
Today, we’re going to talk about JUnit and unit testing, one of the key skills for any software developer. You may already know that JUnit and Mockito are two of the most popular testing libraries for Java applications, and you will find them in almost every Java application classpath. I often meet and work with Java developers who know Java well but haven’t written a single unit test. When I ask them why don’t you write unit tests, they come up with many excuses like they don’t have time for writing unit tests, there is always deadline pressure, and some of the honest guys will tell you that they tried writing but give-up after 10-15 minutes due to difficulty in testing their code.

Whatever your reason for not writing a unit test, I don’t think it’s going to work anymore because, in today’s world of DevOps and automation, there is increased focus on code reviews, unit testing, and integration testing, and you just can’t get away with not writing tests.

Source de l’article sur DZONE