A Gantt chart is a handy type of bar chart that is used in project management for showcasing a schedule of tasks. This chart visualizes project activities as cascading horizontal bars, with width depicting the project’s duration. 

As a front-end web designer or developer, you can make use of Gantt charts to manage projects and enhance the productivity within your team.

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In my liveBook for WebAssembly in Action, I was recently asked how to use an Emscripten-generated module in Vue.js. In the book, I showed examples using standard JavaScript but didn’t dig into JavaScript frameworks, so I thought this would be an interesting question to look into, especially because I’ve never used Vue.js before.

This article will walk you through the solution that I found. The first thing that’s needed is a WebAssembly module.

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Docker is powerful and simple to use. Docker allows developers to create portable, self-contained images for the software they create. These images can be reliably and repeatably deployed. You can get a lot of value out of Docker very easily, but to get the most out of Docker there are some concepts that are important to understand. How you build your Docker image has a measurable impact when you are doing continuous integration and continuous delivery. In this article, I will focus on how to take a more efficient approach to building Docker images for Spring Boot applications when doing iterative development and deployment. The standard approach has some drawbacks so here we look at what they are and how to do it better.

Key Docker Concepts

There are four key Docker concepts at play: images, layers, the Dockerfile and the Docker cache. Simply put, the Dockerfile describes how to build the Docker image. An image consists of a number of layers. The Dockerfile starts with a base image and adds on additional layers. A new layer is generated when new content is added to the image. Each layer that is built is cached so it can be re-used on subsequent builds. When a Docker build runs, it will re-use any existing layers that it can from the cache. This reduces the overall time and space needed for each build. Anything that has changed, or has not been built before, will be built as needed.

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Whether you’re moving your company’s repository to the cloud or updating an IT infrastructure, securing data from sneaky malware attacks is crucial. According to a report on cybercrime by Accenture, the number of security breaches faced by businesses has increased by 11% since 2018. 

The losses suffered are substantial in terms of cost and information. In this climate, increasing technological advancements and 5G communication could simplify how attackers breach an organization’s security systems. 

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To test a component in isolation you can replace it’s children components by stubbing them. Vue Test Utils can automatically do this for you with a feature called shallowMount.

But what happens if a component is tightly coupled to one of its children? You can still use shallowMount, but you’ll then have to selectively "unstub" the tightly coupled child.

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Redux is available as a package on NPM for use with a module bundler or in a Node application:



npm install --save redux

So, let’s discuss the basic concepts of Redux.

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If you read the articles in the Microservices zone regularly, you are probably interested in not just the specifics of microservices, but also the efficiencies it brings.

With that in mind, we’d like to pick your brains for a few minutes.

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Open source has revolutionized how software is developed. Collaboration and sharing are de facto ways to work with code.

How else do developers like to collaborate, share and learn? Those are just some of the questions we’re asking in our second annual State of the Developer survey. Take this 5-minute survey to help us better understand how you like to learn, what your hurdles are to being more productive and what companies can do to make the developer experience better.

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In this guide, we provide an introduction to the world of design patterns. For each pattern, we further understand the pattern and the context in which it is applicable, with real-world examples.

In this post, you will learn:

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What Is Splunk?

Splunk is a tool used for logging, analyzing, reporting, visualizing, monitoring, or searching the machine data in real time.

Machine data is information that is generated by a computer process, application, device, or any other mechanism without any active intervention from humans. Machine data is everywhere, and it can be generated automatically from various sources like computer processes, elevators, cars, smartphones, etc., and generally, such data is generated in forms of events in an unstructured form.

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