Working With Nullable Ref. Types in C#: Tips & Tricks

Learn how to work with nullable reference types in C# and discover tips and tricks to help you get the most out of them!

# Nullable Reference Types: An Introduction

This is especially important when working with databases, where the data can be absent. Three years ago, C# introduced the ability to explicitly specify the nullability of reference types. This helps to avoid errors related to the absence of data.

Using Nullable Reference Types

Nullable reference types are used to indicate whether a variable can be null or not. To do this, the type of the variable is marked with a question mark. For example, string? name = null; means that the variable name can be null. The compiler will issue a warning if you try to assign a non-null value to a variable that can be null. This helps to avoid errors related to the absence of data.

In addition, the compiler can check for nullability when calling methods. For example, if you call a method that returns a string? type, the compiler will issue a warning if you do not check for null before using the result. This helps to avoid errors related to the absence of data.


Nullable reference types are an important tool for creating a better and safer application architecture. They help to avoid errors related to the absence of data by explicitly specifying the nullability of reference types and checking for null when calling methods. By using nullable reference types correctly, developers can create more reliable applications and ensure that their code is safe and secure.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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