
Is your organization ready to move containerized workloads into production or yet struggling with these challenges? Adopting complex stateful workloads with many dependencies, deploying containerization tooling without well-framed DevOps practices, and becoming gripped into vendor lock-in faster may be a few of such challenges. Having the right DevOps team in place and finding out how Kubernetes integrates with your company’s technological infrastructure to undergo effective legacy application modernization should be the way out. As an organization, you should consider if you have the requisite roles and skillsets before adopting new technologies. You must decide on runtime and orchestration engines in technical terms while selecting containerization workloads with utmost care and attention.

With more than 70% of organizations running containerized applications in production, Kubernetes has emerged to be one of the most sought-after methods to organize containers. Here are a few of the Kubernetes best practices that ensure its adoption truly advancing container deployment.

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In This Series:

  1. Distributed Tracing With Jaeger
  2. Simplifying the Setup With Tye (this article)

Tye is an experimental dotnet tool from Microsoft that aims to make developing, testing, and deploying microservices easier. Tye’s opinionated nature greatly simplifies the lifecycle of development and deployment of .NET Core microservices.

To understand the benefits of Tye, let’s enumerate the steps involved in the development and deployment of the DCalculator application to Kubernetes:

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When running Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), it can be hard to understand and allocate costs in environments with multiple teams, projects, or even departments. With Kubecost, you gain full transparency into your Kubernetes usage and cost within minutes of installation. Officially launched in 2019 and built on open source, Kubecost now monitors over one billion dollars in Kubernetes spend, and enables startups and global enterprises alike to understand their spend and identify cost savings ranging from 30% to over 50%. Kubecost supports a wide range of self-managed and hosted Kubernetes environments, including Azure Kubernetes Service, which we’ll cover today in this article.

The Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a popular fully managed Kubernetes service that offers embedded continuous integration and continuous delivery as well as enterprise-grade security and governance— powerful tools for teams adopting Kubernetes. As with any complex infrastructure, AKS requires proper governance and financial transparency for successful organizational adoption. Kubecost, an open source tool that provides teams with visibility into Kubernetes spend and supports environments hosted in Azure, is a widely recommended solution for engineers and finance teams facing this problem. Note: This documentation page for AKS provides helpful context for using Kubecost to implement a cost governance strategy.

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This week’s Quality Sense guest has been at her company now for 16 years, but in that time she has had the chance to assume several different roles that allowed her to explore her interests, lead others, and help the company grow. Ashley Hunsberger started as a manual tester and today, she’s the Director of DevOps Engineering, creating their Developer and Agile Advocacy program. She focuses on the ways they can advance the work their teams are doing, as well as the way in which they do it. 

Listen to this fascinating conversation or read below to learn how she managed to evolve her career while staying with Blackboard over the years and ultimately came to leading agile transformation there. She offers eye-opening, real world insights on leadership that anyone can apply in their own organization.

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Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) is built on the power of Oracle’s industry-leading business intelligence tool Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE). This allows users to build powerful data visualization with real-time data that highlights data patterns and encourages data exploration instead of delivering static flat reports. OTBI provides users a wide variety of data visualization options from standard graphs to advanced visuals such as trellis, treemaps, performance tiles, KPIs, and others.

Introducing a CI/CD Solution for OTBI

FlexDeploy has an innovative CI/CD solution for managing the build and deployment of OTBI WebCatalog objects across the pipeline. Using FlexDeploy’s partial deployment model, developers can assemble related catalog objects into packages, build them from source control or a development environment, and deploy them into the target environments.

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As a core component of continuous delivery, feature flagging empowers developers to release software faster, more reliably, and with more control. This Refcard provides an overview of the concept, ways to get started with feature flags, and how to manage features at scale.
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Ever since Patrick Debois coined the word DevOps back in 2009, teams and organizations have been clamoring to adopt relevant practices, tools, and a sense of culture in a bid to increase velocity while maintaining stability. However, this race to incorporate “DevOps” in software development practices has resulted in a perversion of the concept. This does not mean that there are no successful practices of teams adopting DevOps practices, but the word overall has become a buzzword. As per the DORA 2019 State of DevOps report, team managers are more likely to proclaim that their teams are practicing DevOps compared to the actual frontline engineers and developers.

Therefore, this piece aims to realign the meaning of DevOps as well as highlight the need for considering debugging as a core element of the practices and cultures that enable DevOps for teams. The argument for debugging as a core component in the DevOps pipeline is a result of the evident need for a shift-left in the way we build and release software, empowering developers to adhere to the intrinsic principle of you build it you run it.

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The growth in information architecture has urged many IT technologies to adopt cloud services and grow over time. Microservices have been the frontrunner in this regard and have grown exponentially in their popularity for designing diverse applications to be independently deployable services.

Trivia: In a survey by O’Reilly, over 50% of respondents said that more than 50% of new development in their organisation utilise microservices.

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Kubernetes is ruling the container market. According to a CNCF survey, the use of Kubernetes in production in 2020 was 93%, up from 78% in 2019. Moreover, the survey reveals that the use of containers in production in 2020 was 92%. This figure is up 300% from CNCF’s first survey in 2016. 

Due to the adoption of Kubernetes by DevOps teams and the open source community’s encouragement, this figure could grow more. And if it stays at present prices, this market share still is a significant portion. This means that even though Kubernetes makes a lot of things easier, challenges will always appear, as the survey confirms. Namely, the problems listed include networking, storage, tracking, surveillance, a lack of preparation, and, of course, cost management.

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Today’s world regards time as of paramount importance. This said, the disruptive tech-enabled innovations are foremost meant to save both business owners’ and users’ time. The industry of software development is based upon the same postulates – the sooner the better, provided that timely product deliverables are coupled with efficiency and convenience.

The Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) practices are among popular software engineering industry trends that help cut costs, time, and risks associated with delivering changes. Yet another trend to optimize the industry lies in applying DevOps methods, oriented to increase the efficiency of development and operation processes, and to speed up product delivery.

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