
Le manifeste Agile : origines, application et considérations pour les chefs de projet.

Le Manifeste Agile est une approche de développement de logiciels qui a révolutionné le monde des projets informatiques. Découvrez ses origines, son application et ses considérations pour les chefs de projet.

Le Manifeste Agile, un document révolutionnaire dans le monde du développement logiciel, est apparu comme une réponse aux insuffisances des méthodologies de développement traditionnelles et rigides. Cet article explore ses origines, ses applications et ses mauvaises utilisations, offrant des conseils aux gestionnaires d’ingénierie sur la façon d’interpréter et de mettre en œuvre efficacement ses principes.

The Agile Manifesto is based on four core values: individuals and interactions over processes and tools; working software over comprehensive documentation; customer collaboration over contract negotiation; and responding to change over following a plan. These values emphasize the importance of collaboration, communication, and flexibility in software development.

Applications of the Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto has been widely adopted by software development teams around the world. It has become the foundation for a variety of agile methodologies, including Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP). These methodologies focus on iterative development, rapid feedback loops, and continuous improvement.

Agile methodologies are designed to be lightweight and flexible, allowing teams to quickly adapt to changing requirements and customer feedback. They also emphasize collaboration between developers, customers, and stakeholders, allowing for a more transparent and efficient development process.

Misuses of the Agile Manifesto

Despite its popularity, the Agile Manifesto has been misused and misinterpreted by some software development teams. For example, some teams have adopted an “agile-at-all-costs” approach, sacrificing quality and customer satisfaction for speed. Others have used agile as an excuse to avoid planning and documentation, leading to chaotic development processes.

In order to avoid these pitfalls, engineering managers should ensure that their teams are properly educated on the principles of agile development. Teams should be encouraged to focus on collaboration, communication, and customer feedback, rather than simply “going agile” for the sake of speed.


The Agile Manifesto has revolutionized the world of software development, providing teams with a lightweight and flexible approach to development. However, it is important for engineering managers to ensure that their teams are properly educated on its principles in order to avoid common misuses and misinterpretations.

Origines du Manifeste Agile

En février 2001, dix-sept développeurs de logiciels se sont réunis à Snowbird, Utah, pour discuter des méthodes de développement légères. Ils étaient unis par une insatisfaction commune à l’égard des processus de développement de logiciels lourds et documentés qui prévalaient à l’époque. Cette réunion a abouti à la création du Manifeste Agile, une déclaration concise de quatre valeurs fondamentales et douze principes directeurs visant à améliorer le développement de logiciels.

Le Manifeste Agile repose sur quatre valeurs fondamentales : les individus et les interactions plutôt que les processus et les outils ; le logiciel fonctionnel plutôt que la documentation exhaustive ; la collaboration avec le client plutôt que la négociation du contrat ; et la réponse au changement plutôt que le suivi d’un plan. Ces valeurs mettent l’accent sur l’importance de la collaboration, de la communication et de la flexibilité dans le développement de logiciels.

Applications du Manifeste Agile

Le Manifeste Agile a été largement adopté par des équipes de développement de logiciels à travers le monde. Il est devenu la base de diverses méthodologies agiles, notamment Scrum, Kanban et Extreme Programming (XP). Ces méthodologies se concentrent sur le développement itératif, les boucles de rétroaction rapides et l’amélioration continue.

Les méthodologies agiles sont conçues pour être légères et flexibles, permettant aux équipes de s’adapter rapidement aux exigences changeantes et aux commentaires des clients. Elles mettent également l’accent sur la collaboration entre développeurs, clients et
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DevSecOps moderne: intégration sécurisée des processus

de développement et d’exploitation.

La DevSecOps moderne offre une intégration sécurisée des processus de développement et d’exploitation pour un flux de travail plus fluide et plus sûr.

Rapport de tendances sur la sécurité des entreprises DZone 2023

L’architecture DevSecOps est un moyen de résoudre les problèmes liés aux méthodologies traditionnelles de développement logiciel, en particulier la séparation entre les équipes de développement et de sécurité. Cette séparation entraîne souvent la découverte de vulnérabilités de sécurité tard dans le cycle de développement, ce qui entraîne des retards et des réaménagements coûteux. DevSecOps vise à briser ces silos en intégrant des pratiques de sécurité dans l’ensemble du cycle de développement logiciel (SDLC), de la planification et du codage à la mise en œuvre et à la surveillance.

DevSecOps est une approche holistique qui permet aux équipes de développement et de sécurité de travailler ensemble pour intégrer la sécurité dans le développement logiciel. Les principes fondamentaux de DevSecOps sont l’automatisation, la collaboration et la responsabilisation. L’automatisation permet aux équipes de développement et de sécurité de créer des processus et des outils qui intègrent la sécurité dans le processus de développement. La collaboration permet aux équipes de travailler ensemble pour résoudre les problèmes et partager les connaissances. La responsabilisation permet aux membres des équipes de développement et de sécurité d’être responsables des résultats. Enfin, l’utilisation d’une architecture DevSecOps permet aux organisations de réduire leurs risques en matière de sécurité et d’améliorer leurs processus de développement logiciel.

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Agilité et gestion continue des données : une synergie gagnante


L’agilité et la gestion continue des données sont deux aspects clés pour atteindre un succès durable. Découvrez comment ces deux piliers peuvent s’unir pour créer une synergie gagnante.

L’esprit agile dans le développement logiciel

L’architecture Agile et la gestion des données

L’architecture Agile est plus qu’un simple mot à la mode; c’est une mentalité qui met l’accent sur l’adaptabilité, la collaboration avec le client et le développement itératif. Mais ce qui est moins discuté, c’est comment la gestion des données s’intègre à cette image. Les données sont le sang de toute application et une mauvaise qualité des données peut avoir un effet en cascade sur tout votre projet.

