
Questions d'entretien pour Scrum Master - Édition ChatGPT

Vous cherchez des questions d’entretien pour un Scrum Master ? Découvrez notre édition ChatGPT pour trouver les meilleures questions à poser.

Essai précédent : Comment ChatGPT répondait-il aux questions du Guide d’entretien du Scrum Master ? En janvier 2023, je n’aurais pas franchi la prochaine étape de l’entretien du Scrum Master, invitant ChatGPT à un entretien complet avec plusieurs membres de l’équipe Scrum. Alors, si les modèles GPT 3.5 ou 4.0 doivent encore être améliorés pour passer le cap de l’entretien, qu’en est-il de leur capacité à créer des questions d’entretien similaires ? Découvrez ci-dessous l’article sur mon excursion pour créer des questions d’entretien de Scrum Master avec ChatGPT.

Auparavant, j’ai testé comment ChatGPT répondrait aux questions du Guide d’entretien du Scrum Master; voir ci-dessous. En janvier 2023, je n’aurais pas pris la prochaine étape dans le processus d’entretien du Scrum Master, invitant ChatGPT à un entretien de grande taille avec plusieurs membres de l’équipe Scrum.

Donc, si les modèles GPT 3.5 ou 4.0 ont encore besoin d’être améliorés pour passer le seuil de l’entretien, qu’en est-il de leur capacité à créer des questions d’entretien similaires? Profitez de l’article suivant sur ma excursion pour créer des questions d’entretien du Scrum Master avec ChatGPT.

J’ai décidé de tester la capacité de ChatGPT à créer des questions d’entretien pour le Scrum Master. Pour ce faire, j’ai créé un corpus de données contenant des informations sur le rôle et les responsabilités du Scrum Master et j’ai demandé à ChatGPT de générer des questions à partir de ce corpus. J’ai été agréablement surpris par les résultats. Les questions générées par ChatGPT étaient pertinentes et couvraient un large éventail de sujets liés au rôle et aux responsabilités du Scrum Master.

Ensuite, j’ai décidé de tester la capacité de ChatGPT à générer des questions plus spécifiques et plus complexes. Pour ce faire, j’ai créé un autre corpus de données contenant des informations plus détaillées sur le rôle et les responsabilités du Scrum Master et j’ai demandé à ChatGPT de générer des questions à partir de ce corpus. De nouveau, les résultats étaient très satisfaisants. Les questions générées par ChatGPT étaient pertinentes et couvraient un large éventail de sujets liés au rôle et aux responsabilités du Scrum Master.

Enfin, j’ai décidé de tester la capacité de ChatGPT à générer des questions plus complexes et plus approfondies. Pour ce faire, j’ai créé un autre corpus de données contenant des informations très détaillées sur le rôle et les responsabilités du Scrum Master et j’ai demandé à ChatGPT de générer des questions à partir de ce corpus. Une fois encore, les résultats étaient très satisfaisants. Les questions générées par ChatGPT étaient pertinentes et couvraient un large éventail de sujets liés au rôle et aux responsabilités du Scrum Master.

Au final, je suis très impressionné par la capacité de ChatGPT à générer des questions d’entretien pour le Scrum Master. Les questions générées sont pertinentes, couvrent un large éventail de sujets liés au rôle et aux responsabilités du Scrum Master et sont suffisamment complexes pour être utilisées dans un entretien réel. Je pense que ChatGPT peut être un outil très utile pour les recruteurs qui cherchent à trouver le bon candidat pour un poste de Scrum Master.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

TL; DR: ChatGPT Prompts for Scrum Practitioners

Last week, I ran an “interview” with ChatGPT as an applicant for a fictitious Scrum Master position based on questions from Scrum Master Interview Guide. While the overall results were broadly acceptable, I thought that changing the ChatGPT prompts might deliver better results. So, this time, I chose to present ChatGPT with three everyday scenarios based on more comprehensive prompts. Lo and behold, it worked very well.

Think twice if you still believe this technology is a fad or a toy. Instead, grab a cup of coffee and read for yourself.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The reasons Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted. Typical Scrum Master anti-patterns run from ill-suited personal traits to complacency to pursuing individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.

Read on and learn in this post on Scrum anti-patterns how you can identify if your Scrum Master needs support from the team.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The daily stand-up is broken. 

