
Determine the Goals

In Bruce Lee’s famous movie, “Enter the Dragon,” there’s a scene of Bruce on the junk with the other contenders. One of them, Parsons, asks, “What’s your style?” Bruce answers, “The art of fighting without fighting,” after which he tricks Parsons onto the lifeboat, and Parsons is dragged in that boat behind the ship while the onlookers laugh.

Similar to the “What’s your style?” is “What’s your goal?” questions, there is no one right style, and there is no one right goal. Before testing APIs, determine the goals of testing; the goals of testing will help determine the tool specifications. Are there compliance standards to meet? What are the internal departmental and business goals? Are there contractual requirements? Does the SDLC require SAST and DAST to be applied? Does the CISO require RASP and IAST? Define and document the requirements. Remember – if it isn’t documented, it doesn’t exist.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Coronavirus crisis introduces a heavy burden on the CISOs with the collective impact of a mass transition to working remotely coupled with a surge of cyberattacks that strive to monetize the general chaos. Security vendors, unintendedly, contribute to this burden by a relentless generation of noise in the form of attack reports, best practices, tips, and threat landscape analysis. Here we
Source de l’article sur The Hacker News

You are a cybersecurity professional with the responsibility to keep your organization secured, you know your job chapter and verse, from high level reporting duties to the bits and bytes of what malware targeted your endpoints a week ago. But it’s a lot to hold in one’s mind, so to make your life easier, The Ultimate Security Pros’ Checklist, created by Cynet, provides you with a concise and
Source de l’article sur The Hacker News

The realistic approach to security is that incidents occur. While ideally, the CISO would want to prevent all of them, in practice, some will succeed to a certain degree—making the ability to efficiently manage an incident response process a mandatory skill for any CISO. Moreover, apart from the management of the actual response process, the CISO must also be able to efficiently communicate
Source de l’article sur The Hacker News