I make sure my team knows I want them to live their lives outside of MicroAcquire.

On the business side of things, I take cues from the best. Like Musk and Dorsey, I want to preemptively create features that I know our customers will love. I knew people wanted an easy way to sell their startups because I wished I’d had one back when I was doing it.

Like Spanx and Tesla, I also strongly believe in the power of innovative branding – and I make sure we spend in areas that will give us significant returns down the line.

For example, we’ve made it easy to get MicroAcquire merchandise online completely free. The extra exposure we get from tech people rocking MicroAcquire t-shirts is more than worth the cost. We also created our own media publication to tell the founder stories we thought major publications had missed. That’s been a huge hit with our customers, who also happen to be founders. These people traditionally have had to spam inboxes and pay for press because they didn’t raise billions in funding.

Finally, like Blakely and Perkins, I also want to actively listen to customer feedback and make sure we create a necessary and desired product. That’s why I make sure we’re constantly engaging with our community both on our website and social media. Many of the features we’ve added are just things we’ve heard mentioned multiple times from customers.

So far, I love the community we’ve created online and in the office. I don’t claim to have the winning formula, but I feel we are making a real difference out there. We’re lucky to live in a world with so many smart people getting their ideas out and making a positive change in the world.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 4 Founder-Led Brands That Are Done Right first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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In a previous post I wrote about the uncompromising artistry of Stanley Kubrick, who produced film classics at the cost of wildly unpredictable schedules and budgets. You can reach for similar brilliance in programming, but you had better do it on your own time or with a generous CFO. There is a different, more workable, and healthier attitude towards our craft. Just keep at it, enjoy it, and don’t worry about making a dent in the universe. I’m reading Woody Allen’s autobiography over the holidays, so indulge me to draw another cinematic parallel with this veteran New York writer/director. Don’t worry, it will also be about coding.

Woody Allen is one of the most consistently prolific cinematographers in the business. He has written and directed over fifty films over an equal number of years, almost like clockwork. At 85 he has no intention of stopping. He doesn’t approach his oeuvre as a project with a culmination. His business is about keeping busy. He is in it for the long run, if only to act as an antidote to the unavoidable spectre of death and oblivion. But let’s not get into his glum outlook on the meaning of life.

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Levallois-Perret, le 23 novembre 2020 – SAP France annonce accompagner Team Vitality dans sa digitalisation. Le leader européen de l’esport s’appuie sur les solutions de SAP pour accélérer son développement à l’échelle internationale.

Quand Big Data rime avec esport

Le milieu du sport peut être considéré comme un système complexe où interagissent de nombreux acteurs comme les sportifs, les sponsors, les entraîneurs ou encore les fans. Les objectifs d’un club consistent à la fois à augmenter les performances de ses équipes mais également assurer une rentabilité financière sur le long terme dans un environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel. Ce modèle se vérifie dans des sports très médiatisés et aux forts enjeux business comme dans le football, le basketball, le tennis, etc, mais se confirme aussi dans l’esport dont la croissance et l’attractivité ne font désormais plus aucun doute.

En tant que partenaire d’innovation et d’analyse de données d’organisations sportives professionnelles telles que la NBA, la WTA, Team Liquid et le FC Bayern, SAP intensifie la portée de son offre ERP dans l’esport. Outre la gestion de la performance des joueurs, SAP cherche également à impliquer les fans avec ses technologies innovantes. Intégrant des outils de gestion financière et aussi d’engagement marketing, SAP renforce la compétitivité des équipes esport en accélérant leur transformation numérique. Et pourquoi pas demain s’orienter dans la voie de l’ »Athlète Digital » ?

C’est dans ce contexte que la collaboration est née avec Team Vitality.

Team Vitality, un développement fulgurant

Fondé en 2013, Team Vitality est le plus important représentant français sur la scène internationale de l’esport. Comme dans le sport traditionnel, l’équipe est aujourd’hui devenue une marque à part entière avec plusieurs millions de fans. Avec le temps, Team Vitality a développé un marketing avancé et créé d’importants partenariats avec de grandes marques internationales. Team Vitality, c’est désormais toute une gamme de merchandising qui va des maillots officiels aux accessoires high-tech, en passant par une ligne de vêtements. Son business model s’appuie sur la vente en ligne mais aussi sur des points de vente et des espaces de rencontre avec ses fans qu’il compte décliner dans plusieurs grandes villes en France et en Europe. L’entreprise emploie aujourd’hui une cinquantaine de personnes.

SAP pour structurer sa croissance financière et rassurer ses investisseurs

Pour booster sa croissance, Team Vitality enchaîne les levées de fonds depuis plusieurs années. La marque mise également sur le meilleur des technologies pour gérer efficacement sa croissance, sur SAP pour l’accompagner dans le pilotage financier de son activité et sur APSIA pour l’assister dans cette transformation digitale. Team Vitality s’appuie sur 3 solutions clés de SAP :

  • SAP Business By Design, ERP basé sur le cloud pour optimiser la gestion de la finance, des achats et des stocks.
  • SAP Cloud Platform, plateforme d’intégration et d’extension pour faciliter les échanges avec l’écosystème de l’entreprise.
  • SAP Analytics Cloud, une solution d’analyse augmentée multi-source pour optimiser et accélérer la prise de décision. 

Un pilotage de l’activité facilité

L’utilisation des trois solutions SAP permet à Team Vitality d’optimiser l’ensemble de ses processus. Plus précisément, cinq aspects de la gestion de l’entreprise sont impactés :

  • Un suivi facilité d’éléments clés dans les contrats de partenariats et les contrats fournisseurs.
  • Une gestion des données améliorée : un meilleur tracé des flux grâce à une source d’information unique et fiable permettant ainsi de répondre facilement aux différentes contraintes contractuelles et légales (audit des comptes, RGPD, etc.).
  • L’automatisation de certaines tâches telles que le paiement de certains fournisseurs ou la comptabilisation de certains flux récurrents permettant ainsi un gain de temps considérable.
  • Une meilleure connaissance des flux financiers de l’entreprise dans un contexte de forte croissance du nombre de flux et de développement régulier de nouvelles activités.

« Nous avons plusieurs business models en un : nous faisons de la vente retail via notre site Internet, nous élaborons des contrats marketing avec différentes marques et nous générons également du contenu. Il était donc nécessaire d’avoir plusieurs outils regroupés en une seule interface facile d’accès pour pouvoir gérer l’ensemble de ces activités », explique Sonia Manueco, CFO chez Team Vitality.

Une collaboration sur le long terme

A terme, Team Vitality souhaite pousser encore plus loin l’utilisation des solutions SAP pour ainsi impacter toutes les branches de l’entreprise et l’accompagner dans son développement à l’international. Team Vitality envisage ainsi pour le quatrième trimestre 2020, une interconnexion entre le webshop et les différents flux de l’entreprise permettant d’améliorer la qualité de suivi et d’amélioration des commandes.

« Grâce à SAP, nous avons tous les composants pour aller encore plus loin : nous souhaitons nous améliorer davantage sur le volet opérationnel via l’automatisation de l’ensemble de nos process légaux, qualités ou encore logistiques. L’objectif à long terme est également d’exploiter l’ensemble des datas que nous récupérons sur nos plateformes comme Twitch et Twitter pour pouvoir faire le lien entre les interactions avec nos fans et les achats sur notre webshop », conclut Franck Boniface, COO chez Team Vitality.


Contact presse Team Vitality

Valérie Duthey et Maéva Corbel, Le Public Système PR –

Contacts presse SAP
Daniel Margato, Directeur Communication : 06 64 25 38 08 –
Pauline Barriere : –



The post Team Vitality, leader de l’e-sport, intègre les technologies SAP pour accélérer sa croissance internationale appeared first on SAP France News.

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