
When it comes to the healthcare industry, providing treatment and diagnosis to remote locations where doctors are not easily available or accessible is difficult. However, with the help of IoT-enabled embedded medical devices, healthcare specialists can easily identify diseases and provide treatments in a timely manner from distant locations. This article discusses how embedded IoT medical devices can change treatment methods.

With the proliferation of IoT devices, there has been a huge transformation in terms of smart cities, connected manufacturing, wireless communication, and connected healthcare. If we talk specifically about the healthcare industry, there has been a significant revolution in terms of delivering health care services in remote locations, where doctors are not easily available. Many healthcare facilities have started adopting embedded solutions for medical devices enabled with IoT to address the lack of availability of doctors in remote areas. These IoT-enabled medical devices help identify diseases in patients and conduct different tests to provide an accurate and reliable treatment to patients in remote locations.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

2017 became the Year of Intelligence: the advance of technological achievements has triggered exciting and unexpected trends with wider impact horizons and very promising business prospects. This year we expect drastic exponential changes in every technological direction. Machine learning and artificial intelligence will transform entire industries, making way for virtual helpers and a myriad of cases for automatization. The Internet of Things (IoT) will become more intelligent, uncovering a huge potential for smart homes and smart cities. A more efficient human-machine interaction will become established with natural language replacing specific commands.

In this article, we will focus on the modern trends that took off well on the market by the end of 2017 and discuss the major breakthroughs expected in 2018.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

IoT development boards and modules are at the heart of every connected product. As IoT has developed, the variety and technical capabilities of these boards have only become more complex. When building an IoT product, you may start off with an off-the-shelf prototyping kit, but as you progress through the hardware development and design process, you’ll need to invest in hardware boards that are designed for scaling and manufacturing.

But, what is the difference between prototyping and production hardware? This article aims to clean up some of the noise and make it easier for you to choose the right hardware solution for your IoT product.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

“Digital twins” are commonly associated with Industrial Internet of Things installations, in which they are widely used. They generally work as follows: the sensors from a machine are mapped to a digital abstraction, or “twin,” making it easier to monitor the machine and know when it needs maintenance. The digital twin can also be used to model the lifecycle of the machine, predicting when, for example, individual parts are likely to fail. In fact, any physical asset that is receptive to monitoring and prediction, such as a city or even the human body, could benefit from a digital twin.

But the “digital twin” as a concept can also be extended in a different direction—to non-physical modeling. One particular area where it can be effective is in managing customer relationships, i.e. tracking and accurately predicting a customer’s needs. Basically, it can enable businesses to offer “the right product at the right time.”

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Amazon, pionnier de l’enceinte intelligente, propose enfin sur le marché français trois de ses appareils connectés et les commercialise à prix cassés.

Source de l’article sur 01Net

Compacte et moins cher que ses aînées, la Beam est séduisante par son ouverture, par la présence d’un assistant intelligent, par son design et… par ce qui semble être un son plein de promesses.

Source de l’article sur 01Net

Un drone capable de filmer en 4K HDR et qui propose des fonctions inédites… Anafi entend dépoussiérer la gamme des drones Parrot. Découverte en avant-première de ce nouveau quadricoptère prometteur qui pourrait remettre le constructeur au niveau de la concurrence sur la captation d’images.

Source de l’article sur 01Net

Alexa, l’assistant vocal du géant du commerce en ligne, débarque en France au coeur de trois produits : Echo, Echo dot et Echo Show. Les premières livraisons auront lieu dès le 13 juin, avec une sacrée ristourne pour les clients pressés.

Source de l’article sur 01Net

Pour protéger encore plus votre maison, Nest lance son interphone connecté Nest Hello. Lié à une application mobile, il permet de surveiller de loin votre porte d’entrée et d’interagir directement avec vos invités.

Source de l’article sur 01Net

Après plusieurs mois d’attente, l’enceinte intelligente d’Apple va enfin débarquer en France. Si son prix en euros est encore inconnu, on sait qu’elle arrivera avec AirPlay 2 et la compatibilité multi-room.

Source de l’article sur 01Net