
The role of mobile apps in the currently thriving modernized setup has acquired an imperative stature. It is primarily to enhance the scale of convenience both at the consumer and enterprise-level that mobile apps have grown to become a major hit!

For the success of any software or application, there are different stages of testing. App quality is the foremost factor that predicts the success of a particular mobile application. Over the years, mobile app testing trends have shown serious variations. The sole reason for this shift can be attributed to the rising count of mobile devices.

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I love side projects. They give me the opportunity to flex my creative muscles and tinker with tech like the Internet of Things (IoT) in new ways. Fortunately, I didn’t have to look far for my next one; a common conundrum for pet owners fueled this concept for an IoT dog collar.

My dog had been out in the backyard for a while. When I decided it was time to bring him back into the house, I couldn’t find him anywhere! After several minutes of searching and calling his name, I found him napping in the shade of a tree. If this scenario sounds all too familiar to you, then this post is for you!

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In 2019, the market revenue of IoT reached $ 212 billion. There are about 26.66 billion connected IoT devices worldwide, and this number is to reach 75.44 billion by 2025. The UN estimates that, in May 2020, the world population is 7.78 billion people. A simple math operation tells us that an average person owns from 3 to 4 IoT devices. Do you have one? Maybe a smartwatch? A smart TV? Or a smart car?

Moving further, the population is expected to reach 8.1 billion people in 2025. The same math calculation shows us that, in 2025, an average person will have from 9 to 10 smart devices in their possession. Do you see where I am leading you to? Do you want to join this prosperous market niche and make your IoT device to be one of these 9 to 10?

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This article was first published on the MQTT.Cool blog.

Most MQTT brokers currently available on the market provide native support for WebSockets, thus enabling any MQTT JavaScript library to establish communications by encapsulating MQTT messages into WebSocket frames: This is called the MQTT Over WebSocket

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Learn more about the benefits of Digital Twin tech in IIoT and it’s relation to Apache Kafka!

This blog post discusses the benefits of a Digital Twin in Industrial IoT (IIoT) and its relation to Apache Kafka. Kafka is often used as a central event streaming platform to build a scalable and reliable digital twin for real-time streaming sensor data.

In November 2019, I attended the SPS Conference in Nuremberg. This is one of the most important events about Industrial IoT (IIoT). Vendors and attendees from all over the world fly in to make business and discuss new products. Hotel prices in this region go up from usually 80-100€ to over 300€ per night. Germany is still known for its excellent engineering and manufacturing industry. German companies drive a lot of innovation and standardization around the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0.

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Did you ever program an Arduino? Have you ever been worried about complex control flows written in pure C? Maybe you have already heard of statecharts and state machines? In this blog post, I will show you how to program an Arduino in just 5 minutes in a model-driven way with the help of YAKINDU Statechart Tools (SCT).

There have been several attempts to program an Arduino with YAKINDU SCT as described by Marco Scholtyssek or René Beckmann. However, when I tried to teach how to program an Arduino with YAKINDU SCT within the Automotive Software Engineering Summer School 2016 at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund I found out that it’s hard to understand and implement without appropriate tooling. So I sat down and implemented Arduino support for YAKINDU SCT to generate lots of the glue code that is needed to run state machines on the Arduino.

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With the vast amount of internet fraud, security breaches, and digital crime, the call to fortify your key business data has never been louder!

Well, the world wide web is not what it used to be. As businesses grow globally, and more business infrastructures are connected, cybercriminals have come to realize the importance of the data that organizations are protecting. Also, the recent surge in technological advancement has made everyone from solopreneurs to large scale firms more vulnerable to attacks now more than ever.

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An estimated 21 million connected vehicles are on the road today, gathering endless amounts of data. How does this data impact the way we do business and transform the world around us?

A few decades ago, personal vehicle and fleet navigation was completely dependent on paper road maps that no one ever knew how to fold! Digital maps are one of the many examples of how technology has completely revolutionized our world. Mapping the world on the internet rather than on paper has not only changed the way we navigate but also opened up various new business models like UBER and OLA, which we now take for granted.

Autonomous vehicles are here to stay with most manufacturers investing heavily in this direction to make their vehicles part of a connected world. Whether it is your own car or the truck that your business owns, all these are now becoming part of an expanding connected world.

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2017 has been a remarkable year for digital transformation. Machine learning, AI and Big Data are some of the technologies that dominated 2017. Advancements and enhancements in these technologies will continue for coming years – but what can we predict for the IT industry in 2018? Will AI prove to be a job creator or a destroyer? Will global tech-giants have to self-disrupt to shape their new leadership opportunity? Will 2018 prove to be a slow death for IT specialists?

Today, tech innovations arrive faster than most of the enterprises can cope up with. All too often, before one innovation is embraced and implemented, other two appear on the horizon. To cope with these endless innovations, CIO’s of the enterprises must pursue and excel the role of a business strategist first and secondly as a technologist, thereby developing an appropriate pace for the digital transformation.

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