En intégrant Agile et la gestion des données, vous pouvez accélérer votre cycle de développement et améliorer la qualité et la sécurité des données. Les méthodologies Agile peuvent aider à améliorer la qualité des données en permettant aux équipes de travailler en collaboration pour identifier et corriger les erreurs de données. En outre, les méthodologies Agile peuvent aider à améliorer la sécurité des données en permettant aux équipes de travailler en collaboration pour identifier et corriger les vulnérabilités de données.

Comment intégrer Agile et la gestion des données?

L’intégration d’Agile et de la gestion des données peut être réalisée en utilisant une variété de techniques. Les principes fondamentaux de l’architecture Agile peuvent être appliqués à la gestion des données pour améliorer la qualité et la sécurité des données. Par exemple, les principes Agile peuvent être appliqués à la gestion des données pour encourager l’utilisation d’une approche itérative, pour encourager une collaboration entre les équipes et pour favoriser une communication ouverte entre les équipes.

Les outils de gestion des données peuvent également être intégrés aux méthodologies Agile afin d’améliorer la qualité et la sécurité des données. Les outils de gestion des données peuvent être utilisés pour surveiller et contrôler l’utilisation des données, pour surveiller et contrôler l’accès aux données, pour surveiller et contrôler les modifications apportées aux données et pour surveiller et contrôler l’intégrité des données.

Enfin, les principes Agile peuvent être appliqués à la gestion des données pour encourager une approche axée sur les tests. Les tests peuvent être utilisés pour vérifier la qualité et la sécurité des données avant qu’elles ne soient mises en production. Les tests peuvent également être utilisés pour vérifier que les modifications apportées aux données n’ont pas d’impact négatif sur les performances ou la sécurité des applications.


En intégrant Agile et la gestion des données, vous pouvez accroître l’efficacité de votre cycle de développement tout en améliorant la qualité et la sécurité des données. En appliquant les principes Agile à la gestion des données, en int
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Chorégraphie de modèles : optimiser la communication en systèmes distribués.

La chorégraphie de modèles est un outil puissant pour optimiser la communication en systèmes distribués. Elle permet de coordonner et de gérer les interactions entre les différents acteurs.

Dans le paysage technologique en constante évolution d’aujourd’hui, il est commun que les applications migrent vers le cloud pour embrasser l’architecture des microservices.

Logiciel Chorégraphie

La chorégraphie est une méthodologie qui se concentre sur l’interaction entre les services sans l’utilisation d’un orchestrateur central. Au lieu de cela, chaque service est responsable de la communication avec les autres services. Les services peuvent communiquer directement entre eux ou via un bus de messages. La chorégraphie est une méthode très populaire pour gérer la communication entre les microservices car elle offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité que l’orchestration. Il est également plus facile à mettre en œuvre et à maintenir.

Avantages et inconvénients de la chorégraphie

Bien que la chorégraphie offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité, elle présente également certaines limitations. Par exemple, le développement et le déploiement des services peuvent être plus difficiles car ils doivent être conçus pour fonctionner ensemble. De plus, il est plus difficile de déboguer et de maintenir des applications basées sur la chorégraphie car il n’y a pas d’orchestrateur central pour surveiller le flux de messages entre les services. Enfin, la chorégraphie peut être plus difficile à mettre en œuvre dans des environnements distribués car elle nécessite une coordination stricte entre les services.


La chorégraphie est une méthodologie très populaire pour gérer la communication entre les microservices. Il offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité que l’orchestration, mais il présente également certaines limitations. Il est plus difficile à développer et à déployer, à déboguer et à maintenir, et peut être plus difficile à mettre en œuvre dans des environnements distribués. Cependant, dans certains cas, la chorégraphie peut être la meilleure solution pour gérer la communication entre les microservices. Il est important de comprendre les nuances et les avantages et les inconvénients de cette méthodologie avant de choisir le bon logiciel pour votre application.

Logiciel Chorégraphie

La chorégraphie est une méthodologie qui se concentre sur l’interaction entre les services sans l’utilisation d’un orchestrateur central. Au lieu de cela, chaque service est responsable de la communication avec les autres services. Les services peuvent communiquer directement entre eux ou via un bus de messages. La chorégraphie est une méthode très populaire pour gérer la communication entre les microservices car elle offre une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité que l’orchestration. Il est également plus facile à mettre en œuvre et à maintenir.

Avantages du logiciel Chorégraphie

La chorégraphie offre une variété d’avantages par rapport à l’orchestration. Tout d’abord, elle permet aux services de communiquer directement entre eux sans avoir à passer par un orchestrateur central. Cela signifie que chaque service peut fonctionner indépendamment des autres, ce qui permet une plus grande flexibilité et une plus grande scalabilité. De plus, la chorégraphie est plus facile à mettre en œuvre et à maintenir car il n’y a pas d’or

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Qu'est-ce qui succèdera à l'Agilité ?

Les pratiques Agiles ont permis aux entreprises de s’adapter rapidement aux changements. Mais qu’est-ce qui succédera à l’Agilité ? Découvrons ensemble les nouvelles méthodes qui pourraient révolutionner le monde des affaires.

« Qu’est-ce qui Vient Après l’Agilité? »

Je pense que la plupart des équipes de développement se décrivent comme étant «agiles» et la plupart des équipes de développement ont des standups et des réunions appelées rétrospectives. Il y a également beaucoup de discussion sur «l’agilité», beaucoup écrit sur «l’agilité» et il y a de nombreuses présentations sur «l’agilité». Une question qui est souvent posée est: qu’est-ce qui vient après «l’agilité»? Beaucoup de testeurs travaillent dans des équipes «agiles», donc cette question nous concerne.

