
Modern systems and applications span numerous architectures and technologies — they are also becoming increasingly more dynamic, distributed, and modular in nature. In order to support the availability and performance of their systems, IT operations and SRE teams need advanced monitoring capabilities. This Refcard reviews the four distinct levels of observability maturity, key functionality at each stage, and next steps organizations should take to enhance their monitoring practices.
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The goal for a successful continuous delivery process is to minimize the time it takes for development teams to go from idea to usable software by practicing agile techniques and automating the entire software delivery system: build, deploy, test, release. This Refcard explains detailed patterns and anti-patterns for core areas of CD, including the delivery and deployment phases, rollbacks, pipeline observability and monitoring, documentation, as well as communication across teams and within the organization.
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With microservices architecture becoming the de facto standard for web applications now, effective debugging and anomaly detection calls for a system that is observable — which means, the internal state of an application can be inferred by observing and tracking the metrics, traces, and logs.

Observability is all about data exposure and easy access to information required to find issues when the communications fail, internal events do not occur as expected or events occur when they shouldn’t. Here, you’ll learn and know about different microservices monitoring tools and how to monitor microservices. Let’s take a look!

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One of the things the other developer relations advocates here at New Relic and I often hear from customers is, « Even though I understand why observability is important, I’m having a dickens* of a time getting leadership to buy in (literally). »

Let me begin by pointing out how important it is for us — IT practitioners — to be willing and able to speak to management and leaders of the business about the work we do, and to do so in a way that is understandable and meaningful to the audience. I’m not implying you have to explain observability in a patronizing « explain it like they’re five » kind of way. I mean you need to explain the WHY of observability in the context of what the audience feels is important.

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Symbolization is a technique that allows you to translate machine memory addresses to human-readable symbol information (symbols).

Why do we need to read what programs do anyways? We usually do not need to translate everything to a human-readable format when things run smoothly. But when things go south, we need to understand what is going on under the hood. Symbolization is needed by introspection tools like debuggers, profilers, core dumps, or any other program that needs to trace the execution of another program. While a target program is executing on a machine, these types of programs capture the stack traces of the program that is being executed.

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Our profession evolves every year, whether through the introduction of a new tool, a new cloud service, or a new working method. This constant evolution requires the establishment of a learning culture to continuously share experiences and ideas, thus encouraging everyone to gain new knowledge each year.

Obviously, this demands a portion of our working time and an online library of training resources maintained by entities with authority in the domain. These entities are responsible for updating the content to allow us to continuously improve our skills, sometimes to advance in our career in order to aim for an internal or external evolution. Therefore, relying on trusted education partners is important to ensure the highest-quality learning content.

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This is the fourth and final post in our series on how you, the developer, can build or improve your company’s notification system. It follows the first post about identifying user requirements, the second about designing with scalability and reliability in mind, and the third about setting up routing and preferences. In this piece, we will learn about using observability and analytics to set your system and company up for success.

Developing an application can often feel like you’re building in the dark. Even after development, gathering and organizing performance data is invaluable for ongoing maintenance. This is where observability comes in—it’s the ability to monitor your application’s operation and understand what it’s doing. With close monitoring, observability is a superpower that allows developers to use various data points to foresee potential errors or outages and make informed decisions to prevent these from occurring.

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Is observability mission critical at this point? The folks at New Relic think so. And they’re not alone, according to their recent whitepaper on observability 90% of respondents believe observability is strategically important to their business. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand what’s going on within software development organizations.

New Relic’s GVP & GM Buddy Brewer and SVP Greg Perotto join the podcast to discuss observability best practices, how to avoid data silos, the value of telemetry across the entire software life cycle and the five key insights of New Relic’s Observability Forecast.

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Every developer has been there before: You release a new feature expecting a smooth ride, only to have something go awry in the back end at the last minute. 

An event like this can derail a launch, letting down customers and leaving you scratching your head wondering what went wrong.

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With the ecosystem being extremely saturated with a diversity of tools such as monitoring, observability, tracing, logging, and much more, it’s hard to truly understand how troubleshooting differs from these typical tools.

Today, when incidents occur, it is becoming increasingly complex to get a grasp on where to even get started with understanding what you’re up against, and then ultimately fixing the immediate issue, and then remediating the root cause.

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