
Jakarta EE is a unanimously adopted and probably the most popular Java enterprise-grade software development framework. With the industry-wide adoption of microservices-based architectures, its popularity is skyrocketing and during these last years, it has become the preferred framework for professional software enterprise applications and services development in Java.

Jakarta EE applications used to traditionally be deployed in run-times or application servers like Wildfly, GlassFish, Payara, JBoss EAP, WebLogic, WebSphere, and others, which might have been criticized for their apparent heaviness and expansive costs. With the advent and the ubiquitousness of the cloud, these constraints are going to become less restrictive, especially thanks to the serverless technology, which provides increased flexibility, for standard low costs.

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In this article, we will discuss the automation of application deployment on a web server using Jenkins Pipeline. We will use Jenkins Pipeline as a script. Jenkins Pipeline as script can be of two types: declarative type and scripted type. Here, we will use declarative Jenkins Pipeline script.

Prerequisite Knowledge

  • Git, GitHub
  • Building Java applications using Maven
  • Jenkins
  • Web server like Tomcat, JBoss, etc.

If you are new to Jenkins Pipeline script, then we would recommend you to go through this article first.

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Time for another update on installing the Red Hat Process Automation Manager with my easy install project.

Installing the latest process automation tooling for your development projects in just minutes on your very own machine has never been easier.

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In the previous article in this series introduced our thoughts on setting up a mission-critical open source Java platform using high availability in our Web layer. In this article we’ll continue by installing WildFly and configure our platforms topology.

Note: the terminology in this article, where possible, has been adjusted from the traditional master / slave descriptions to master / subordinate. Some of the images displayed have not yet been updated and show the older terminology. 

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Using advanced process integration techniques becomes essential as you evolve your developer skills while integrating more and more of your business workflows. Let’s take a closer look at what runtime strategies are available for your process automation projects and how to choose the right one for your needs.

It all starts with the core process engine, called Kie Server, and it can be configured to deal differently with the requests it receives and the objects it stores in memory or in the database. Properly configuring how the engine deals with the objects in memory, ensures a project with fewer resource consumption and avoids unexpected behaviors.

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Currently the Java platform is one of the most consolidated in the world, much of this is due to platform’s ability to support other languages such as Kotlin, Groovy and Scala, etc. Thousands of web and mobile applications are developed using the platform as a base. The Java platform has changed a lot in recent years and probably will keep evolving.

In parallel with these changes, we see the evolution application servers, that increasingly offer highly complex features such as load balancing components, smart asynchronous messaging, transaction control and many other technologies facilitating application development and standardization. They also provide a stable and scalable infrastructure for mission critical applications. One of the biggest challenges for application servers is to couple highly complex services, making them stable and flexible.

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