
Migrer de JUnit 4 à JUnit 5 : Guide pas à pas

Migrer de JUnit 4 à JUnit 5 peut être intimidant. Dans ce guide, nous vous expliquerons pas à pas comment le faire facilement.

## JUnit, un des frameworks de test les plus populaires depuis longtemps

The good news is that migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 is not as difficult as it seems. With the right tools and data, teams can make the switch quickly and easily. To help teams make the transition, we’ve put together a guide that covers the basics of JUnit 5 migration.

JUnit est l’un des frameworks de test les plus populaires depuis longtemps, avec 85% des développeurs Java affirmant l’utiliser dans le sondage de 2021 de JetBrains. De plus, JUnit joue également un rôle crucial dans la pratique du TDD (développement piloté par les tests), une stratégie à la mode pour les équipes de développement du monde entier.

Les développeurs utilisent JUnit pour mettre en œuvre des tests unitaires, ce qui leur permet d’améliorer la qualité du code et d’accélérer la programmation. La popularité de JUnit n’est pas surprenante, car elle contribue beaucoup à une productivité accrue pour livrer un code de qualité. Cela étant dit, certaines équipes continuent d’utiliser JUnit 4 et sont inquiètes des perturbations que pourrait causer la migration vers JUnit 5.

La bonne nouvelle est que migrer de JUnit 4 à JUnit 5 n’est pas aussi difficile qu’il n’y paraît. Avec les bons outils et les bonnes données, les équipes peuvent effectuer le basculement rapidement et facilement. Pour aider les équipes à effectuer la transition, nous avons rédigé un guide qui couvre les bases de la migration vers JUnit 5.

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Over the last decade of cloud migration, the threat model against Java applications and the way that we need to defend them has shifted. OpenJDK has made one positive change in this area already by deprecating the old SecurityManager, a relic that protected a bygone era of AOL CDs and paper maps. The next positive change in security is to strengthen the supply chain of software components, know what’s running and what’s vulnerable, and communicate this information with non-technical experts whose data is at risk.

Part of this threat model is driven by vulnerable libraries like last year’s Log4j. Although Log4j is a great logging library and was active on patching, many teams scrambled to identify where they needed to apply those patches. For individual Java developers or teams that knew their code and could deploy, the patch was simple — you updated a library and that was it. The reality though is that software moves fast and far, often leaving the locus of control of these technical experts to stakeholders that don’t have the expertise to manage a problem at this level. In a scramble, teams that did not know Java-specifics looked everywhere including .NET software and Python forums. The government of Quebec shut services down until they knew where Log4j wasn’t. This scrambling was not effective and does not protect our data.

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Java for a lot of time has been accused and mocked for its verbosity. Even the most passionate Java developers have to admit that it felt ridiculous to declare a bean class with two attributes. If you follow the right recommendations, you end up adding not only getters and setters, but also the implementations of toString hashcode and equals methods. The final result is a chunk of boilerplate that invites you to start learning another language. 



import java.util.Objects; public class Car { private String brand; private String model; private int year; public String getBrand() { return brand; } public void setBrand(String brand) { this.brand = brand; } public String getModel() { return model; } public void setModel(String model) { this.model = model; } public int getYear() { return year; } public void setYear(int year) { this.year = year; } @Override public String toString() { return "Car{" + "brand='" + brand + ''' + ", model='" + model + ''' + ", year=" + year + '}'; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Car car = (Car) o; return year == car.year && Objects.equals(brand, car.brand) && Objects.equals(model, car.model); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(brand, model, year); }

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‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’ is a common API used by Java developers to read the System properties that are configured during application startup time. i.e. when you pass “-DappName=buggyApp” as your application’s startup JVM argument, the value of the ‘appName’ system property can be read by invoking the ‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’. Example:



public static String getAppName() { String app = System.getProperty("appName");   return app;

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Struggling to keep up with technology, or feeling overwhelmed with so many things to learn? Do you feel you are a competent developer, but you don’t see the results in your career? Maybe you feel like you don’t belong or that you are not good enough? Those are common symptoms, you are not alone! This talk will show you what’s behind those feelings, why you can’t keep up, and how to solve that. Come learn what the last 10 years of brain science have shown about our career and what the best developers do differently. Discover the exact skills you need to grow, and how to apply them in your project today. Become a better Java developer, create unlimited growth and forge your own path to success. Speaker Bio: Since 1995, Bruno helps Java developers improve their careers and work on cool projects with great people! Java Evangelist at ToolsCloud and Leader of SouJava, the Brazilian Java Users Society, Bruno discuss Java and the Developer Career in his project. 

Follow Bruno on Twitter:

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The best way to protect your Java code from avoidable bugs is to use static code analysis tools that can help you find and fix problematic code before it reaches production. Let’s look at some popular static code analysis tools that can be used to test code from a number of different angles.


DeepSource delivers what is probably the best static code analysis you can find for Java. The DeepSource Java analyzer detects 190+ code quality issues, including performance bugs, security risks, bug risks, and anti-patterns. Currently, It supports Gradle Java projects, and in the future, DeepSource will add support for Maven and Android too. DeepSource is also working on bringing Autofix support to the Java analyzer, which will let developers fix issues without writing a single code line.

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Though I have worked on Java for more than a decade, I have not had a chance to work on Groovy. While working for API Integration into Jenkins CI/CD pipeline, I extensively used Groovy to invoke REST API, validate the user input parameters, and business logic for that. After that, I found that Groovy is a fascinating program language for Java developers.

Why Is Groovy Easy for Java Developers?

It allows to use the Java syntax liberally and tries to be as natural as possible for Java developers. It is an object-oriented dynamic programming language for Java virtual machine (JVM) and can be integrated smoothly with any Java Program. The groovy syntax is lucid, familiar, and direct that makes to develop projects faster and easier. It demands a shorter learning curve for Java Developer to develop, test, and integrate to make production-ready code in a short span.

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Java was released on the 23rd of January 1996 and has celebrated its 24th anniversary in 2020. It has constantly been ranked in the first position according to the TIOBE index. In its 24 year journey, Java has proved itself to be the top general-purpose programming language for custom software development and 1,34,861 websites, like ESPN, SnapDeal, Alibaba, etc., use Java as their primary language. 

In the pie chart given below, you can see the usage of the Java language in various industries.

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What do you expect? Blockchain pics aren’t the easiest thing to come by, especially involving Java.

In a bid to increase the popularity of blockchain with Java developers, Aion Network has just released a new virtual machine specifically for blockchain built on top of the JVM

"One of the major obstacles faced by a business when they begin designing and prototyping blockchain solutions," the non-profit explained in a press release, "is the cost and time needed to train their teams in unfamiliar frameworks, languages, and tools. The Aion Virtual Machine (AVM) removes these obstacles and provides developers with a familiar and reliable development experience."

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