
A common question that people ask is “should I use Ambassador if I’m using a service mesh (usually Istio)?” After all, both Ambassador and Istio are built on the Envoy Proxy. Moreover, Istio recently added support for explicitly managing ingress with the Gateway abstraction. So, do you need an API Gateway if you’re using a service mesh?

Ambassador (and API Gateways in general) focus on north/south traffic, i.e., traffic into your data center. Istio (and other service meshes) handle east/west traffic, i.e., traffic between services in your data center. If your service mesh already manages L7 traffic, can you use it for managing north/south traffic?

Source de l’article sur DZONE

"Microservices," the way it stands, is becoming a must-have for a lot of enterprises. It is being touted as the main component if you are leading a digital transformation journey. System integrators are having a field day calling themselves microservices experts. At the end of the day, 90% of implementations are going to fail. Why?

Because microservices by themselves are not the silver bullet. It is excellent armor, but by no means the only piece that you need to convert your legacy monolith — which, by the way, has seen the business grow leaps and bounds — into a lean, modern microservices architecture which will make your digital transformation journey successful. It is going to ruin a lot of C-level reputations.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Mark Brewer is CEO of Lightbend, the company known for bringing Reactive to JVM application development. With Strata Data Conference in New York, DZone caught up with Brewer to hear more about trends he is seeing around microservices in the enterprise, and to learn about the 2.0 version of Lightbend’s Fast Data platform.

As the company behind the Scala language, Lightbend was very early on making new abstractions for microservices and data-driven applications available to the broader JVM ecosystem. Talk us through that a little bit.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

We’ve put together this article by talking to the people involved in software modernization projects (in leading positions) here at ObjectStyle. The goal is to help decision-makers choose an optimal software modernization strategy. The post covers some common use cases and approaches to legacy software redesign. It’s also centered primarily around enterprise software development because these are the kind of projects we do most of the time.

What Is Legacy Software

The term "legacy software" is usually applied to a software system that was written decades ago in an outdated programming language, using some no-longer-supported framework(s), according to dated design principles, and/or that is currently running in an increasingly unsupportable environment.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

There are many great articles out there on microservices. For those who have been hiding under a rock about the controversial technique—or are new to the idea—this article simply aims to collate the top open source tools available in one handy place. Microservice architecture, or just microservices, is a highly scalable structural style for developing software systems. Such architecture can be used for enterprise applications for businesses, governments, schools, and charities, etc. It is quite the opposite of the legacy-style monolithic architecture that focuses on a single unit application.

Microservices are small, independent, and unique. And the architecture can be complex in both construction and maintenance. Microservices communicate with each other to serve business goals utilizing synchronous protocols, HTTP/REST or asynchronous protocols. HTTP/REST or AMQP are examples of collaborating services that implement functions related to one another to work as efficiently as possible.

Source de l’article sur DZONE