
This post and video were co-created by David La Motta (Kong), Ross McDonald (Kong), and Alex Dworjan (Red Hat).

Murphy’s Law

“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

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Image Source: Pixabay

An API Gateway is an essential component of any microservices architecture. Amazon provides its own API Gateway service, which you can use to enable user access to a microservices application, and manage API communication between microservices. 

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Gloo Edge is our Kubernetes native API gateway based on Envoy.

It provides Authentication (OAuth, JWT, API keys, JWT, …), Authorization (OPA, custom, …), Web Application Firewall (based on ModSecurity), function discovery (OpenAPI based, Lambda, …), advanced transformations, and much more.

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Microservice is an architectural style that made up of smaller (micro) applications that communicate with each other, through open protocols like HTTP. Microservices have a much simpler and direct communication mechanism. Microservices typically deployed Docker platforms in the cloud environment will get maximum benefit.

Microservices architecture’s main aim is to break down the applications into smaller applications for maintainability and address the particular functionality. Microservices are scalable, and the maintainability of the application was as typical in monolithic applications. Below are some of the benefits of microservices architecture

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AWS Lambdas provide a convenient environment in which to run short-lived applications without having to worry about provisioning the underlying hardware or manage operating systems. In this post, we’ll look at a simple Java application that can run as a Lambda.

The source code for this application is available on GitHub.

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A common question that people ask is “should I use Ambassador if I’m using a service mesh (usually Istio)?” After all, both Ambassador and Istio are built on the Envoy Proxy. Moreover, Istio recently added support for explicitly managing ingress with the Gateway abstraction. So, do you need an API Gateway if you’re using a service mesh?

Ambassador (and API Gateways in general) focus on north/south traffic, i.e., traffic into your data center. Istio (and other service meshes) handle east/west traffic, i.e., traffic between services in your data center. If your service mesh already manages L7 traffic, can you use it for managing north/south traffic?

Source de l’article sur DZONE