sshLooter – Script To Steal SSH Passwords

sshLooter is a Python script using a PAM module to steal SSH passwords by logging the password and notifying the admin of the script via Telegram when a user logs in rather than via strace which is not so reliable.

It also comes with an installation script to install all dependencies on a target host machine.

ssHLooter was inspired to steal SSH passwords via another script using Python to implement a PAM module to log failed attempts, the author just had to change the location where passwords were logged.

Read the rest of sshLooter – Script To Steal SSH Passwords now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

Intercepter-NG – Android App For Hacking

Intercepter-NG is a multi functional network toolkit including an Android app for hacking, the main purpose is to recover interesting data from the network stream and perform different kinds of MiTM attacks.

Specifically referring to Intercepter-NG Console Edition which works on a range of systems including NT, Linux, BSD, MacOSX, IOS and Android.

The Windows version is the one with the most powerful feature-set, but the Android app is fairly handy too.

Read the rest of Intercepter-NG – Android App For Hacking now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

Le 22 août 2018, la fondation Apache a publié un correctif de sécurité pour le framework d’application web Struts. Celui-ci concerne la vulnérabilité CVE-2018-11776 permettant d’exécuter du code à distance sans authentification. L’exploitation ne nécessite pas l’installation de modules …
Source de l’article sur CERT-FR

dcipher – Online Hash Cracking Using Rainbow & Lookup Tables

dcipher is a JavaScript-based online hash cracking tool to decipher hashes using online rainbow & lookup table attack services.

The capacity to programmatically crack passwords is also a function of the number of possible passwords per second which can be checked. If a hash of the target password is available to the attacker, this number can be in the billions or trillions per second, since an offline attack is possible.

In this case dcipher uses online hash checking services, which have extremely large Rainbow Table sets of pre-computed hashes, to rapidly find hash collisions.

Read the rest of dcipher – Online Hash Cracking Using Rainbow & Lookup Tables now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

HTTP Security Considerations – An Introduction To HTTP Basics

HTTP is ubiquitous now with pretty much everything being powered by an API, a web application or some kind of cloud-based HTTP driven infrastructure. With that HTTP Security becomes paramount and to secure HTTP you have to understand it.

HTTP is the protocol that powers the web and to penetrate via a web service it pays to have a good solid foundational understanding of HTTP, how it works and the common response codes – many of which can lead to some kind of vulnerability which is exploitable.

Read the rest of HTTP Security Considerations – An Introduction To HTTP Basics now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

Cangibrina – Admin Dashboard Finder Tool

Cangibrina is a Python-based multi platform admin dashboard finder tool which aims to obtain the location of website dashboards by using brute-force, wordlists, Google, Nmap and robots.txt.

It is multi-threaded, supports modifying your user agent, using a TOR proxy, custom dorks, Nmap integration and can use both DuckDuckGo and Google.

Cangibrina Admin Dashboard Finder Requirements

  • Python 2.7
  • mechanize
  • PySocks
  • beautifulsoup4
  • html5lib
  • Nmap
  • TOR

Cangibrina Usage to Find Admin Dashboards

usage: [-h] -u U [-w W] [-t T] [-v] [–ext EXT] [–user-agent]
[–tor] [–search] [–dork DORK] [–nmap [NMAP]]

Fast and powerful admin finder

optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-u U target site
-w W set wordlist (default: wl_medium)
-t T set threads number (default: 5)
-v enable verbose
–ext EXT filter path by target extension
–user-agent modify user-agent
–sub-domain search for sub domains instead of directories
–tor set TOR proxy
–search use google and duckduckgo to search
–dork DORK set custom dork
–nmap [NMAP] use nmap to scan ports and services

There are other specific tools in this area like WPScan for WordPress and DruPwn for Drupal – and in those cases the dashboard URLs are already known.

Read the rest of Cangibrina – Admin Dashboard Finder Tool now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

Depuis la fin juillet 2018, le CERT-FR constate une nouvelle campagne de courriels distribuant le rançongiciel Locky touchant actuellement la France. Les messages sont accompagnés d’un lien hypertexte encourageant à télécharger la facture d’une commande. Le taux de blocage par les …
Source de l’article sur CERT-FR

Enumall – Subdomain Discovery Using Recon-ng & AltDNS

Enumall is a Python-based tool that helps you do subdomain discovery using only one command by combining the abilities of Recon-ng and AltDNS.

This gives you the ability to run multiple domains within the same session. The tool only has one module that needs an API key (/api/google_site) find instructions for that on the recon-ng wiki.

Setting up Enumall for Subdomain Discovery

Install recon-ng from Source, clone the Recon-ng repository:

git clone

Change into the Recon-ng directory:

cd recon-ng

Install dependencies:

pip install -r REQUIREMENTS

Link the installation directory to /usr/share/recon-ng

ln -s /$recon-ng_path /usr/share/recon-ng

Optionally (highly recommended) download:

– AltDNS
– A good subdomain bruteforce list (example here)

Create the file and specify the path to Recon-ng and AltDNS as it showed in

Read the rest of Enumall – Subdomain Discovery Using Recon-ng & AltDNS now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

Les chercheurs de Upguard ont découvert une mine de données hautement sensibles accessibles à tous. Des données qui appartiennent à des centaines de fabricants automobiles et de fabricants de pièces automobiles, dont Tesla, Ford, Toyota, GM, Fiat ou encore Volkswagen
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Do you or someone you know lives in Egypt and holds an account on Facebook, Twitter, or/and other social media platforms with more than 5000 followers? If yes, your account can be censored, suspended and is subject to prosecution for promoting or spreading the fake news through social media platforms. On July 16, the Egyptian parliament approved a new law that classifies a personal social

Source de l’article sur The Hacker News