
Créer une solution d'email de notification d'alarme de métrique de journal personnalisé CloudWatch avec Terraform

Créer une solution d’email de notification d’alarme de métrique de journal personnalisé CloudWatch avec Terraform est une tâche complexe, mais pas impossible. Découvrez comment le faire facilement !

Comment intégrer des messages de journal d’application dans les notifications CloudWatch Alarm

En tant que scientifique informatique enthousiaste, je vais vous montrer comment intégrer les messages de journal d’application dans le corps de l’e-mail de notification lorsque l’alarme CloudWatch est activée.

Amazon CloudWatch est un service qui permet aux clients de surveiller une valeur de métrique ou une expression mathématique pour la métrique et de déclencher des actions lorsque la valeur dépasse une certaine limite. Ces alarmes peuvent être utilisées pour déclencher des notifications envoyées via Amazon SNS, e-mail, SMS, etc. Il est donc nécessaire que les messages de journal d’application soient inclus dans le message de notification de l’alarme afin que le personnel opérationnel puisse facilement identifier la cause racine de la notification de l’alarme.

Afin de mettre en œuvre cette solution, nous devons disposer des prérequis suivants : un compte AWS, Terraform installé et prêt à l’emploi, Python version 3.9 ou ultérieure, Node.js version 14.x ou ultérieure. Nous allons maintenant examiner l’architecture cible qui sera utilisée pour mettre en œuvre cette solution. L’architecture cible est représentée par le diagramme suivant et montre les composants impliqués dans cette solution ainsi que leurs interactions.

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This article explains how to build a secure platform using HashiCorp’s stack; many of the steps are well documented, but we missed hints to iron out the wrinkles found in the process; here, we want to show how to glue together the whole procedure. We will highlight in detail the most critical parts explaining where we found issues and how we solved them, and leave references on the official tutorials, if sufficient, to prevent this article from getting too long and difficult to follow.

The Physical Architecture

As shown in the picture below, the physical architecture we want to achieve is composed of a Consul and Nomad cluster of five nodes: three of them are Control Plane nodes configured for High Availability (HA), while the remaining two are Data Plane nodes.

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As more and more organizations making the shift to cloud-native technologies, Kubernetes has become the de facto choice to orchestrate container-based applications. As applications grow in size, the number of microservices increases and so does the data they process. Hence, handling data, especially sensitive data becomes critical. Out of the box, Kubernetes supports « Secrets » objects to store sensitive information — like passwords, tokens, ssh keys, and so on — securely.

Kubernetes secret eliminates the need to hard-code sensitive data in the application code. Secrets provide this sensitive information as data mount or expose them as environment variables.

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As the number of services grows in an organization, the problem of secret management only gets worse. Between Zero Trust and the emergence of microservices, handling secrets such as tokens, credentials, and keys has become an increasingly challenging task. That’s where a solution like HashiCorp’s Vault can help organizations solve their secret management woes.

Although there are secret management tools native to each cloud provider, using these solutions locks you in with a specific cloud provider. Vault, on the other hand, is open source and portable.

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As we all know the Cloud-based systems are becoming the most popular architecture in the software engineering world, and the most famous and beloved Cloud platform among developers is Spring Cloud.

Spring Cloud has some important features which are given in the following parts and the feature part does a specific job:

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This week, we take a look at API vulnerabilities in HashiCorp Vault, Azure App Services, and more. There is also an introductory video on finding information disclosure in JSON and XML API responses, and another cheat sheet and a webinar on OWASP API Security Top 10.

Vulnerability: HashiCorp Vault

Felix Wilhelm from Google’s Project Zero has written a very detailed write-up on an authentication bypass he found in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) integration of HashiCorp Vault. As a central storage of credentials, Vault makes an attractive target for attackers, and therefore a vulnerability in it is also very bad news. Looking for the silver linings, this attack was definitely quite advanced, and thus not easily exploitable.

Source de l’article sur DZONE