In the video below, we take a closer look at how servlets work using a flow chart. Let’s get started!

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This past year, we’ve all used or at least seen AI being used in everyday interactions in some shape or form. Google Home and Alexa sales are skyrocketing and AI is becoming more and more mainstream.

2019 will witness AI application maturity and see #voicefirst attain some real success. And it won’t just be Google Assistant and Alexa because companies like Alibaba are also racing ahead and getting some remarkable ROI from their voice assistants. But let’s step back and take a quick look at 2018 to identify some patterns, both positive and negative, behind the explosive growth of smart speakers.

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Featured in the July 1925 edition of the magazine Science and Invention, ‘The Isolator’ made it possible for workers to focus in even the most distracting environments. 

In fact, Gernsback’s invention was so successful at isolating the worker from the outside world that the oxygen tank had to be later added, you know, to actually keep the wearer alive. 

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Welcome to our latest episode of Tom’s Tech Notes! In this episode, we’ll hear advice from a host of industry experts on what you need to know about automated testing. Learn some tips around automated testing, testing at scale, and how to practice effective test automation. 

The Tom’s Tech Notes podcast features conversations that our research analyst Tom Smith has had with software industry experts from around the world as part of his work on our research guides. We put out new episodes every Sunday at 11 AM EST.

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Organizations learn the hard way how slow and inefficient order-to-cash processes can affect their ability to grow. Errors in order processing increase costs, result in write-offs, and frustrate customers and stakeholders. Delays in processing orders can result in missing top-line revenue targets.

At Automation Anywhere, we’re observing the same challenges with our customers. One of our customers faced highly variable order-to-cash demand with surges every quarter-end. They possessed a manual order-to-cash process involving 50 full-time staff. The company tried digitization but found the intelligent OCR solution they selected had higher setup costs than expected. It also required manual creation of customer order form templates that delivered inconsistent results. Troubleshooting became a burden and impacted the delivery of the outstanding customer support that the company is known for.

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In this post, I’ll show you how to receive webhooks in real time from, even if your CloudBees Core stuff is behind a firewall. You can generalize this to other services too — such as BitBucket or DockerHub, or anything really that emits webhooks, but the instructions will be for GitHub projects hosted on The benefit, of course, is that you can use these public hosted services if you like, but your Core instances do not necessarily have to be directly open to the internet.

What Are Webhooks?

Just a very quick refresher on what webhooks are: Messages (often JSON, but not always) typically posted by HTTP(S) from a server to a client that is listening for events.

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The past year, we wrote some articles using Minikube as a Kubernetes cluster in order to experiment with it. In this post, we will take our first steps into Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and more specificall, with Kubernetes Engine. Let’s see whether going to the Cloud makes our lives even easier.  We will create a GCP account, create a Kubernetes cluster, deploy our application manually and deploy by means of Helm.

1. Create a GCP Account

The first thing to do is to create a GCP account. Therefore, we navigate to the GCP website. Choose Try GCP for Free where you will be asked to log in with your Google account (you will have to create one first if you don’t have one already). After logging in, you will be asked for your credit card details. The latter will only be used for verification, you will not be billed without your explicit approval. When the verification is finished, you are ready to go and you will receive $300 of free credits for 12 months in order to experiment with paid services. The GCP Cloud Console, which is your main entry for the GCP services, is accessible here.

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Cube.js is an open-source framework for building analytical web applications. It is primarily used to build internal business intelligence tools or to add customer-facing analytics to an existing application. In a majority of cases, the first step of building such an application is an analytics dashboard. It usually starts with — “let’s add an analytics dashboard to our admin panel.” Then, as it always happens in software development, things get more complicated — much more complicated.

When we started working on Cube.js, we wanted to build a tool, which is simple at first but scales easily in features, complexity, and data volume. Cube.js puts down a solid foundation for your future analytical system, whether it is a standalone application or embedded into the existing one.

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Photo credit by Flickr/Karlis Dambrans

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is once again in the hot seat.

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