
This article explains how to build a secure platform using HashiCorp’s stack; many of the steps are well documented, but we missed hints to iron out the wrinkles found in the process; here, we want to show how to glue together the whole procedure. We will highlight in detail the most critical parts explaining where we found issues and how we solved them, and leave references on the official tutorials, if sufficient, to prevent this article from getting too long and difficult to follow.

The Physical Architecture

As shown in the picture below, the physical architecture we want to achieve is composed of a Consul and Nomad cluster of five nodes: three of them are Control Plane nodes configured for High Availability (HA), while the remaining two are Data Plane nodes.

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Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool developed by Google and is also known as K8s. It is used in managing the complete lifecycle of containerized applications. Kubernetes provides high availability, scalability, and predictability to the containerized application. It automates the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. Kubernetes also supports automated rollout and rollbacks,  service discovery, storage orchestration, scaling, batch execution, and more. Kubernetes provides the cluster where containerized applications can be deployed. Kubernetes is not the only container orchestration tool, but various “Kubernetes Alternatives” are available in the market.

Before we talk about the “Alternatives to Kubernetes,” let’s explore the key components of Kubernetes. The Kubernetes cluster consists of at least one worker node where containerized applications are deployed and one master node or control plane which manages the worker nodes. The Control plane or master node consists of Kube-API server, etcd, Kube-scheduler, and Kube-controller-manager, whereas the worker node consists of Kubelet, Kube-Proxy, and Container Runtime. 

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MySQL semi-synchronous is a plugin mechanism on top of asynchronous replication that can offer better durability and even consistency. It helps in high availability solutions, but can in itself reduce availability. In this article, we will look at some basics and follow up to present scenarios requiring higher-level intervention to ensure availability and avoid split-brains.


As a quick recap, semi-synchronous replication is a mechanism where a commit on the primary does not apply the change onto the internal table data and does not respond to the user until the changelog is guaranteed to have been persisted (though not necessarily applied) on a preconfigured number of replicas. We limit our discussion to MySQL 5.7 or equivalent.

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PostgreSQL is an open-source, versatile, and most popular database system around the world. However, it does not have any features for high availability.

Enter Patroni.  Patroni is a cluster manager tool used for customizing and automating deployment and maintenance of high availability PostgreSQL clusters. It is written in Python and uses etcd, Consul, and ZooKeeper as a distributed configuration store for maximum accessibility. In addition, Patroni is capable of handling database replication, backup, and restoration configurations.

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Cloud Computing has emerged as a novel technology today. Every company is a software company today, and it is evident that no company can service without using the power of cloud computing. The cloud is seen as a conceptual layer on the Internet, making all available software and hardware resources transparent, rendering them accessible through a well-defined interface. 

As the companies are increasingly relying on these cloud computing services to be always stable and accessible whenever their customers need them, the services and applications’ downtime is highly unacceptable. In this article, we will be discussing the concepts related to high availability (HA), what it is, how it works, and how companies can take advantage of this. 

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Implementing high-availability capabilities for SAP ERP systems can be a complex undertaking. But the importance of high availability in keeping companies “open for business” can’t be overstated. Applications and servers will fail. Power outages will occur, and a natural disaster may strike at any time. 

This article provides technical guidance on two key steps in the process to implement high availability for SAP ERP systems: 

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Theoretically, the cloud seems tailor-made for ensuring high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solutions in mission critical SQL Server deployments. Azure, AWS, and Google have distributed, state-of-the-art data centers throughout the world. They offer a variety of SLAs that can guarantee virtual machine (VM) availability levels of 99.95% and higher.

But deploying SQL Server for HA or DR has always posed a challenge that goes beyond geographic dispersion of data centers and deep levels of hardware redundancy. Configuring your SQL Server for HA or DR involves building a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) that ensures not only the availability of different machines running SQL Server itself but also — and most importantly — the availability of storage holding the data in which SQL Server is interacting.

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