
Alternatives à GitHub pour les projets d'apprentissage machine.

GitHub est un outil très populaire pour le développement de projets, mais il existe d’autres alternatives pour les projets d’apprentissage machine. Découvrez-les ici!

Alternatives populaires à GitHub pour les projets d’apprentissage automatique

2. GitLab (

GitLab is an all-in-one platform that offers a wide range of features, including code review, issue tracking, and project management. It is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a comprehensive solution for their machine learning projects. It also provides an integrated CI/CD pipeline to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying ML models. Moreover, it offers a robust security system to ensure that your data remains safe and secure.

3. Bitbucket (

Bitbucket is another popular platform for managing machine learning projects. It is a great choice for teams that are looking for a powerful yet simple solution to manage their projects. It provides a comprehensive set of features, including code review, issue tracking, and project management. Additionally, it offers an integrated CI/CD pipeline to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying ML models.

Dans le monde technologique en constante évolution, la recherche continue de plateformes efficaces pour rationaliser les projets d’apprentissage automatique est toujours persistante. Il est indéniable que GitHub a ouvert un chemin facile pour les développeurs du monde entier. Cependant, nous comprenons la nécessité de la diversité et de l’innovation dans ce domaine. C’est pourquoi nous vous présentons les meilleures alternatives à GitHub qui peuvent révolutionner votre approche des projets d’apprentissage automatique. Plongeons-nous dans certaines de ces plateformes qui offrent des fonctionnalités et des fonctionnalités robustes qui peuvent facilement donner à GitHub un combat.

Alternatives populaires à GitHub pour les projets d’apprentissage automatique

1. DVC (

Le contrôle de version des données (DVC) est un puissant outil permettant une gestion et une collaboration rationalisées des projets. Fondamentalement, il simplifie la gestion des données en s’intégrant étroitement à Git, ce qui permet de suivre les modifications des données et des modèles de manière méticuleuse, similaire à la façon dont Git suit les variations du code. Cela favorise une approche plus organisée pour gérer de grands jeux de données et apporte un plus grand degré de reproductibilité, car les membres d’équipe peuvent facilement revenir aux versions précédentes si nécessaire.

2. GitLab (

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Outils et technologies CI/CD : libérez le pouvoir de DevOps.

Les outils et technologies CI/CD sont essentiels pour libérer le pouvoir de DevOps et optimiser votre cycle de développement. Découvrez comment!

Dans le monde trépidant du développement logiciel, l’intégration et le déploiement continus (CI / CD) sont devenus des pratiques indispensables dans les services DevOps.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous Integration is a practice that enables developers to integrate code into a shared repository frequently. This allows teams to detect and fix errors quickly, as well as identify potential conflicts between different branches of code. Jenkins is the most popular CI tool, offering a wide range of features such as automated builds, tests, and deployments. Additionally, Jenkins integrates with a variety of other tools, allowing developers to create complex pipelines for their CI/CD process.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Continuous Delivery is the practice of automating the process of delivering software updates to production. This ensures that software updates are released more quickly and reliably. To achieve this, developers rely on tools like Ansible and Chef for configuration management and deployment automation. These tools allow developers to define the desired state of their infrastructure and automate the process of provisioning and configuring servers. Additionally, they enable teams to deploy applications to multiple environments with minimal effort.


In conclusion, CI/CD is an essential practice in DevOps services that enables teams to deliver software updates more frequently and reliably. To achieve this, developers rely on a range of cutting-edge tools and technologies such as version control systems, continuous integration tools, and continuous delivery tools. By leveraging these tools, teams can streamline their workflows and automate various stages of the development process, ensuring smooth and reliable software delivery.

Système de contrôle de version (SCV)

Une base solide pour tout processus CI / CD dans les services DevOps est un système de contrôle de version robuste. Git est le SCV le plus utilisé, offrant des capacités puissantes de branchement et de fusion. Les développeurs peuvent collaborer sans heurts, suivre les modifications et résoudre les conflits efficacement, ce qui garantit que le code reste stable et sécurisé. GitHub, GitLab et Bitbucket sont des plateformes populaires qui intègrent Git et offrent des fonctionnalités supplémentaires telles que le suivi des problèmes, les revues de code et la gestion de projet.

Intégration continue (CI)

L’intégration continue est une pratique qui permet aux développeurs d’intégrer fréquemment du code dans un dépôt partagé. Cela permet aux équipes de détecter et de corriger rapidement les erreurs, ainsi que d’identifier les éventuels conflits entre différentes branches de code. Jenkins est l’outil CI le plus populaire, offrant une gamme étendue de fonctionnalités telles que des builds automatisés, des tests et des déploiements. De plus, Jenkins s’intègre à une variété d’autres outils, permettant aux développeurs de créer des pipelines complexes pour leur processus CI / CD.

Livraison continue (CD)

La livraison continue est la pratique qui consiste à automatiser le processus de livraison des mises à jour logicielles en production. Cela garantit que les mises à jour logicielles sont publiées plus rapidement et plus fiablement. Pour y parvenir, les développeurs s’appuient sur des outils tels qu’Ansible et Chef pour la gestion de la configuration et l’automatisation du déploiement. Ces outils permettent aux développeurs de définir l’état souhaité de leur infrastructure et d’automatiser le processus de mise en place et de configuration des serveurs. De plus, ils permettent aux équipes de déployer des applications sur plusieurs environnements avec un effort minimal.


