
Learn to set up and use Fission, an open-source serverless framework that lets you write functions and execute them on-demand to make sure you only use the resources you need.
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Did you know that we launched our newest podcast last month? So far, we’ve covered big concerns with big data, what you need to know about microservicesDevOps fails, and more. Our latest episode, out today, examines how devs and ops can go wrong with containers.

The Tom’s Tech Notes podcast features conversations that our research analyst Tom Smith has had with software industry experts from around the world as part of his work on our research guides. We put out new episodes every Sunday at 11 AM EST.

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Did you know that we launched our newest podcast last month? So far, we’ve covered DevOps fails, getting more out of IoT, DevSecOps, and more. Our latest episode, out today, covers what you need to know about containers.

The Tom’s Tech Notes podcast features conversations that our research analyst Tom Smith has had with software industry experts from around the world as part of his work on our research guides

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Containers, led by Docker, burst onto the IT scene in 2013. In the five-plus years since, container technology has reshaped the software development landscape. The shift began with a breakdown of applications into lightweight, independent, and deployable software packages.

Since each container includes everything it needs – code, runtime, system tools, and settings, plus all dependencies, libraries, and other configuration files – you can reliably move containers from one environment to another. For IT teams, this reduces frustration when problems occur due to changes between environments. It also makes the process more efficient, which benefits companies and customers.

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Containers and orchestration tools have often been cited as ways to facilitate continuous delivery and continuous integration. Download this Refcard to learn about the challenges and solutions to utilizing containers in your DevOps pipeline.
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There are many great articles out there on microservices. For those who have been hiding under a rock about the controversial technique—or are new to the idea—this article simply aims to collate the top open source tools available in one handy place. Microservice architecture, or just microservices, is a highly scalable structural style for developing software systems. Such architecture can be used for enterprise applications for businesses, governments, schools, and charities, etc. It is quite the opposite of the legacy-style monolithic architecture that focuses on a single unit application.

Microservices are small, independent, and unique. And the architecture can be complex in both construction and maintenance. Microservices communicate with each other to serve business goals utilizing synchronous protocols, HTTP/REST or asynchronous protocols. HTTP/REST or AMQP are examples of collaborating services that implement functions related to one another to work as efficiently as possible.

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