In the first part of this tutorial, we have seen how to configure multi-camera for recording a video.

As we know that in the previous iOS version, Apple did not permit to record videos using the front and back cameras at the same time. This time, with the release of iOS 13, they have introduced this feature that allows users to capture video recording using the back and front camera.

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Simple or ornate, the enterprise architecture forms the structure for IT.
“The goal of enterprise architecture is boundary-less information flow where all systems, IT and non-IT, interoperate.” – Allen Brown

Today, when technology has proven its necessity amongst almost all industry segments around the globe, digitalization seems to be having a great influence on enterprise architecture (EA). Businesses are expanding beyond enterprise limits and IT solutions are encompassing enterprise, clients, stakeholder, ecologies and more. At such times, it is tough to manage a traditional monolithic framework. Now is the time to have a process that offers enough space for planning and managing the entire digital wave.

You may also enjoy: Role of Enterprise Architecture in DevOps Adoption

With this concept in mind, around the 1960s began the start of enterprise architecture. Initiated by Professor Dewey Walker and taken forward by his student John Zachmann, enterprise architecture found its entry into the tech world. Somewhere in the 1980s, enterprises realized that they would need a perfect planning approach to match pace with the fast-growing technological web. That gave further impetus to enterprise architecture, to extend beyond mere IT, trying to encompass all important ingredients of the business. The focus area was large organizations who are already in the digitization mode and need to have a seamless integration of legacy apps and processes.

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Code quality may be a moving target, but you can get closer to the target with some help. In this post, we go through the lessons learned by software developers with decades of combined experience. Read on and enhance your code quality!  

Code Quality Lessons and Tutorials

Code Quality
Code Quality Takes Practice. So Get to Practicing!
  1. What Does Code Quality Actually Mean? by RJ Williams and Erik Dietrich. Want to make sure your code is of high-quality? This dev suggests that you should be able to read it as if it were written in prose. Does your code pass the test?

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Create a new App Service Plan. If you have already created then skip this step. An app service is like one container or a VM machine. In a single Azure app service, you can host N number of web apps. Based on load, you can split your apps to separate app services if required.

To create a new app service, you’ll first need to set a resource group name; if you already have created it, you can use the same or else can create new. Next, fill the app service name, select Linux as your OS, select a pricing plan based on your needs, and hit create.

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Learn more about how to create a Keylogger for Linux.

Recent studies estimate that between 100 to 150 million computers worldwide could be directly infected by at least one form of malware such as Trojan or Keylogger in order to be remotely monitored or controlled by hackers. By using this kind of software, a hacker will be able to recover your personal information, including the usernames and passwords you use to connect to your favorite social network accounts, mail services, bank account credentials, and much much more.

Personally, I’m sure you’ve always wondered how these hackers managed to discover valuable data so easily, their secrets, and their techniques. But most importantly, I’m sure you’ve wondered how to prevent personal data from being stolen? In this article, we will focus on the Keylogger and how to create such a program in Python.

If you are interested in learning more, check out this post on the Most Usful Linux Command-Line Tricks

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This article is a continuation of part 1 Kafka technical overview, part 2 Kafka producer overview, part 3 Kafka producer delivery semantics and part 4 Kafka consumer overview. Let’s understand different consumer configurations and consumer delivery semantics.


To read records from Kafka topic, create an instance of Kafka consumer and subscribe to one or more of Kafka topics. You can subscribe to a list of topics using regular expressions, for example,  myTopic.*.

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It seems like you are confused between Seedbox and VPN — which one to choose? Which one would be more effective in terms of security? Which one would be better for downloading and uploading files?

Congratulations! You are reading the right article. In this blog, we will discuss how VPN has been replaced by Seedboxand and how you can benefit with its features.

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As we all know, Internet security is among the top risks faced by individuals and businesses today. With the evolution and robust growth of internet-enabled mobile devices across the globe, they have become the number one target for cyber attacks.

Mobile security involves protecting portable devices such as laptops, tablets, smart watches, and phones against cyber threats. Today, the need for protection is more critical because we store a lot of sensitive data like bank details, patients information on these devices.

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Originally published August 17, 2016

Turn to page one.

What is DevOps?

Communication, collaboration and integration are the three main principles of the ever-growing, modern approach to software delivery known as “DevOps.” Coined in 2009 by Patrick Debois, the term (development and operations) is an extension of Agile development environments that aims to enhance the process of software delivery as a whole.

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Did you ever program an Arduino? Have you ever been worried about complex control flows written in pure C? Maybe you have already heard of statecharts and state machines? In this blog post, I will show you how to program an Arduino in just 5 minutes in a model-driven way with the help of YAKINDU Statechart Tools (SCT).

There have been several attempts to program an Arduino with YAKINDU SCT as described by Marco Scholtyssek or René Beckmann. However, when I tried to teach how to program an Arduino with YAKINDU SCT within the Automotive Software Engineering Summer School 2016 at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund I found out that it’s hard to understand and implement without appropriate tooling. So I sat down and implemented Arduino support for YAKINDU SCT to generate lots of the glue code that is needed to run state machines on the Arduino.

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