Avant de pouvoir considérer ce qui suit l’agilité, nous devons considérer ce qu’est l’agilité – une méthodologie de développement itérative et incrémentale. Les équipes agiles développent des logiciels par itérations et chaque itération fait un pas vers l’objectif de l’équipe. Une équipe agile peut décider, après une ou deux itérations, que l’objectif qu’elle poursuit doit être modifié et commencer à travailler sur un nouvel objectif. Travailler itérativement rend l’équipe agile car elle peut changer de direction rapidement et facilement. Il existe plusieurs méthodologies agiles et l’une des méthodologies les plus utilisées est le scrum.

Une base de données est un outil essentiel pour les équipes agiles car elle leur permet de stocker et d’accéder facilement aux informations dont elles ont besoin pour prendre des décisions rapides et efficaces. Les bases de données peuvent être utilisées pour stocker des informations sur les projets, les tâches, les membres de l’équipe et les progrès réalisés. Les bases de données peuvent également être utilisées pour suivre les performances des membres de l’équipe et leur rendement. Les bases de données peuvent également être utilisées pour stocker des informations sur les tests et leurs résultats afin que l’équipe puisse prendre des décisions basées sur des données objectives.

Les bases de données sont un outil puissant pour les équipes agiles car elles leur permettent d’accéder rapidement aux informations dont elles ont besoin pour prendre des décisions rapides et efficaces. Les bases de données peuvent être utilisées pour suivre le progrès des projets, les performances des membres de l’équipe et leurs résultats, ainsi que les résultats des tests. Les bases de données peuvent également être utilisées pour stocker des informations sur les tests et leurs résultats afin que l’équipe puisse prendre des décisions basées sur des données objectives.

Ainsi, les bases de données sont un outil essentiel pour les équipes agiles car elles leur permettent d’accéder rapidement aux informations dont elles ont besoin pour prendre des décisions rapides et efficaces. Les bases de données peuvent être utilisées pour suivre le progrès des projets, les performances des membres de l’équipe et leurs résultats, ainsi que les résultats des tests. Les bases de données peuvent également être utilisées pour stocker des informations sur les tests et leurs résultats afin que l’équipe puisse prend

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Many firms’ design and development decisions are increasingly oriented toward human-centered innovation. Instead of rushing goods to market, these firms are using a user-centered design approach.

Design and development teams build high-performing digital products or websites that uniquely meet customers’ demands by concentrating on the user experience. After all, a good web design is helpful in boosting the business reputation or user experience.

This post will define user-centered design, discuss its fundamental principles, and describe the user-centered design process.

What Is User-Centered Design?

To create an enjoyable solution to a problem, user-centered design is a collection of iterative design processes concentrating on the user’s needs at each step. In UCD, the expectations, objectives, and preferences of the user significantly impact design decisions.

Additionally, users are actively involved in the entire process from start to finish. User-centered design principles encourage designers to create products with users rather than just for them. This strategy typically includes user research, interviews, usability testing, and a massive amount of feedback gathering.

UCD Requires Four Fundamental Components:

  • Visibility: Can people see what your website is about and how to utilize it the moment they land on your page?
  • Availability: Is your website user-friendly? Can they swiftly locate information? They should be able to find call-to-action buttons, menus, filters, and search choices with ease.
  • Legibility: Is the text simple to read for users?
  • Language: Is the language simple to grasp for users? Do you avoid using industry jargon in your UX authoring, which might lead to confusion and hesitation?

What Is The Significance Of UCD?

User experience is important in product design, especially in digital products such as app design, web and interface design, and marketing. Customers want their lives to be simplified. A website, app, or product exists to fulfill a consumer. Hence its success is determined by their interaction with it.

The following are some of the advantages of a user-centered design strategy for a business:

  • Customers keep coming back for more
  • There would be an increase in sales
  • Creating polished, efficient, and widely available goods
  • Understanding challenges thoroughly to provide suitable solutions
  • Customers and teams working together
  • Avoiding typical blunders
  • Enhancing Competitiveness
  • Assisting them in comprehending their market

It offers consumers the following advantages:

  • Making their life easier
  • Fulfilling their desires
  • Companies making them feel heard and understood
  • Making them feel important in the creation of things they use
  • Providing answers to challenges they were unaware they had or could not imagine solutions to

Let’s dig in to learn more about the advantages of UCD.

Businesses can benefit from using the user-centered design approach in various ways. As you incorporate this into your web development, you can enjoy the following four main advantages.

1. Prevent Project Failure

Your company might find it simpler to incorporate improvements and ensure your product is in line with actual user needs if you have a continuous feedback process assessing how customers react to your product, like a website.

Customers feel like their needs are better represented in the finished product, which can increase engagement and strengthen the bond with the company.

2. Improve ROI

This method produces products that more accurately reflect user expectations. The procedure also lessens mistakes made by website users, for instance. When combined, these factors motivate users to convert from leads to paying clients, boosting return on investment.

3. Increase Development Efficiency

In user-centered design, the objectives of the various team members are aligned. This can help clarify the best course of action for all parties involved. A more targeted, goal-oriented development process may be encouraged by the regular evaluation process.

Additionally, businesses can engage stakeholders and explain how their efforts and methodologies will improve customer interactions by using an iterative life cycle during product development.

4. Up The Level Of Competition

Customers will more fully appreciate what you offer, improve their engagement with your product or website, and be more likely to purchase from you if your product is created with their needs and expectations in mind.

