
Today, we’ll talk about design patterns and some of the best online courses to learn design patterns in Java. If you are wondering what a design pattern is and why Java developers should learn them, then let me give you a brief overview.

In simple terms, design patterns are nothing but a tried-and-tested solution to common programming problems, for example, the creational design patterns deal with the problems of object creation.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

As programmers, we have come across many blogs. Some of them have helped us to get started with a new technology, some have helped us become more proficient in a certain technology, while a few serve as a helpline when we encounter a certain problem in our code. Since so many blogs are out there, each related to different technologies, it is impossible to rank them according to their content. In this article, we shall discuss the top blogs having content related to general programming languages, UX Design, UI development, testing, and cloud computing.

1. Stack Overflow

Whenever a software professional gets stuck somewhere in their code, no matter what programming language they are using, Stack Overflow is the place where everyone can look for solutions. It is an open forum where you can post your queries or resolve queries posted by others.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Our team at DigiMantra Labs consists of many developers, but it has been dominated by frontend developers after the rising popularity of various JavaScript libraries like AngularJS, React.js, and others. We have moved to Microsoft Visual Studio Code and have long forgotten Sublime Text, but it’s a little secret that we still have developers that like "Dreamweaver." Yes, they do exist!

During one of our workshops, “Learn & Rise,” we discusses the various extensions that we use every day to make our lives easier. I collated them all and I’m going to share the top five VSC extensions that our developers use.

Source de l’article sur DZONE