No wonder. It was invented almost 30 years ago and we’re still running it the exact same way.

When daily stand-up meetings started in the early 90s, the software development process looked very different. Git didn’t exist. Jira didn’t exist. Collaboration tools didn’t really exist. DevOps didn’t exist. Automation tools didn’t exist. Analytics tools didn’t exist.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

I woke up Friday morning at 3 am for the second consecutive day and yet again I couldn’t fall back asleep. The day before was the second and final day of my first experience co-training the new Professional Scrum Master II course. My head is full of new information and experiences which has seemingly created an endless loop in my brain.

I attended the PSM II course myself back in June at a Train the Trainer event at HQ ahead of its launch. It was a privilege to experience the course stewards Barry Overeem and Christiaan Verwijs facilitate the course in a way that I could only strive to reach. The experience was powerful and provided a mirror into my experiences as a Scrum Master. It changed the way I think.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Solving Impediments as a Team

The main message of the retrospective was clear: there are too many interruptions by stakeholders and the senior management. The interruptions impeded the flow of work through the team. Consequently, achieving the sprint goal had been at risk several times in the past. Moreover, the team missed the sprint goal twice recently. Solving impediments as a team has become a necessity.

Learn more on how to tackle impediments as a team by running experiments and iterating on the solution.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

A self-organized team is a utopian state where every Agile Coach or Scrum Masters strives to bring their Agile team. This transformation will not happen in a day or two, but it will require months to years, depending on the organization’s alignment and priority in adopting Agile. It requires constant coaching from the Scrum Masters/Agile Coaches with periodic inspection and adaption into the team. This article is mainly about understanding the changes happening in a team while transforming into a self-organized team. The identification of these phases will enable the Scrum Masters/Agile Coaches to shift their focus areas accordingly.

The transformation happens on a phase-by-phase basis. And below are the identified phases as part of the real-time experience.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

The Scrum Master profession spans a wide variety of skills, knowledge, and experience. Scrum Masters try to create high performing teams and drive organizational change. Although our primary focus and responsibility is the process, it’s people we work with all the time. Surprisingly, our profession focuses predominantly on developing cognitive intelligence (IQ). We need to learn to appreciate the value of emotional intelligence (EQ) in becoming great Scrum Masters.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

The term emotional intelligence was first created by researchers Peter Salavoy and John Mayer, and popularized by author Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence has been defined as, "the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, and recognize, understand, and influence the emotions of others."

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Finally! With the "embargo" lifted by, we can now share with you the incredible journey that Barry Overeem and I have been on for the past months.

The bottom-line is that has acquired our "Scrum Master Advanced" class. We’ve been spending the past eight months turning it into the official, brand new Professional Scrum Master II class (PSM-II) for As newly-minted course stewards, we are now responsible (with Stephanie Ockerman and Simon Reindl) for the entire Professional Scrum Master curriculum (both PSM-I and PSM-II). If you’d like to know more about the class and how we designed it, click here for a detailed write-up.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Hello, great people of the world. In the previous article, we have discussed how Scrum Masters need to master many things. In this article, we are going to discuss one of the stances that the Scrum Master need to master, the facilitation stance. A great Scrum Master is a great facilitator, otherwise, the Scrum Master will be seen as no more than a master of ceremonies or even an event organizer. A great Scrum Master is able to facilitate an event that leads to a high-quality decision that is owned by the whole group attending that event.

By default, the Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum events: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospectives, and Product Backlog refinement sessions. Throughout this article, I am going to use the term "facilitated event" as it may refer to more than just the built-in Scrum events. Throughout this article, I am also going to refer to a group rather than Scrum Team, because there are many instances where the Scrum Master needs to facilitate an event between a group of people outside of the Scrum Team or between the Scrum Team and those outside of the Scrum Team.

So What Is Facilitation?

In many cultures, I have seen how a facilitator is undermined and seen as the master of ceremony or an event organizer. I’ve even witnessed a program manager tell me that Sprint Retrospectives are less important than Sprint Planning because Sprint Retrospectives are just about having that touchy feeling. That is quite sad. Facilitation is not a passive activity. In fact, facilitation requires skills and facilitating an engaging event itself is an art. The outcome of the facilitated event is a high-quality decision. So we can also say that the Scrum Master is partly responsible for poor decision generated by the group of people.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)