As a result, this may increase your ability to compete in your sector.

5. KPIs Are Included

Given your user needs and business objectives, how do you move from the first to the second? You can measure key performance indicators with this in mind once you know what user needs are essential for the overall goals.

For instance, productivity may be the focus of office software, shopper activity may be the focus of sales tools, and retention rates may be the focus of other apps. All of these are necessary steps toward achieving business values like profit and revenue.

Human-Centered Design Versus User-Centered Design

There is a significant difference between humans and users. Simply put, all users are humans; however, not all humans will use your product. Therefore, you must thoroughly understand your target market to produce a successful user-centered design.

Detailed research should be done on the problems and goals of your users. Then, talk to them and give them several chances to offer feedback. By doing this, you’ll create a user persona that is complete and that you can use to determine the priorities for your design.

It’s critical to understand that different user groups may have additional requirements, levels of technical expertise, and expectations for using products like the one you’ve made.

What crucial guidelines or principles should designers consider when adopting a user-centric design?

The Process Of User-Centered Design

Certain fundamental principles underpin user-centered design. While the development process is always iterative, no explicit methods for implementation are specified. The approach can be implemented in either a waterfall or an agile environment.

1. Contextualization

The first step is to analyze the environment in which users will use the product. What are the intended applications of the product for future users? Teams working on projects can get answers by watching and talking to potential users.

2. Outlining The Prerequisites

Specifying the requirements for the new product is the second step. In this step, user requirements are described while considering corporate needs.

3. Design

Once the requirements are established, the actual design process can begin. Designers typically start by producing a straightforward prototype, like one made of paper, then move on to digital wireframes and a finished prototype.

4. Analysis

The project team solicits feedback from potential users after creating a prototype. This is typically done for digital applications through in-depth user testing and qualitative research.

Do surveys and tests evaluate user satisfaction, effectiveness, and efficiency? With the new information, the project team goes back to step 2 or step 3 of the design process to improve the product. Once the user feedback is satisfied, these iterations continue while taking into account corporate frameworks (time and costs).

Top 10 User-Centered Design Principles

Principles of user-centered design attempt to guarantee that usability is the primary priority throughout the development process. These principles, if successfully followed, will ensure that user experience is fulfilled not just during the initial introduction of a product but also during its use.

Furthermore, each of the following principles may be tailored to match the specific requirements and interaction demands of any product.

1. Use Simple Language

Professional Web Designer strives to provide the most readable discourse for the user while creating a product. This involves clarifying vocabulary, eliminating jargon, and simply providing information pertinent to the work.

Presenting users with irrelevant information throughout their use of the product taints its usefulness. Furthermore, basic language helps the user finish the work without being overwhelmed or confused.

2. Feedback

Users expect a reaction to all of their actions. This might involve modifying the look of the screen after completing an activity. If the job is finished after some time, it should display a loading page to notify the user that the task is in process.

Keeping the user informed throughout the process reassures them and keeps them on track with their job.

3. Maintaining Consistency

Keeping the product consistent is essential in ensuring an ideal user experience. Consistency affects how customers approach a product, and the time it takes to learn how to use it.

From the start of the project until its completion, the consistent philosophy underpinning the UCD process should be maintained. If the interface design needs to be updated, it is critical to maintaining consistency across new features to stay beneficial to the user.

4. Give The Complete User Control

Consumers are already aware of their requirements. They should be able to use a product with minimal effort and depend on the product’s help to accomplish the rest.

By removing the effort from the job, the user can do it quickly while keeping control of their activities.

5. Describe The Situation

Before developing a product, the designer must first investigate the ideal user and their wants. The designers can gain a comprehensive sense of some of the issues these people experience by studying their lifestyles.

Many of these observations are conducted through interviews. These interviews provide the designer with information on the exact goals that users want to attain and how they want to achieve them.

6. Examine the Design

Designers undertake usability testing with actual users of their product at this stage in the UCD process. This stage provides designers with insight into how consumers will interact with the product and how to modify it to suit them better.

It is advised that this stage be completed as quickly as feasible. The sooner customers provide input, the faster designers can comprehend their product from the user’s perspective.

7. Create Designs That Are Specific To The Needs Of The User

The design team must examine the distinctive features of their intended demographic as well as frequent real-world activities while beginning the design process. Furthermore, the product should be appropriate for the environment in which it will be utilized the most.

Making a product that needs a lot of work from the user reduces its usability and usefulness, ultimately defeating the objective of UCD.

8. The Design Process Is Iterative

Because user-centered design is based on putting the user first, the product team should constantly be working to improve the user experience. By introducing changes gradually, you will gain a better understanding of your target audience.

9. Adequate Navigational Tools

An essential component of the user experience is the capability to navigate between pages of your website and return to the previous one. Make sure users know where they are on your website and how to leave any pages they don’t want to see.

Customers can better understand how to navigate your page by giving them features like a navigation map, for instance. Make it simple for customers to change their order without leaving the current page if they buy clothing and discover they need a different size once they reach the checkout page.

10. Unflawed System

Customers should find it easy to navigate between your website’s pages and accomplish their goals. If they make a mistake, be there to help them fix it so they can achieve their goal.

The form may ask for specific, essential fields, such as the square footage, and may also include a gentle reminder or an alert that appears if the user accidentally leaves a required field blank.

Customers may feel more comfortable responding to your prompts and participating in a conversation if you ask questions one at a time and offer automated responses for each response.

Wrapping Up

User-centered design is more than just making a good product. It goes further than that. You demonstrate your motivations and intentions by putting your users in the spotlight. You’re demonstrating that it’s not all about meeting deadlines or turning a profit. Instead, you’re telling your users that you understand what they want and prioritize their needs.

