


Big Data





  • Mulesoft 4: Continuous Delivery/Deployment With Maven by Ashok S — This article is a great example of what we want every tutorial to look like on DZone. The main aim of this article is to provide a standard mechanism to release project artifacts and deploy to Anypoint Platform, from the local machine or configure in continuous delivery pipelines.
  • Integration With Social Media Platforms Series (Part 1) by Sravan Lingam — This article helps you to build a RESTful API through MuleSoft that integrates with LinkedIn and shares a post on behalf of one’s personal account. I like this article because, in the age of social media, it’s so important for businesses to be connected and integrated!




Open Source


  • What Is Big O Notation? by Huyen Pham — Aside from a silly name, this article is an example of an in-depth analysis on a little-spoken-about concept. In this article, take a look at a short guide to get to know Big O Notation and its usages.
  • Is Python the Future of Programming? by Shormisthsa Chatterjee — Where is programming going? This article attempts to answer this question in a well-rounded way. The author writes, "Python will be the language of the future. Testers will have to upgrade their skills and learn these languages to tame the AI and ML tools".


Web Dev

  • A Better Way to Learn Python by Manas Dash: There’s so many resources available for learning Python — so many that it’s difficult to find a good and flexible place to start. Check out Manas’ curated list of courses, articles, projects, etc. to get your Python journey started today. 
  • Discovering Rust by Joaquin Caro: I’m a sucker for good Rust content, as there’s still so many gaps in what’s available. Joaquin does a great job of giving readers his perspective of the language’s features in a way that traditional docs just 

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This is the final part of our Kubernetes logging series. In case you missed part 1, you can find it here. In this tutorial, we will learn about configuring Filebeat to run as a DaemonSet in our Kubernetes cluster in order to ship logs to the Elasticsearch backend. We are using Filebeat instead of FluentD or FluentBit because it is an extremely lightweight utility and has a first-class support for Kubernetes. It is best for production-level setups.

Deployment Architecture

Filebeat will run as a DaemonSet in our Kubernetes cluster. It will be:

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Microservice is an architectural style that made up of smaller (micro) applications that communicate with each other, through open protocols like HTTP. Microservices have a much simpler and direct communication mechanism. Microservices typically deployed Docker platforms in the cloud environment will get maximum benefit.

Microservices architecture’s main aim is to break down the applications into smaller applications for maintainability and address the particular functionality. Microservices are scalable, and the maintainability of the application was as typical in monolithic applications. Below are some of the benefits of microservices architecture

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Docker Hub: In the News

DockerHub is a cloud-based repository where popular Docker images can be published and end-users can pull them for their cloud-native infrastructure and deployments. Docker images are lightweight and portable; they can be easily moved between systems. Anybody can create a set of standard images, store them on a repository, and share them throughout the organization. You can also use Docker Hub for sharing Docker container images. 

Docker Hub was recently in the news for the following two reasons:

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Change Data Capture Architecture Using Debezium, Postgres, and Kafka
was a tutorial on how to use Debezium for change data capture from Azure PostgreSQL and send them to Azure Event Hubs for Kafka – it used the wal2json output plugin.

What About the pgoutput Plugin?

This blog will provide a quick walk through of how to pgoutput plugin. I will not be repeating a lot of details and use containerized versions (using Docker Compose) of Kafka connect, Kafka (and Zookeeper) to keep things simple. So, the only thing you need is Azure PostgreSQL, which you can setup using a variety of options including, the Azure Portal, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, ARM template.

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In AWS, we have several ways to deploy Django (and not Django applications) with Docker. We can use ECS or EKS clusters. If we don’t have one ECS or Kubernetes cluster up and running, maybe it can be complex. Today, I want to show how deploy a Django application in production mode within a EC2 host. Let’s start.

The idea is create one EC2 instance (one simple Amazon Linux AMI AWS-supported image). This host doesn’t initially have Docker installed. We need to install it. When we launch one instance, when we’re configuring the instance, we can specify user data to configure an instance or run a configuration script during launch.

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There are three steps that Kubernetes uses to enforce security access and permissions — Authentication, Authorization and Admission. In this article we are going to consider Authentication first.

              The Authentication, Authorization and Admission Control Process

The first thing in Authentication is Identity.

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Organizations are increasingly looking to containers and distributed applications to provide the agility and scalability needed to satisfy their clients. While doing so, modern enterprises also need the ability to benchmark their application and be aware of certain metrics in relation to their infrastructure.

In this post, I am introducing you to a cloud-native bench-marking tool known as Kubestone. This tool is meant to assist your development teams with getting performance metrics from your Kubernetes clusters.

How Does Kubestone Work?

At it’s core, Kubestone is implemented as a Kubernetes Operator in Go language with the help of Kubebuilder. You can find more info on the Operator Framework via this blog post.
Kubestone leverages Open Source benchmarks to measure Core Kubernetes and Application performance. As benchmarks are executed in Kubernetes, they must be containerized to work on the cluster. A certified set of benchmark containers is provided via xridge’s DockerHub space. Here is a list of currently supported benchmarks:

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Azure App Service on Linux has several prefabricated Docker images that support applications written in languages such as .NET core, PHP, and Node.js. App Service also supports using your own Docker image to spin up a container for your application. A useful configuration feature of App Service on Linux is the Startup File configuration that you can set as part of configuring the runtime stack. The value that you specify for the configuration overrides the CMD instruction of the Dockerfile that creates the runtime of the application. If you are not aware of this configuration option, we will soon deploy an application that uses this configuration option soon, so keep reading.

The Docker documentation states that if your Dockerfile has both CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions, then CMD arguments are appended to the end of the command generated by the ENTRYPOINT instruction. A necessary condition for this feature to work is that you must use the exec form of the ENTRYPOINT instruction in your Dockerfile. In simple terms, assume that your Dockerfile has the following instructions.

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In this article, we focus our attention on the DevOps.

What is DevOps? How is it different from Agile? What are the popular DevOps Tools? What is the role of Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps in DevOps. Let’s get started with a simple use case.

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