Defining a resource

Fielding’s dissertation describes a Resource as:

"Any information that can be named" … "a document or image, a temporal service (e.g. “today’s weather in Los Angeles”), a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an author’s hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a resource. A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time."

Defining a resource is both a science and an art. It requires both domain knowledge and API architectural skills. The following points detailed below serve as a checklist that may help you determine the shape of your resource, what data it should contain, and how it should be presented to consumers of your API.

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In this article, I’ll show how to build a natural language interface for a typical home light switch so that you could turn the lights on and off with simple commands like Turn off all the lights, please, or Get the lights on in the kids bedroom.

We’ll concentrate on Natural Language Interface (NLI) part, and I’ll leave speech-to-text and the actual light controlling outside of the scope of this short blog. You can easily add speech-to-text with WebSpeech, if necessary, while Arduino/HomeKit can provide simple API to control the lights in your house.

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Machine learning refers to the process of enabling computer systems to learn with data using statistical techniques without being explicitly programmed. It is the process of active engagement with algorithms in order to enable them to learn from and make predictions on data. Machine learning is closely associated with computational statistics, mathematical optimization, and data learning. It is associated with predictive analysis, which allows producing reliable and fast results by learning from historical trends. There are basically two kinds of machine learning tasks:

  1. Supervised learning: The computer is presented with some example inputs, based on which the desired outputs are to be formed. The computer is made to learn general rules of converting inputs to outputs.

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A developer journey starts with building the app, testing it, maintaining it, and then moving it into production.

RingCentral deals with different kinds of APIs that offer reliable VoIP calling, web meetings, fax, and more features over cloud communication with reliability, security, and quality.

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The SQL Prompt Best Practice rule checks whether a comparison or expression includes a NULL literal (‘NULL’), which in SQL Server, rather than result in an error, will simply always produce a NULL result. Phil Factor explains how to avoid this, and other SQL NULL-related calamities.

SQL Prompt has a code analysis rule (BP011) that checks whether a comparison or expression includes a NULL literal ('NULL'). These will always produce a NULL result. To determine whether a datatype is or isn’t NULL, use ISNULLor ISNOTNULL.

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In this article, we will discuss the Java persistence API configuration with EclipseLink and MySQL.

The Java Persistence API is a standard specification for ORM (Object Relational Mapping) implementations. Also, it shows how to define a PLAIN OLD JAVA OBJECT (POJO) as an entity and how to manage entities with relations.

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MUnit is a Mule Application Testing Framework that allows you to easily build automated tests for your Integration and APIs. It provides a full suite of integration and unit test capabilities, and it is fully integrated with Maven.

MUnit is fully integrated with Anypoint Studio and allows you to create, design, and test your MUnit tests just like you would Mule Applications.

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Enterprises of all sizes are embracing the rapid modernization of user-facing applications as part of their broader digital transformation strategy. The relational database (RDBMS) infrastructure that such applications rely on suddenly needs to support much larger data sizes and transaction volumes. However, a monolithic RDBMS tends to quickly get overloaded in such scenarios. One of the most common architectures to get more performance and scalability in an RDBMS is to “shard” the data. In this blog, we will learn what sharding is and how it can be used to scale a database. We will also review the pros and cons of common sharding architectures, plus explore how sharding is implemented in distributed SQL-based RDBMS like YugaByte DB.

What Is Data Sharding?

Sharding is the process of breaking up large tables into smaller chunks called shards that are spread across multiple servers. A shard is essentially a horizontal data partition that contains a subset of the total data set, and hence is responsible for serving a portion of the overall workload. The idea is to distribute data that can’t fit on a single node onto a cluster of database nodes. Sharding is also referred to as horizontal partitioning. The distinction between horizontal and vertical comes from the traditional tabular view of a database. A database can be split vertically — storing different table columns in a separate database, or horizontally — storing rows of the same table in multiple database nodes.

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See how Spring Boot Batch Application saves an XML to the database and moves error/success files to error/success folder and archives error/success files.

This example covers multiple Spring Batch concepts that we need in most of our daily routine batch job implementations.

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@FeignClient(name = "service-provider")
public interface EchoService { @RequestMapping(value = "/echo/{str}", method = RequestMethod.GET) String echo(@PathVariable("str") String str);

What Is Sentinel

Sentinel is an open source circuit breaker. It can be part of Spring Cloud Alibaba or as an individual package.

What Is Feign

Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder. It’s aiming to simplify the REST API process.

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