Is a no-code platform a means to an end? Simply to build custom applications easily?

The answer is both yes, and no.

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How do you operate a data-driven application before you have any data? This is known as the cold start problem.

We faced this problem all the time when I designed clinical trials at MD Anderson Cancer Center. We used Bayesian methods to design adaptive clinical trial designs, such as clinical trials for determining chemotherapy dose levels. Each patient’s treatment assignment would be informed by data from all patients treated previously.

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Part of the job of a Product Owner is to pay attention to the list of issues in the issue tracker. Not just to get a feeling for the cadence of the project, but to have an impact on its direction.

Paying attention to the issues doesn’t mean just tracking down what bugs are still opened, mind you. Consider the case of a Product Owner with the release due date looming over the horizon: he or she needs to start looking at the list of remaining issues and take active steps to make sure that they are going to get done more or less on time.

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It’s recommended to use Lambda instead of the anonymous class, but there are some pitfalls, such as the potential  NoClassDefFoundError.

In this post, I will explore this error and how to avoid it. I have two classes, RequiredObject and OptionalObject. The latter one is optional at runtime, and optional dependency is common especially for this framework.

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Many organizations plan to create certainty, guarantees of some variety. What if we thought about Agile planning as a way to manage uncertainty?

When I look at long roadmaps with all the "must-do" feature sets and the pressure managers put on teams to commit to delivery, I wonder about this question:

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In this post we will talk about creating Python Lists of Tuples and how they can be used.

Python Lists

Lists in Python are simply an array. Here is a basic list of my favorite WoW Classes:

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2017 became the Year of Intelligence: the advance of technological achievements has triggered exciting and unexpected trends with wider impact horizons and very promising business prospects. This year we expect drastic exponential changes in every technological direction. Machine learning and artificial intelligence will transform entire industries, making way for virtual helpers and a myriad of cases for automatization. The Internet of Things (IoT) will become more intelligent, uncovering a huge potential for smart homes and smart cities. A more efficient human-machine interaction will become established with natural language replacing specific commands.

In this article, we will focus on the modern trends that took off well on the market by the end of 2017 and discuss the major breakthroughs expected in 2018.

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Several interesting announcements from last week’s Google Next conference.

Knative, a new OSS project built by Google, Red Hat, IBM, and others to build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads on Kubernetes. Built upon Istio, with 1.0 coming soon and managed Istio on GCP. It includes a build primitive to manage source-to-Kubernetes flows, that can be used independently. Maybe it is the new standard to define sources and builds in Kubernetes. Read more from Mark Chmarny.

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Coding is vital to computers and IT. And I don’t need to be a genius to say or know this. So, what is coding, and why does it occupy a position of such preeminence to this field? Simply put, coding is a set of commands that tells your computer to do what you want it to.

You could see it as something that is told to the computer in a language and way understands it. Since it is a machine, it needs exact prompts, commands and directions to do what you want it to. Carrying this out is what coding encompasses.

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This is a guest post to the Sensu Blog by Michael Eves, member to the Sensu community. He offered to share his experience as a user in his own words, which you can do too by emailing . Learn all about the community at .

Considering Sensu

When people look for metrics collection for their environment they often look towards the same few solutions like Collectd, Telegraf, etc. This is for good reason: those options provide flexible & extensible metrics collection…and so can Sensu.

Sensu works quite well for metrics. I’d like to show you how to set it up.

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