It should come as no surprise that the most effective teams are user-centric. Knowing your customer is essential for success in any industry, including design. Create products that put the user first, and you will create products that people will love.

You can build a more robust, user-friendly website that is better equipped to respond to user needs and expectations by incorporating the User Centered Design process into your product design. However, it’s crucial to collaborate with a specialist who can apply these techniques and produce the result you’ve envisioned.


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The post 10 Key Principles of User-Centered Design first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Cloud migration methodology is a high-level plan that is constructed in order to transfer data and applications from an existing on-premise server to the cloud server. Since data is what makes a company valuable these days, it is important that we have a good migration plan to move the data. 

In this article, we will be taking a look at the different challenges risks, and approaches of migration in cloud migration. 

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Whether you are a CSS expert or a front-end beginner, using the right CSS framework is crucial for your daily tasks. There are numerous frameworks whose ultimate goal is the same: helping developers target multiple screens, in the simplest possible way.

This is why Bootstrap is by far the most popular framework on the market. All developers have heard of Bootstrap, and more than 80% of them say they are happy using it.

But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some great alternatives if you’re willing to shop around. Bootstrap won’t be top dog forever, and there are numerous new lightweight and powerful CSS frameworks.

If you are bored of coding with Bootstrap and Foundation and tired of using complex CSS rules, this list is for you. 

From frameworks that take a pure CSS approach to minimalist frameworks with fully customizable themes, nothing is left out. Let’s get started…

1. Bulma

Bulma is one of the most popular alternatives to Bootstrap and Foundation. It is an entirely free, open-source CSS framework that does not have a steep learning curve. No prior CSS knowledge is required to use Bulma.

When you add the variety of colors, responsiveness, and clean flexbox-based grid it offers, it’s no wonder Bulma is becoming more popular every day. Bulma is a well-documented framework that you should definitely try out.

2. UIkit

If you’re looking for a lightweight yet powerful CSS framework that can be wired with HTML and JS, Ulkit is for you. It fully supports right to left languages and has one of the best icon libraries out there.

Keep in mind that Ulkit is also easy to use. All in all, Ulkit is an excellent Bootstrap alternative that is perfect for designing web layouts for desktop and mobile screens.

3. HTML5 Boilerplate

Even though Bootstrap is relatively easy to learn, it is much more than just a front-end template. So what if you need a fully compatible JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 template? In this case, HTML5 Boilerplate is a good choice.

Of course, since it’s a template, this framework does not include layouts and component modules. However, if you need a reliable CSS template that offers extensive documentation, HTML5 Boilerplate is a great solution.

4. Metro UI

Metro UI is one of the most flexible CSS frameworks on the market. This front-end framework can be easily combined with JavaScript-based frameworks like Angular, React, etc.

We found Metro UI to be an excellent open-source CSS framework and a great alternative to Foundation during our testing.

5. Skeleton

As a two-in-one solution, Skeleton quickly made it on our list. This is both a boilerplate and a comprehensive CSS framework. We enjoyed customizing its 12-column grid during our testing, and we found out that it has virtually no learning curve. 

The automatic width resizing works like a charm, and the syntax is fully responsive. This is why we consider Skeleton to be an excellent Bootstrap alternative.

6. Bootflat

If you are looking for a quick way to create a web app, Bootflat is the framework you need. Bootflat’s components are built with CSS3 and HTML5, and the framework offers a comprehensive panel of color schemes for you to choose from. 

Bootflat looks and acts like a simplified version of Bootstrap. However, that doesn’t mean that this CSS framework isn’t scalable and robust. On the contrary, you can fully manipulate the size and performance of the web designs you create. 

7. Semantic UI

If you exclude the fact that Semantic UI doesn’t have the utility classes Bootstrap offers, it is a comprehensive CSS framework that you should try. The best Semantic feature allows you to write HTML code without using BEM methodologies. 

So, if you need a framework that will help you write readable codes in minutes, Semantic is the one for you. 

8. Susy

We know that most developers nowadays use flexbox and native CSS grids. Still, there’s nothing better than Susy if you need a grid system that supports legacy browsers. Although Susy is no longer maintained, it is one of the most flexible old-school grid systems. 

9. Materialize

Like most CSS frameworks on this list, Materialize is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

It’s specifically designed to help you develop faster using a standard template and customizable components. As the name suggests, Materialize is based on the basic principles of Material Design.

10. Kickstart

If you need a lightweight alternative to Bootstrap, Kickstart is the CSS library for you. A great thing about Kickstart is that it doesn’t require jQuery which makes it very small. 

Of course, like a pruned version of Bootstrap, this CSS framework isn’t as robust. Still, this is an excellent choice for those who need a UI framework and a comprehensive boilerplate library. 

11. Tailwind CSS

With a fast styling process and the ultimate freedom it provides, Tailwind is extremely popular among some developers. This is a utility-first, front-end framework that is fully responsive and stable. 

Unfortunately, Tailwind CSS requires some time to learn, and it is not the most flexible choice when it comes to revising CSS rules.

12. Pure CSS

Yahoo specially developed Pure CSS to help developers create fully responsive web pages. 

We consider Pure a minimalist alternative to Bootstrap that offers every module a beginner needs (navigation menu, grid, tables, etc.).

13. PowertoCSS

PowertoCSS is on this list for a good reason. This is an ultimately responsive CSS framework that you can use to create grids and scale web apps on any platform. 

PowertoCSS is based on Modular Architecture and Scalable when it comes to design.

Unlike other CSS frameworks, PowertoCSS is very lightweight, beginner-friendly, and comes with detailed documentation. 

