
Microsoft recently published a blog post announcing a new competition for data scientists. It calls for participants to use machine learning to predict, given the current state of a device, when (or if) it is likely to get infected with malware.

"The competition provides academics and researchers with varied backgrounds a fresh opportunity to work on a real-world problem using a fresh set of data from Microsoft," the blog post states. "Results from the contest will help us identify opportunities to further improve Microsoft’s layered defenses, focusing on preventative protection. Not all machines are equally likely to get malware; competitors will help build models for identifying devices that have a higher risk of getting malware so that preemptive action can be taken."

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In very simple language, Pattern Recognition is a type of problem while Machine Learning is a type of solution. Pattern recognition is closely related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Pattern Recognition is an engineering application of Machine Learning. Machine Learning deals with the construction and study of systems that can learn from data, rather than follow only explicitly programmed instructions whereas Pattern recognition is the recognition of patterns and regularities in data.

  1. Machine Learning

The goal of Machine Learning is never to make "perfect" guesses because Machine Learning deals in domains where there is no such thing. The goal is to make guesses that are good enough to be useful. Machine Learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. Machine Learning is a field that uses algorithms to learn from data and make predictions. A Machine Learning algorithm then takes these examples and produces a program that does the job. Machine Learning builds heavily on statistics. For example, when we train our machine to learn, we have to give it a statistically significant random sample as training data. If the training set is not random, we run the risk of the Machine Learning patterns that aren’t actually there.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

After a decade of stop-and-go development, Artificial Intelligence has now begun to provide real, tangible value to the business world. McKinsey published an 80-page report titled "Artificial Intelligence: The Next Digital Frontier?" which provides a comprehensive analysis of the value that Artificial Intelligence (AI) creates for businesses.

The report points out that "wide application of Artificial Intelligence technology will bring great returns to businesses." This means that the disruptive nature of AI will continue to become more apparent in the future. Governments, enterprises, and developers should all be clear on this point. Moreover, the report raises some interesting points (all of which we will discuss later in this article):

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Posting of projects sources by Microsoft is a good reason to perform their analysis. This time is no exception, and today, we will look at suspicious places found in Infer.NET code.

Briefly About the Project and the Analyzer

Infer.NET is a Machine Learning system developed by Microsoft specialists. Project source code has become recently available on GitHub, which gave rise to its check. More details about the project can be found here.

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It was great speaking with Michael Berthold, Founder and CEO at KNIME during their fall summit. Michael created KNIME after seeing all of the great data pharmaceutical companies were generating but also seeing the difficulty they had garnering insights due to the challenges of massaging and analyzing the data.

KNIME is an open platform that enables organizations to put their data to good use. Open data science platforms enable:

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Great speaking to David Butler, Head of Product Marketing and Phil Winters, Strategic Advisor at KNIME during their fall summit.

Systems that automate data science have been gaining a lot of attention recently. Similar to smart home assistants, automating data science for business users only works for well-defined tasks. We do not expect home assistants to have deep conversations about changing topics. In fact, the most successful systems restrict the types of possible interactions heavily and cannot deal with vaguely defined topics. Real data science problems are similarly vaguely defined: only an interactive exchange between the business analysts and the data analysts can guide the analysis in a new, useful direction, potentially sparking interesting new insights and further sharpening the analysis.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence are really hot at this moment and offering a lucrative career to programmers with high pay and exciting work. It’s a great opportunity for programmers who are willing to learn these new skills and upgrade themselves. It’s also important from the job perspective because Robots and Bots are getting smarter day by day, thanks to these technologies and most likely will take over some of the jobs which many programmers do today. Hence, it’s important for software engineers and developers to upgrade themselves with these skills. Programmers with these skills are also commanding significantly higher salaries as data science is revolutionizing the world around us. Machine Learning specialist is one of the top paid technical jobs in the world. However, most developers and IT professionals are yet to learn these valuable set of skills.

For those, who don’t know what is a Data Science, Machine Learning, or Deep Learning, they are very related terms with all pointing towards machine doing jobs which is only possible for humans till date and analyzing the huge set of data collected by modern day application.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools have come a long way since their introduction in the early 1990s. The ability of OCR software to convert different types of documents such as PDFs, files, or images into editable and easily storable format has made corporate tasks effortless. Not only this, it’s ability to decipher a variety of languages and symbols gives Infrrd OCR Scanner an edge over ordinary scanners.

However, building a technology like this isn’t a cakewalk. It requires an understanding of machine learning and computer vision algorithms. The main challenge one can face is identifying each character and word. So in order to tackle this problem we’re listing some of the steps through which building an OCR scanner will become much more clearer. Here we go:

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While Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning provide ample possibilities for businesses to improve their operations and maximize their revenues, there is no such thing as a “free lunch.”

The “no free lunch” problem is the AI/ML industry adaptation of the age-old “no one-size-fits-all” problem. The array of problems the businesses face is huge, and the variety of ML models used to solve these problems is quite wide, as some algorithms are better at dealing with certain types of problems than the others. Thus said, one needs a clear understanding of what every type of ML models is good for, and today we list 10 most popular AI algorithms:

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

The difference between Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: "Okay Google! What’s Up? Could you play my favorite track or Book a Cab from Palace Road to MG Road."

"Alexa, What time it is?" "Wake me up at 5 am." "Could you please tell me my tomorrow meetings?"

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)