Brian Krzanich, le PDG d’Intel, a été contraint à la démission après qu’une enquête ait révélé une relation passée et consentie avec un salarié de l’entreprise. Le dirigeant était en poste chez Intel depuis 1982 et PDG depuis 2013.
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QA is traditionally a siloed role that puts software testing "over the wall" from development, product and other teams. But as development cycles move faster and quality demands get more rigorous, many teams have found that waiting until the end of development isn’t efficient.

In this post adapted from our guide, 90 Days to Better QA, QA experts discuss how leveraging non-traditional resources and roles for their QA process helps build a more effective testing process and a stronger culture of quality for the organization overall.

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IA pour tous ! C’est un des messages qu’a tenu à faire passer Werner Vogels d’Amazon lors de la grande conférence cloud de l’entreprise, l’AWS Summit. AWS veut faciliter l’accès au machine learning et son utilisation dans les applications – et vendre toujours plus de services cloud.
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With software engineering being in such a fast-paced environment, traditional project management approaches are no longer viable. That means that IT professionals must find new ways to handle frequently changing development tasks.

Sharing this idea and focusing on the existing incremental development techniques, 17 software specialists introduced the Agile project management philosophy in 2001. Principles of flexible, fast, and collaboration-centered software development were outlined in the Agile Manifesto.

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Today, technology has reached to the next level of advancement, encouraging Machine learning and deep learning for better personalization and recommendation. The AI enabled programming language allows smart search, voice interface, and intelligent assistance to improvise the app development. Apart from this, new techniques can be added to exciting features to benefit businesses.

AI has taken smart technology to the next level of innovation, unfolding prospects for different industries. Further, it is expected to reach the human intelligence.

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In previous posts, we discussed the importance of KPIs, categorization (leading, trailing), and we offered samples for many KPIs.

In this final post we’ll discuss generating KPIs and dashboards, and then offer an example for usage of KPIs.

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Devenu mythique grâce au film Matrix, le feature-phone banane est remis au goût du jour avec notamment une connectivité 4G.
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There are so many different types of monitoring in the DevOps world today that it can be easy to lose track of them. There’s application performance monitoring and infrastructure monitoring. There’s user experience monitoring, uptime monitoring, and real-user monitoring.

And then there’s synthetic monitoring and API monitoring — two types of monitoring that can seem similar, but are actually quite different.

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Over the years a lot has been done to enhance the control and efficiency of application development processes. From Agile development to change management solutions based on ISO and ITIL standards, the progress has been remarkable. However, like everything else, this, too, has a downside. They say that every cloud has a silver lining, but in the world of technology, this silver lining is likely to affect the functionality of the cloud. The increase in the use of Agile development has aggravated the pressure IT organizations face in deploying new applications.

Each new enterprise application brings in several diverse application components spread across numerous environments, including application servers, desktops, Web servers, mobile devices, databases, etc. Also, most large organizations have different departments handling each of these functions, and the potential product users are often not in control of the timelines. Besides, since security and compliance requirements put a lot of burden on the IT teams, companies adopt a "better safe than sorry" approach and discourage employees from easily getting new applications or their versions. For the product vendor, the total cost of support is directly proportional to the number of older versions out there in the field.

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En fin de semaine dernière, Volkswagen avait été condamné à une amende d’un milliard d’euros pour triche sur l’émission diesel de ses véhicules. Le patron de sa filiale de voiture de luxe, Audi, a été mis en prison ce matin.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet