
SuperTokens is an open-source project which enables you to add auth to your app quickly. It gives you a pre-built auth UI and backend APIs for an end-to-end integration experience.

Before we dive into the code, let’s discuss the overall architecture.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

If you’re building custom applications owned by the same organization, there are many benefits of implementing single sign-on (SSO). You get shorter development time, increased security, and improved user experience. One of my favorite aspects of SSO is that instead of upgrading a large codebase all at once, you can do it a piece at a time.

What do I mean by that? Well, let’s say you’re looking to shift an app written in ASP.NET MVC 5 to ASP.NET Core MVC. You can do so by migrating each service at a time instead of rewriting the entire thing. You can then connect the two apps like they were one by enabling SSO. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE