
Before we start, we must advise you that in this article we are not going to cover specific details about testing techniques, for that we understand that are many reputable sources on the internet.

For some, when they hear the word "QAOps" for the first time they might think: "Another (whatever)Ops term? Seriously?"

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Integrating SAAS application workflow
The previous article in this series looked at a SaaS CRM connector integration example. The foundation for this logical diagram was researching a use case where customers were successful with a portfolio solution.

It’s a starting point for the generic architectural blueprint that rises from several customer solutions that were researched. Having completed the outline of the blueprint details and the resulting logical diagram elements, it’s now time to take a look as specific examples.

In this article, we’ll continue building the previous examples by sharing how customers are integrating with third-party platforms in their architectures as SaaS platforms.

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In 2020, you can’t be a B2B company without having an API program. Whether your API is the product or APIs are leveraged to enable additional integrations and functionality for your web app.

Even though an SDK could seem simple in terms of lines of code, SDKs need to be reliable and handle scale with ease. A poorly designed SDK could cripple your customer’s infrastructure and reduce trust in your service. At Moesif, we put a lot of effort into creating SDKs that are both high performance while adding in fail-safes in case bad things happen. This article walks through some of those practices. Given Moesif is an API analytics service, some of these practices are specific to high-volume data collection. However, other features are applicable regardless of your SDK purpose.

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Approximate String Search

Approximate String Search, Fuzzy Search, search with mistakes — there are many names for this one problem. In this article, I’ll show you two ways to implement a search that takes potential misspelling into account. 

Example of the Problem

A user types a company name with a mistake: Tetla, Aptle, Cola Koca, Mikrosoft, and the application returns the correct company name and similar companies (if any exist): 

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The usability of the skill directly depends on how well the sample utterances and custom slot values represent real-world language use.

As Alexa best practices say:

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In this article, we will see how to install and configure Apache2 web server in Ubuntu 16.04.

Note: Throughout this article, we will be referring to domain name as Replace this domain name with your actual domain name whenever required.

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Do you know which programming language was used to develop your favorite online game? Many people will immediately think about HTML5 and C++, and they are actually right. These are the most common options. But what about JavaScript?

JS is considered to be the most popular and well-known programming language in the modern world. Its popularity is caused by a number of reasons, including user-friendly code and versatility. Indeed, JavaScript can also be an excellent helper when developing online games. Its scripts make it possible to easily combine JS codes with HTML5 and CSS, thereby creating excellent cross-platform applications.

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As conversational language interfaces begin to dominate customer service, so does the backlash against chatbots grow. Forrester predicted last year that 2019 would be the year of the backlash against inefficient chatbots, and it looks like they were right. For example, a survey commissioned by an open software service company Acquia, that analyzed responses from more than 5,000 consumers and 500 marketers in North America, Europe and Australia, found that 45 percent of consumers find chatbots “annoying.”

At the same time, the importance of conversational AI for business today cannot be overestimated. When done right, conversational AI has the ability to significantly increase your competitive advantage and fundamentally change the nature of business-customer interaction.

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Quarkus supports imperative as well as reactive programming styles. In this article, I compare access times to Postgres from Java-based microservices developed with Quarkus. For synchronous invocations Panache is used, for asynchronous access Vert.x Axle.

I’ve created a sample application that comes with the cloud-native-starter project. The ‘articles’ microservice accesses the database running in Kubernetes. To keep the scenario simple, only one REST API is tested which reads articles from Postgres.

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Java was released on the 23rd of January 1996 and has celebrated its 24th anniversary in 2020. It has constantly been ranked in the first position according to the TIOBE index. In its 24 year journey, Java has proved itself to be the top general-purpose programming language for custom software development and 1,34,861 websites, like ESPN, SnapDeal, Alibaba, etc., use Java as their primary language. 

In the pie chart given below, you can see the usage of the Java language in various industries.

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