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In this article, we will learn how to make our Angular app available in different languages using i18n and localization. We will create an Angular application and configure it to serve the content in three different languages. We will also deploy our app to Google Firebase and see how localization works in real-time.

We will use Angular 7 and VS Code to develop our application. Take a look at the application output.

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As we said in our introductory post, we’re going to do several posts about Zoomdata microservices. This one covers a brief overview of microservices and the Zoomdata web application.

Zoomdata Microservices, In General

The Zoomdata platform is architected as a set of loosely-coupled Java microservices. Unlike traditional BI, which is deployed as a monolithic application (or possibly entwined in an old-school enterprise service bus), a microservices architecture allows for:

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In this post, we’ll see how to stream the data in ASP.NET Core SignalR. With ASP.NET Core 2.1 released, SignalR now supports streaming content.

What Is a Stream?

Streaming or media streaming is a technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. – webopedia.com

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Voir la rubrique Contournement Provisoire pour les indicateurs de compromission.

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In a previous post, we had created a Spring Boot + WebSocket Hello World Example. In this post, we will be creating a real-time multi-use chat application.

In a previous post, we had also seen how to deploy Spring Boot + RabbitMQ applications to Pivotal Cloud Foundry. I have hosted the real-time chat application that we are creating to Pivotal Cloud Foundry and use can see the demo at JavaInUse Chat Application.

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[Mise à jour du 13/02/2019 : publication d’un correctif de sécurité et de recommandations de la part de Microsoft, ainsi que d’un avis de sécurité du CERT-FR (cf. section Documentation)]

[Mise à jour du 06/02/2019 : mise à jour des contournements provisoires …
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Welcome back! If you missed Part 1 and/or Part 2, follow those links to check ’em out! 

2. Large-Scale UI Design

Here, large-scale means data rich. In this section, I will discuss some common patterns used in large-scale UIs.

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Containers, led by Docker, burst onto the IT scene in 2013. In the five-plus years since, container technology has reshaped the software development landscape. The shift began with a breakdown of applications into lightweight, independent, and deployable software packages.

Since each container includes everything it needs – code, runtime, system tools, and settings, plus all dependencies, libraries, and other configuration files – you can reliably move containers from one environment to another. For IT teams, this reduces frustration when problems occur due to changes between environments. It also makes the process more efficient, which benefits companies and customers.

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Throughout our ten years of working with equipment manufacturers to connect, collect, and integrate operational data with enterprise systems, we’ve seen many trends impacting industrial IoT project success. The world has finally moved beyond most of the technological limitations for building innovative solutions. All the necessary tools exist to create connected product systems that perform as expected. They work. Now there’s a new trend, and it’s not a good one. We’re seeing business teams at equipment manufacturers telling engineering managers and IT leaders to evaluate and choose an IoT platform for the company. Run an online demo. Read API documentation. Build a proof of concept. Compare prices. Most of these projects never see the commercial light of day. They get stuck. Why? They get stuck because this approach to digital transformation is completely backward.

Evaluating the IoT Platform Problem

We’ve said technology isn’t the problem. Here’s the reality. The right technology for your system is available today. When used correctly by experienced teams, it will produce your desired outcomes. This is a well-charted territory. You can have remote monitoring with predictive maintenance and integrate machine data with your business workflows. These are solved challenges.

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This article is dedicated to the non-commercial Java conference that I visited on September 24, 2019, in Hannover, Germany, known as Java Forum Nord. The spoken language is German but the presentations consist of diagrams and code examples so they can be understood by the non-German-speaking readers. I want to list here the lecture which I have visited with links to the presentations and also lists with headwords.

Networking Instead of Waste: Let’s Talk — Stefanie Reinicke, Dr. Jan-Christian Dammann

This presentation was about making development teams stronger through three topics:

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