Les cybercriminels sont toujours au courant de l’actualité. Chaque fois qu’une nouvelle fait la Une, ils s’en serviront dans leurs opérations de phishing s’ils en ont l’occasion. Il peut s’agir du Black Friday, de la campagne des impôts ou encore d’un crash d’avion. Ils utiliseront toutes les informations présentes dans les médias pour parvenir à leurs fins. Leur nouvelle tendance depuis quelques semaines maintenant, est l’envoi d’e-mails malveillants sur le coronavirus.
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The United States government has filed a superseding indictment against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accusing him of collaborating with computer hackers, including those affiliated with the infamous LulzSec and « Anonymous » hacking groups. The new superseding indictment does not contain any additional charges beyond the prior 18-count indictment filed against Assange in May 2019, but it
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With Docker gaining popularity as a service to package and deploy software applications, malicious actors are taking advantage of the opportunity to target exposed API endpoints and craft malware-infested images to facilitate distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and mine cryptocurrencies. According to a report published by Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 threat intelligence team, the
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GeoVision, a Taiwanese manufacturer of video surveillance systems and IP cameras, recently patched three of the four critical flaws impacting its card and fingerprint scanners that could’ve potentially allowed attackers to intercept network traffic and stage man-in-the-middle attacks. In a report shared exclusively with The Hacker News, enterprise security firm Acronis said it discovered the
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Voici la dernière étude réalisée par Okta, intitulée  « The Cost of Privacy: Reporting on the State of Digital Identity in 2020 ». Cette étude, qui a interrogé plus de 12 000 personnes en Allemagne, en Australie, aux États-Unis, en France, aux Pays-Bas et au Royaume-Uni – dont 2 000 en France – s’intéresse à la perception du grand public sur les questions relatives au concept de confidentialité numérique.
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Le samedi 27 juin 2020 marquera les trois ans de la cyberattaque NotPetya, qui s’était répandue massivement dans les réseaux informatiques des organisations à travers le monde. La rapidité de sa propagation et les vulnérabilités utilisées en ont fait un malware redoutable qui est, encore aujourd’hui, un cas d’école pour les équipes IT.
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Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. No, we’re not talking about ‘coronavirus,’ the current global pandemic because of which Apple—for the very first time in history—organized its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) virtually. Here we’re talking about a world in which we are all connected and constantly sharing data, also known as the new oil, with something called « privacy »
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Avast met les utilisateurs en garde contre les applications intrusives, et partage des conseils pour éviter de tomber dans le piège des adwares.
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VirusTotal, the famous multi-antivirus scanning service owned by Google, recently announced new threat detection capabilities it added with the help of an Israeli cybersecurity firm. VirusTotal provides a free online service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs to detect malware and automatically shares them with the security community. With the onslaught of new malware types and samples,
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Researchers reported on Monday that hackers are now exploiting Google’s Analytics service to stealthily pilfer credit card information from infected e-commerce sites. According to several independent reports from PerimeterX, Kaspersky, and Sansec, threat actors are now injecting data-stealing code on the compromised websites in combination with tracking code generated by Google Analytics for
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