
Here’s the context of how the need for AWS Eventbridge came to be.

As the march of technology is never-ending, the only constant we can expect is change. This is especially true considering the strides that serverless has made in the industry, especially with the release of the AWS Lambda back in 2014. Upon its release, AWS Lambda was quick to take front and center position in the FaaS services making up the core of serverless applications. It was rightly heralded as one of the most important releases within the domain. This further lead to an array of best practices dictating how applications were built using FaaS services achieving serverless capabilities. 

You may also enjoy:  Explaining Eventbridge Amidst the Hype

However, as the course of technology meanders in its ongoing path, new innovations are constantly redefining the way we build applications. One such innovative service announced this year was AWS EventBridge, and its release has since caused an uproar in the domain of serverless. Many blogs and posts within the community that followed the announcement characterized it as the most important announcement after the release of AWS Lambda. 

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As mentioned in the previous article, Vert.x is an event-driven, non-blocking toolkit. It was designed for asynchronous communications. In most cases, you need to work with multiple verticles in your applications. You also need communication between these verticles in these cases. In this article, I will attempt to explain how you can do this — let’s get started!

Use of Multiple Verticles

An important note to remember is that a verticle is a unit of deployment. It allows you to encapsulate your code for different needs. In addition, they can be run independently of each other. Verticles are communicated with each other by sending messages on the event bus. For this example, we have developed two verticles. One is the sender and the other is the receiver. You can access code for this example from this repository. The start method in the SenderVerticle class is as follows:

Source de l’article sur DZONE