The coding process is simple, and we found the learning curve to be shallow.

14. Spectre

Spectre is one of the most flexible and lightweight CSS frameworks we tested for this article. 

It has a modern (flexbox) layout system; it is fully customizable and allows you to get quick, attractive results. 

15. Primer

Our last suggestion is Primer, a great open-source CSS framework. 

To be precise, Primer is more of a design system that lets you use a BEM CSS framework and create your projects quickly and efficiently.

So, even though Primer is not a CSS framework in the strict sense, it will help you use React and Figma components, icons, and advanced documentation to unify all of that.

Wrap Up

Choosing the right CSS framework is not easy. It all depends on your personal needs and preferences as a front-end developer. 

Although Bootstrap and Foundation are still the most popular frameworks, many of the alternatives presented above will continue to gain popularity for good reasons.


The post 15 Best CSS Frameworks: Professional Bootstrap and Foundation Alternatives first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Few things are more important to a web designer or developer’s chances of success than having the proper workflow. The term “workflow” applies to the set of standardized steps you or your company uses to create, test, and deploy designs or products.

Over the years, as development processes have evolved, so too have the workflows experts use to bring their ideas to life. The MVP workflow, or “Minimum Viable Product” strategy, is one of the most popular options in 2022.

Here’s what you need to know about the MVP workflow and how it differs from some of the other standard workflows developers may be used to.

What is the Designer/Developer Workflow?

As mentioned above, the designer/developer workflow is a series of steps used by experts in the web design world to achieve a creative goal. The process includes the steps taken to start a project, evolve it, and finish it. Since software is never developed without tools, the technology you’ll access throughout the development process is also considered in most workflows.

An example of a standard development workflow might look like this:

  • Scaffolding: This is the stage wherein you start your new web project, creating a git repo, downloading libraries, preparing file structures, and completing other tasks to make sure your product is ready to roll out into the world.
  • Develop: This is where you’ll spend most of your time writing code for your application or website. The development process may include various specific tools and support from other staff members.
  • Test: In this stage, you examine the functionality of your code to determine if everything works as it should. If there are errors or issues, you can go back and develop fixes to the potential problems. Your code may go through the development/test process several times before you can move to the next stage.
  • Integrate: This is when you merge the code for your part of the development process with the rest of the team. You can also integrate your code into websites and existing apps at this point. If you’re working solo, you can skip this process.
  • Optimize: You prepare all your assets for use on a production server during the optimization stage. Files are generally optimized to ensure your visitors can view your site easily or access your applications with ease.
  • Deploy: In the deployment stage, developers push code and assets up into the server and allow for changes to be viewed by the public.

What is MVP? (Minimum Viable Product)

Now you know what a developer workflow looks like, you can begin to assess the concept of the “MVP” workflow. The term “MVP” stands for Minimum Viable Product.

The idea of “Minimum Viable Product” applies to a range of industries, from education to healthcare and government entities. This term comes from lean start-up practices and focuses heavily on the value of learning and changing during the development process.

When you adapt your workflow to focus on an MVP, you’re essentially adjusting your focus to a point where you can create a stripped-back version of something new – like an app or a website. The MVP is built just with the core features (the minimum), so you can bring the idea to market and test it as quickly as possible.

For instance, if your goal were to create an attractive new website for a client, an MVP would focus on implementing the crucial initial tools, and nothing else. While you may create checkout pages, product pages, and other aspects of the site, you wouldn’t populate it with content or start experimenting with bonus widgets and apps.

So, how does this offer a better alternative to the standard workflow?

Simply put, an MVP workflow is quick, agile, and easy. The idea is you can validate key concepts with speed, fail quickly, and learn just as fast. Rather than having to build an entire app and almost start over from scratch every time you find an error, you can race through the iteration and development process.

MVP workflows are also highly appealing to start-ups and entrepreneurs hoping to validate ideas without a massive amount of upfront investment.

Examples of MVP Workflows

Still confused? The easiest way to understand how an MVP workflow works is to look at an example.

Let’s start with a conceptual example. Say you were building a voice transcription service for businesses. The desired features of this product might include the ability to download transcription, translate them into different languages, and integrate them into AI analytics tools.

However, using the MVP approach, you wouldn’t try to accomplish all of your goals with your software at once. Instead, you’d focus on something simple first – like the ability to download the transcripts. Once you confirm you can do that, you can start a new workflow for the next most important feature for the app.

One excellent example of a company with an MVP approach is Airbnb. The entrepreneurs behind this unicorn company, Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky, didn’t have a lot of cash to build a business with at first. They had to use their own apartment to validate the idea of creating a website where people could share their available “space” in a home or apartment with the public.

To begin, Airbnb only created a very basic website, published photos of their property, and waited to see the results. After discovering people were genuinely interested in renting another person’s home, the company was able to begin experimenting with new ideas to make a site where people could list their properties for travelers.

The Pros and Cons of an MVP Workflow

There are a lot of benefits to the MVP workflow – particularly when it comes to gaining agility and developing new products quickly. However, there are downsides too.


  • With an MVP approach, you can maximize your learning opportunities and create a more innovative, successful product at speed. You get to test every step of the way.
  • You release iterations or versions of your product quickly, which means you discover problems faster, allowing you to quickly solve these issues.
  • You build on the benefits of customer fans, “evangelists” in the marketplace who are keen to help your product or service grow.
  • An MVP gives you more freedom to try out unique ideas and “risks” you might otherwise avoid with a traditional workflow.
  • Because you’re focusing on creating only the “minimum viable product,” you don’t have to spend a fortune on initially setting up your workflows.


