
The best way to protect your Java code from avoidable bugs is to use static code analysis tools that can help you find and fix problematic code before it reaches production. Let’s look at some popular static code analysis tools that can be used to test code from a number of different angles.


DeepSource delivers what is probably the best static code analysis you can find for Java. The DeepSource Java analyzer detects 190+ code quality issues, including performance bugs, security risks, bug risks, and anti-patterns. Currently, It supports Gradle Java projects, and in the future, DeepSource will add support for Maven and Android too. DeepSource is also working on bringing Autofix support to the Java analyzer, which will let developers fix issues without writing a single code line.

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Cloud Computing has emerged as a novel technology today. Every company is a software company today, and it is evident that no company can service without using the power of cloud computing. The cloud is seen as a conceptual layer on the Internet, making all available software and hardware resources transparent, rendering them accessible through a well-defined interface. 

As the companies are increasingly relying on these cloud computing services to be always stable and accessible whenever their customers need them, the services and applications’ downtime is highly unacceptable. In this article, we will be discussing the concepts related to high availability (HA), what it is, how it works, and how companies can take advantage of this. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The case behind this article aimed to complete a large-scale project in a short amount of time. Obviously, you just need to hire a lot of people, and then you have to make sure they don’t hinder each other. The latter is the most complicated; there is no way to make it happen without a good technical approach — and that’s what exactly we are going to talk about.

Our team has been working on a large mobile app for a major telecom company. The app has its "core" functionality (main use cases), and some extensions that offer additional use cases — but, essentially, the app can work without them. Further, we will refer to these extensions as "features."

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Gradle Kotlin DSL 1.0 release candidate is generally available, including Gradle 4.10. The Kotlin DSL is nearly ready for widespread use.

We want you to enjoy a build authoring experience with the benefits provided by Kotlin’s static type system: context-aware refactoring, smart content assist, debuggable build scripts, and quick access to documentation. In case you haven’t seen it, you can watch Rodrigo B. de Oliveira demonstrate these benefits in this KotlinConf 2017 video.

Source de l’article sur DZONE