En conclusion, CI / CD est une pratique essentielle dans les services DevOps qui permet aux équipes de livrer des

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Some of the changes we are seeing with where we work are starting to pop up in the type of new tools made for designers and developers. More tools with remote collaboration as a key feature are increasing in popularity. (You’ll find a few of those here.)

Here’s what new for designers this month.

Webdesign Toolbox

Webdesign Toolbox is a collection of tools, apps, and resources all in one location for designers and developers. The best part of this resource is that it is human-curated, so every tool is quality checked and makes the list because it has been tested and researched. Search the collection by design, dev, stock, typography, UX, or workflow tools (and more) and use them to help create more efficiently. The collection is constantly growing, too.


CodeStream might be the new-world workflow tool for web designers and developers. It is made for remote teams to review code right inside your IDE without breaking from development flow. You can post and review changes and comments are all independent of the code itself, even though they link to it.


Litur is a color management app for iOS. Use it to find and collect color swatches, create custom palettes, and even check color combinations against accessibility standards. The app can even generate color codes for you from swatches you find from a photo or image upload or create. The app works on mobile and desktop Mac devices and is a paid app.

Editor X

Editor X, which is still in beta, is a website building tool that combines advanced design and prototyping capabilities with secure web hosting and integrated business solutions. Go from an idea straight to production in a highly intuitive design workspace. The best feature might be exact design precision tools.

Grid Cheatsheet

Grid Cheatsheet is a visual and code-based set of “cheats” based on the W3C CSS Grid Specifications. What’s nice is it makes these guidelines easier to understand and use if reading through them makes you a little uneasy.


Tutorialist brings together some of the best development tutorials on the web. All of the tutorials are free videos available on YouTube, and this project collects them all in one place.

Pure CSS Halftone Portrait from JPG

Pure CSS Halftone Portrait from JPG is a beautiful pen from Ana Tudor that shows how to change the visual representation of an image. The examples are brilliant and in true halftone fashion. The code snippet works with color, or black and white images as well.

VoiceText for Slack

VoiceText for Slack is another work from home productivity tool. Integrate it with Slack and send messages with text that’s transcribed right in your channels. It’s a free integration and supports 18 languages.

Feature Peek

Feature Peek is a developer tool that helps you get frontend staging environments on demand and gather team feedback earlier in the development process. It’s made for use with GitHub and works with a variety of other tools as well.


Formbutton is a simple and customizable pop-up form. (And we all know websites have plenty of them right now.) It connects to other services you already use, such as Google Sheets and MailChimp, and is simple to set up.

Blocksy Theme

Blocksy is a WordPress theme that’s made for non-coders. It’s a zippy and highly visual theme made for Gutenberg. It works with other builders and allows the user to customize pretty much everything visually. (There’s even a dark mode.) The theme is packed with tools and options and is a free download.

Oh My Startup Illustrations

Oh My Startup Illustrations is a set of vector illustrations in several categories featuring a popular style on many projects. Use the characters and scenes to create a semi-custom story for your startup project.


1mb is a code editor and host where you can create a static website with a custom domain and SSL included. The editor works in-browser and everything is saved in the cloud.


Linear is an issue tracking Mac app for teams. It’s designed to help streamline software projects, sprints, and tasks, and can integrate with standard tools such as Github, Figma, and Slack.

Hosting Checker

Hosting Checker solves a common issue – a client wants you to work on their website, but has no idea who hosts it. Hosting Checker shows the user hosting provider and IP address the website uses, along with where its server computers are located and the host’s contact details. It also claims to be 82% faster than other similar tools.


Spike alerts you to website incidents before customers. Create alerts and get a phone call, text message, email, or Slack notification right away. The tool provides unlimited alerts and integrations to you can stay on top of issues before they become real problems.

Magnus UI

Magnus UI is a framework that helps you building consistent user interfaces in React. It comes with plenty of components ready to use and you can customize the theme.


SpreadSimple uses data in Google Sheets to create styled websites with features such as filtering, search, sorting, cart, order collection via forms, and much more. Update the sheet and instantly see changes on the website.

WebP vs. JPEG

Google is starting to suggest using it’s WebP image format to decrease load times, because of the lighter file size. But is WebP better than the traditional JPEG? Developer Johannes Siipola tested the file types at different sizes to answer the question. The answer is a bit complicated, but sometimes it might be better; read the full analysis for more.

Oh Dear

Oh Dear is a website monitoring tool that can help you keep a check on websites. Monitor uptime, SSL certificates, broken links, and more with notifications that come right to you if there’s an issue.


Airconnect is a Zoom video conferencing alternative that you can use for your brand with a custom header, colors, and portal for clients. The tool includes video calling as well as the ability for customers to access their data and automate your onboarding process.

Free Faces

Free Faces is a curated collection of free typefaces that you can browse and use in projects. Search by type style with visual results that include a download link.

All the Roll

All the Roll is a fun novelty font for just the right type of project. It includes 167 characters with swash characters that can be added before or after certain letters.


Backrush is a handwriting-style typeface with easy strokes and a pen-like feel. It includes thicker letterforms with nice swashes and a full character set.


Thuner is a slab display font with interesting quirks. It’s made for larger than life designs. It includes a full uppercase character set and numerals.


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