
Disclaimer – I am not in any ways affiliated with Sonar Source, I just happen to be using their product(s), and the stuff I’ve seen so far, is simply amazing as far as I am concerned!

As software developers, we are non-stop fighting the never ending recurring battle against "code rot". Code rot often implies that our Program Manager asks us for a feature, and we sneak in an additional "if" statement in one method, and a couple of "while" statements in another method, and our program manager is pleased with the effect. Slowly over time of course, the effect this approach has on our code, is less cohesion, clarity, and readability, in our classes, methods, and modules – And our code slowly mutates over time to become "a big ball of mud", until it reaches that point where it’s no longer possible to maintain.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The difference between a junior and a senior software developer is 90% their toolset. A senior will choose better tools, because of his experience, and as a result, he or she will deliver better results. This is why most senior software developers have an arsenal of libraries, frameworks, and tools, he or she is using – Because the senior will do anything possible to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Honorable mentions here can be found below.

  • Entity Framework for .Net Core
  • Refit for .Net Core
  • Angular
  • React
  • Etc, etc, etc …

But also commercial tools such as SonarCube and Bugsnag can be listed here.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

There’s no arguing that experience is what makes great software developer. However, there are tools that can help you in the pursuit of becoming better at what you do. Whether you’re new to software development or are already a veteran, you need to have the right tools if you’re striving to become a better software developer. 

There are tons of tools well-suited for developers, and selecting the best can be a challenge. Here is a curated list of tools organized by different categories. Let me know what your favorites are in the comments.

Source de l’article sur DZONE