
TL;DR: I share everything I’ve learned about what makes my favorite conference experiences so great and meaningful, and try to understand which elements are universal, applying to both physical and virtual events, and which ones can be changed. I share the experiences of having run an incredible three-day virtual event for 50 people, and share why I’m now incredibly confident that we’ll be able to replicate the magic of the best conferences at the upcoming Virtual DevOps Enterprise Summit — our goal is to make it one of the best programs we’ve ever done and to leverage the virtual format to achieve things that cannot be done in a physical conference.

Why I’m Writing This

Great physical conferences are magical. You learn from incredible talks, you’re exhilarated by being surrounded by the best in the game, you find fellow travelers who share similar goals and experience similar struggles that you hope to conquer together, and so much more. The connections you make at conferences often lead to lifelong friendships and can maybe even change your career.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Originally published on January 31, 2015

Spring Data JPA

How do we implement database relationships using spring data JPA?

Source de l’article sur DZONE

My wife is an event organizer, and in her early conferences, juggling a load of must-do items and decisions was a key pain-point as she kept many critical plates spinning. The stress of keeping all of it in her head at the same time filled up the cognitive capacity she had available to actually work on any of it.

We’ve all had people at work who’s answer to "When will that thing be done?" is always countered with "I’m working on it…" And, it never seems to be done. The most helpful people in taking on work are the least helpful in completing it.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Chatbots are obtaining appeal in all the industries of Service Industry. A chatbot is a computer system program that mimics human discussions and is powered by Artificial Intelligence. Organizations are adopting chatbots to provide customer support and jobs as understanding assistants as well as organization experts. The insurance policy sector and chatbots work together. Chatbots are aiding companies to streamline communication processes and also market products and services.

Chatbots supply a basic platform to access information related to an insurance policy and also get to millennials with the medium they are most accustomed to. Nowadays, products are complex and have numerous variations. Solutions are frequently customized in accordance with an individual’s demands, and chatbots get rid of human participation as well as secure the procedure. Chatbots lower the workforce in phone call centers, which assists the company to reduce overhead costs.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)