  • Agile work with an MVP flow requires a lot of effort in collecting constant feedback from customers and releasing iterations.
  • You’ll need to dedicate yourself to releasing many small and frequent product releases on a tight schedule.
  • You might have to revise the functionality of your product or app a number of times.

Creating Your MVP Workflow

If you believe an MVP workflow might be effective for you, the first step is defining your “Minimum Viable Product.” The app, website, or product you design needs to align with your team’s strategic goals, so think about what your company is trying to achieve at this moment – before you get started. If you have limited resources, or specific purposes, like improving your reputation as a reliable company, now might not be the right time to develop a new MVP.

Ask what purpose your minimum viable product will serve and what kind of market you’re going to be targeting. You’ll need to know your target customer to help you test the quality and performance of each iteration of your MVP. Once you know what your ideal “product” is, ask yourself what the most important features will be.

You can base these decisions on things like:

  • User research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Feedback from your audience

For example, if you’re producing an AI chatbot that helps companies to sort through customer inquiries, the most important “initial feature” may be the ability to integrate that bot into existing websites and apps owned by the company.

MVP Approach Guidelines

Once you have your hierarchy of most valuable features for your minimum viable product, you can translate this into an action plan for development. Remember, although you’re focusing on the “minimum” in development, your product still needs to be “viable.” In other words, it still needs to allow your customer to achieve a specific goal.

  • Review your features: Reviewing your prioritized product requirements and the minimum level of functionality you can deliver with each of these “features.” You need to ensure you’re still providing value to your customer with anything you produce.
  • Build your solution: Build your minimum set of features for the product or service. Remember to build only what is required. You can use methodologies like the agile or waterfall method to help guide your team during this process.
  • Validate your solution: Release your offering into the market, and ensure you have tools in place to gather feedback from early adopters. Use beta programs, focus groups, and market interviews to understand how your solution works for your customers and where you can improve on your current offer.
  • Release new iterations: Based on what you learn from your target audience, release improvements to your product quickly. Use your validation strategies to collect information from your audience with each release.
  • Review again: Go back to your product requirements and desired features and start the process over again, this time focusing on the next most valuable functionality. Over time, the value of your minimum viable product will increase.

Using the MVP Workflow Approach

While the MVP workflow approach might not be the right solution for every development or design team, it can work very effectively in the right circumstances. The MVP approach doesn’t minimize the importance of understanding market problems and delivering value. Instead, the focus is on delivering quick value that gradually increases and evolves over time.

As many developers and designers know, the most useful form of product validation in most cases is real-world validation. When your customers have had an opportunity to use a product on a day-to-day basis, they can provide much more effective feedback.

Just keep in mind that committing to the MVP approach also means changing your workflow and committing to iterations – otherwise, other features may never be completed. You’ll need to be willing to work quickly and in small bursts without getting too heavily caught up in one feature or functionality.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post How to Get Started with the MVP Workflow first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Maps are a fascinating method for delivering content. At their best, they can create an intuitive way of presenting information and interacting with it. This is the advantage that digital maps, through mobile apps and websites, have over print maps and images where no interactivity is possible.

But it’s important to understand that more data ≠ better experiences. We all now have so much data available to us through multiple services that, arguably, the greatest challenge isn’t sourcing information but filtering it out. We can only handle so much information input before we become overloaded. This issue risks being omnipresent with maps. There are so many potential points of interest on a map that it’s essential to be clear about what needs to be exposed to users.

Also, UX design, map design, and user interface are all critical. While maps can be a powerful way of drawing people in, if end-users feel that you didn’t even consider the visual design, they’ll ‘bounce off’ your site or app in moments.

Common Use Cases

When are maps useful, and what problems do they solve? Let’s dive right into the most common use cases for maps used in web design.

Navigation and Direction

Like Google Maps shows, navigation and direction are arguably the classic case study for interactive maps. You are in one place and need to get to another. You can enter your destination, your current location, and the map will present suggestions for getting there. You can select the method of travel and adjust desired departure or arrival times. But you need to understand first what functionality your users need. How these options are exposed to users is a critical piece of UX design.

Also, if users are searching for options such as somewhere to eat, it’s not so straightforward. Then, how your map handles panning in real-time as users swipe around a city is going to be a big issue.

Showing Relationships and Trends Geographically

This is something that you’ll see in every election in any western country. We’re all used to seeing maps that give us a state-of-play for which state or seat is held by which party. Then, we might see projections based on voter intentions and projected voting swings deriving from that. Then, exit poll data can be projected with the map updated on an ongoing basis until the final result is confirmed.

The capability to do this is essential because if a static map were used, it’d be out of date any time a new poll was released. Also, voting intentions can change over a campaign, so such maps need to be dynamic. Of course, such maps are only as accurate as the available data, as the US 2016 election map showed.

Show Points of Interest

As mentioned previously, there’s a lot of data that can be exposed to map users. However, that doesn’t automatically mean that it should be. Usability is key. For example, when you look at a map, you’ll typically first see key points of interest. Which points of interest are going to be presented to you can vary.

One variant is zoom level. If your map is currently showing an entire city, the level of detail the map presents is deliberately limited. You’ll see districts, large roads, or geographic features such as rivers. If more detailed information were presented, users on mobile devices, in particular, would be overwhelmed. Even at this level, you’ll notice typography differences. These can include the city name being in bold or the names of different areas in capital letters. So the level of detail is coupled with the scale of the map. Zooming in a few notches will expose significant points of interest, such as museums. Zooming in to specific districts will reveal restaurants, coffee shops, and universities. This visual hierarchy is a critical way of managing the exposed level of information.

