
The Eclipse Foundation Development Process (AKA, the Eclipse Development Process, or EDP) says nothing about how teams should organize.

The EDP defines a committer role: committers are those developers who have the ability to make decisions for the project (e.g., push commits to project Git repositories and configure build servers). We often say that the committers are the ones with the real power: they’re the ones that hold all of the keys to all of the project resources.

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Eclipse + Cloud = Love

Two major announcements over the last few days in the Java community! Today, the Eclipse Foundation announced both the Jakarta EE 8 release and Eclipse Che 7 release. And it’s all about the cloud!

You may also like: Jakarta EE and Beyond

Jakarta EE 8

Two years after Oracle handed over Enterprise Java to the Eclipse Foundation, they provided Jakarta EE, and since then, they have released version 8. As its name suggests, this version is compatible with Java EE 8, but is now completely open-source, and therefore, royalty-free.

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With the rapid development of cloud computing technology, an increasing number of developers are deploying applications to Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. This tutorial describes how to deploy a Java application developed locally to an Alibaba Cloud ECS instance using Cloud Toolkit.

Develop an Application Locally

The coding method is similar — no matter whether you compile Java applications that run on the cloud or locally. Therefore, this article takes a Java servlet for printing "Hello World" on a web page as an example to explain the deployment method.

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