
In recent years, the topic of AI democratization has gained a lot of attention. But what does it really mean, and why is it important? And most importantly, how can we make sure that the democratization of AI is safe and responsible? In this article, we’ll explore the concept of AI democratization, how it has evolved, and why it’s crucial to closely monitor and manage its use to ensure that it is safe and responsible.

What AI Democratization Used to Be

In the past, AI democratization was primarily associated with « Auto ML » companies and tools. These promised to allow anyone, regardless of their technical knowledge, to build their own AI models. While this may have seemed like a democratization of AI, the reality was that these tools often resulted in mediocre results at best. Most companies realized that to truly derive value from AI, they needed teams of knowledgeable professionals who understood how to build and optimize models.

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Photo credit by Unsplash/Hermes Rivera

It’s no secret these days that AI is a big deal in the world of business. According to Gartner, the percentage of enterprises using the technology has jumped astronomically over the past several years, tripling in the last year alone.

Source de l’article sur DZONE