But information is still being abstracted away. It’s not until you tap on the museum that you’ll see information on opening hours and busy times. This is also typically presented with user photos and reviews. Context is also taken into account, so you’ll start to see local hotels and restaurants. So it’s not just individual points of interest that are important, but the connections between them.

6 Tips For Improving Interactive Maps

What are the challenges of creating effective maps, and how do people address the data overload problem? We’ll answer this question and go over the must-know aspects of map creation.

1. Ensure Security and Brand Trust

GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation. This is a critically important European law that extends a wide range of legal protection to European citizens regarding personal data. It’s not possible here to cover the full extent of the law, but here are some quick key points:

  • Consent is required for the processing of personal data; it cannot be assumed
  • You need to have a retention policy for information that’s capable of identifying people

Be aware that the latter doesn’t just cover commercial purposes. Research students have to submit GDPR forms that address what kind of data they’re sourcing and how they’ll be retaining it.

But the most crucial context is commercial. If a business suffers a data breach, it can be fined up to 20 million euros or 4% of annual worldwide turnover in the preceding financial year, whichever is greater. Therefore, any business storing data that could identify their customers will need to assess risk and compliance. Remember: it’s 4% of worldwide turnover, not EU turnover.

Also, anything of your business that you expose to your customers or users is an extension of your brand. Therefore, you need to assess your maps for brand compliance too. If you have primary brand colors and your map doesn’t abide by them, that’s a very poor look. Source the color hex codes directly from your brand team and involve them in design.

2. Use the Appropriate Type of Map

It’s also important to consider what type of map is most appropriate for your use case. Think carefully about what your users need, what you’re trying to communicate, what information you need to present, and how best to present it.

For example, points of interest style maps in a tourist app will be way more helpful than heat maps: people want to know where something is, key data like opening hours, and how to get there. A heat map showing the number of visitors to each attraction or area of a city is unlikely to be useful to tourists. However, it could be useful to the attractions themselves to map their visitors by heat map over time. This could help larger museums chart which exhibits are most popular.

Transport for London is charting passenger movement on the London Underground by detecting when a device with Wi-Fi comes into range and then passes out of range. They’re using this to understand overall user journeys and movements within individual stations to better manage disruptions.

3. Avoid Pop-Ups

It should go without saying by now that auto pop-ups are despised. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing or what they’re offering; an unwanted pop-up can only get in the way. The level of impact is even greater on a phone where pop-ups take up even more screen space.

Given this, many users close them without even reading them. So if you’re using pop-ups, don’t kid yourself. You’re likely just irritating users and increasing the likelihood that they’ll ‘bounce off’ or uninstall.

4. Avoid Auto-Geolocation

Auto-geolocation sounds incredibly convenient but can result in some real problems. For example, if there are any bugs with auto-geolocation, you could get false results. If someone connects through public building Wi-Fi, you could get false results. If they’re connecting through a VPN then, unless you get the user’s IP address and check if it’s the exit portal of a VPN, you could get false results.

The problem is most significant with mobile maps. If a map user is looking at a points of interest map, they likely have a specific and immediate use. This means it’s in their best to get the most accurate results possible. So why not just ask them?

Precision and Accuracy

These terms have specific meanings in geolocation. ‘Precision’ is the exactness of the data. ‘Accuracy’ is how closely the information on a map matches the real world. So you want precision and accuracy to be spot on, or data risks losing value. This applies not just to the gathering of data but to the representation of it. For example, if you have street-level data but your maps don’t present individual streets, then any representation of data on that map is likely to have poor accuracy. That map might succeed in abstracting irrelevant information but presenting an imprecise and inaccurate view.

5. Avoid Map Legends as Much as Possible

In many cases, primarily points-of-interest maps, they’re just not needed anymore. An essential part of user experience design isn’t just visual hierarchy but information hierarchy. You can mouse over on a desktop or laptop to get the essentials of a location, e.g., the museum’s name and its opening hours. On a mobile device, you can tap on that location to get the essentials, and you can tap on another location to move on; you don’t even have to press back. Given that, a legend would get in the way. So this simple piece of information design solves information overload issues.

As with all rules, there are exceptions. A good one is a heat map where a density of what’s being measured needs to be communicated. It doesn’t matter what the data is; it just needs to be something where mapping provides greater insight, especially if it informs decision-making. Sales is an excellent example for a national or multinational company. Of course, weather forecasting can make use of literal heat maps.

6. Accessibility Compliance

Not everyone has perfect eyesight. Even if someone has excellent vision, they could still be colorblind (8% of men and 0.5% of women are). Given that, take the W3C’s accessibility standards into account and treat them as a baseline or minimum barrier to entry for compliance. You shouldn’t feel good about the possibility of excluding 8% of your potential audience or customers. Ensure you keep your UX designers involved and don’t shy away from creating senior-friendly web designs.

Put simply: imagine if you could appeal to a new demographic that’s not catered to. If your competitors ignore them, you could give them a real reason to choose you instead by taking some straightforward steps. If your competitors are catering to them, you also need to. If you don’t, you’re just giving potential customers a big reason to ignore you.


The key takeaway is that there’s far more to creating good maps than just good cartography. That can be critical, too, though this may vary depending on the use case.

This will be a team effort because your map will involve data sets, design decisions, and, yes, cartography. You’re going to need to involve brand and IT too. So think about design principles and development methodologies.

First and foremost, what are your users’ needs? If you haven’t done any user research or taken the time to understand the customer journey, are you adding anything or getting in the way? It’s easy to see the department that requested the map as stakeholders, but you should probably view your users as stakeholders too.

This sounds complex, but as you hopefully now appreciate, a map is probably more complicated than you thought.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post The UX of Maps in Web Design first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot