
Vaadin Dev Day is an event that provides in-depth technical topics and insights to the Vaadin community. In the latest edition of the event, we learned about data providers for high-performance data access, advanced JavaScript and TypeScript integrations, and the future of Vaadin Flow. Here’s a recap of the event.

High-Performance Data Access With Vaadin

In this talk, Simon Martinelli explains how to efficiently connect Vaadin Flow applications to databases using JPA and the DataProvider implementations that are available in the framework.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The very nature of big data integration requires an organization to become more flexible in some ways; particularly when gathering input and metrics from such varied sources as mobile apps, browser heuristics, A / V input, software logs, and more. The number of different methodologies, protocols, and formats that your organization needs to ingest while complying with both internal and government-mandated standards can be staggering.

Is there a clean and discreet way to achieve fast data integration and still reap all of the benefits of big data analytics?

Source de l’article sur DZONE